Chapter 148 Memory Image
With the mini flag to guide the way, Liao Yu's exploration in this soul space is much easier.

Moreover, this little flag not only leads the way, but also seems to make up for its mistakes and pass all the information it can know to Liao Yu.

After Liao Yu summarized and absorbed it, a simple metaphor is:
The relic body that is now in the hands of the eldest prince, the flag of command with the "formation system" capability, has been used by the eldest prince to become a huge server.

All the people of the Sorcerous Kingdom were "formed" together by the First Prince and built into a huge machine.
Human column computer.

Neither the general public, nor the nobles in the House of Commons, have access to the internal network of this computer, and it is only used as a resource.

Only the consul who has been given a "mask" by the eldest prince can have a small number of permissions to use this computer.

The soul space that I am in now is actually equivalent to the computer's intranet.

And the "mask" is the login device.

Wearing the "mask", I entered the soul space with the help of the mask, which was equivalent to logging in with a strange IP. It immediately aroused the vigilance of the relics and was regarded as a virus invading the computer. Only then did the previous aggressive and aggressive behavior come to check my mini. The little flag scene.

The mini flag in front of him is the differentiation of the relic itself.

Of course.

The results of checking for viruses are also clear at a glance.

He surrendered directly to the enemy.

All the above "internal data" were also given to Liao Yu.

Overall, it was similar to the information provided to him by the high-ranking star spirit and the second prince.

But there are still some things that deserve Liao Yu's attention.

Through the puzzled little flag Liao Yu was able to "check" the information and see some memory images of the eldest prince related to the "Flag of Command".

Among them is the scene when the emperor gave the eldest prince the relics.

The majestic hall is supported by twelve pillars with different patterns, and the shadow sits on the "throne" at the top of the stairs. Although the emperor's appearance is shrouded in shadow, through memory, Liao Yu can feel the eldest prince's love for his "father" of deep awe.

The emperor explained the function and use of this "Flag of Command" relic to the eldest prince in detail. It was obvious that he was extremely familiar with the relics of the brave.

Of course, the relic was not given to the eldest prince for free. The purpose was for the eldest prince to use the relic to maintain the "Psychic Wall" well.

The eldest prince in the memory image once asked the supreme being on the "throne" about the purpose of the "psychic wall" and what it was blocking.

After all, the empire at that time had already dominated the world.

And the answer given by the emperor was.
"Old Enemy"

The eldest prince in his memory was full of confusion. Although Liao Yu also felt a little strange about the name "old enemy", he should be referring to the demons here.

This also proves from the side that his caution was right at the beginning, and the caution of the wise demons was not a battle of wits and courage with the air. The real high-level people behind mankind, at least the previous "emperors", have never forgotten the demons, and have even regarded them as As an old enemy?

The psychic wall is only one of the methods.

The three major kingdoms were all given "different" means by the Emperor.

Unfortunately, Liao Yu can't see it from the image memory provided by the current mini flag, only a partial perspective of the eldest prince.

The first eldest prince was indeed conscientious in carrying out the emperor's orders.

Work hard to use the power of the relics to maintain the psychic wall.


As time went on, there seemed to be something wrong with the eldest prince's mind, or in other words, the desires from his heart began to agitate.

Such a powerful relic is only used to maintain the wall and defend against a "non-existent" imaginary enemy?
Too much waste.

Therefore, from the image memory, Liao Yu could see that gradually, the eldest prince began to use the relics and this "computer" to conduct other research without hiding it from the emperor and everyone.

The study of "super position" magic.

This is why the previous archons frequently felt unwell and fell into weakness, and mentioned that the need for the "matrix" was increasing.

With the help of the powerful computing power of this "computer" that unites all the people of the Sorcerous Kingdom, the eldest prince wants to reproduce and master those "superposition" spells that only existed in legends thousands of years ago.In the eyes of the eldest prince, the "super position" technique is no different from nuclear weapons.

This is true.

Liao Yu recalled that in the Zhoumu game, even in the peak battle between humans and demons a thousand years ago, super-level magic was definitely a killer weapon. In that era when magisters were everywhere, there were only two in the world. Being able to perform super-position spells by himself alone.

One is the magic apostle Dadaya from the demon clan.

The other one is the master in his game and the great guardian of the human camp, Melvin.

In the opinion of the eldest prince, as long as he can master the super-position technique, no other prince can shake his position.

Liao Yu could sense from this memory of madness and greed that the ambitious eldest prince, after getting in touch with the relics more and more and realizing the power of the relics, did not even pay attention to the "Emperor".

Of course, such research cannot be accomplished by the eldest prince alone, so he needs external help to assist him in running and controlling this huge relic computer.

And this assistant is exactly that.
Queen of the Protoss.

When the Syndicate was underground, the high-level star spirit asked him to rescue their imprisoned king.

With the mini flags leading the way, Liao Yu can travel unimpeded in the soul space.

Every level has a green light and can be passed smoothly.

While walking, Liao Yu could see that it was really like a network, and each densely packed small point of light that made up this "soul network" corresponded to a connected person, the people of the Magic Kingdom.

And the final place where all light points are connected.

Queen of the Protoss.

It can be regarded as the super AI of this "computer".

The other party's current appearance is not the kind of light group common among star spirits.

On the contrary, it still resembles a human body.

However, it was enlarged several times. In this soul space, the female giant like a hill and
It looks rather miserable.

Those thin lines connecting the people of the Sorcerous Kingdom were like wires, connected to the body of the giant Queen of the Stars.

The current queen's body, almost every part, is like a computer host, filled with complicated and countless wires.

If the eldest prince wanted to use the relic before, he would have to bear the power of the souls of tens of millions of people in the Sorcerous Kingdom that were connected to the relic.

But now, with the "cluster" of the Queen of Star Spirits, he only needs to give instructions to the Queen alone, which is equivalent to the Queen bearing the pressure of the relics on his behalf.

In the soul space, the tall Star Spirit Queen in front of Liao Yu had her eyes closed and her expression was painful.

It was as if he was in infinite torture, and he was in so much pain that he didn't want to live.

At this moment, a Ruowuowu voice came from Liao Yu's ear.

".Find me from the material plane."

"Release. Liberate"

"I will give you a reward"

These intermittent murmurings undoubtedly come from the Queen of Star Spirits.

Although she still closed her eyes tightly, she must have sensed her arrival before calling for help.

However, the Queen of the Stars seems to have underestimated him.

Now if Liao Yu thought about it, he could actually cut off these thin lines that bound and imprisoned the Queen of Star Spirits in the soul space, and cut off the connection between her and the relics.

But Liao Yu thought about it and still didn't do it.

(End of this chapter)

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