Chapter 149 Queen of Star Spirits
Firstly, it's because, although he has the highest authority over relics in the soul space, just like a hacker, he can treat the other party's computer as his own home.

But Liao Yu's main purpose is not to paralyze the relics, but to get back the relics that originally belonged to him. To do this, he still has to truly come into contact with the relics in reality.

So it would be better to leave the relic as is for now.

As for the second thing, it’s
To be honest, Liao Yu doesn't have a very good feeling towards the Queen of Star Spirits. It's not that although the other party is asking for help, she still has a condescending tone. What's more important is that from now on, the mini flags that follow him can also It can be seen that Xiao Qizi exudes strong vigilance towards the Queen of Star Spirits.

This is especially true from the next scene.

Seeing that Liao Yu didn't respond to her for a long time, the Star Spirit Queen might have thought that Liao Yu needed more temptation to guide her.

So her eyelids moved slightly, as if she reluctantly gave some of her strength to Liao Yu.

Soon, a star spirit earthworm that Liao Yu had seen before crawled out from under the eyelids of the giant queen, then swam in the direction of Liao Yu, and finally stopped in front of Liao Yu.

".Humans use it."

"You will be granted the right to access some of the relics by me."

"Borrow it. Find me. Kill. Imprison my humans."

"I will give you everything you want."

As the last words fell, the space began to vibrate.

As if in the material plane of reality, the eldest prince noticed something strange about the Queen of Star Spirits and began to inspect the relics.

The "giant woman full of wires" in front of Liao Yu quickly disappeared, and everything became quiet again.


In addition to being left behind, what was still floating in front of him was the star earthworm given to him by the Queen.

From the appearance, this earthworm is fatter and more energetic than the one the consul took out before. It seems to be eager to try on Liao Yu and really wants to get into Liao Yu's mind.

When Liao Yu touched it with his palm, the star spirit earthworm couldn't wait to wait for Liao Yu to make a move, and began to crawl towards the eye socket along with Liao Yu's palm.

The confusing little flag next to Liao Yu changed from the original vigilance to one that exuded strong hostility.

However, neither the earthworm nor the previous Celestial Queen seemed to be aware of the existence of this mini flag.

Of course Liao Yu would not accept such disgusting things.

He waved his hand and threw the earthworm directly to the ground, then stepped on it, turning the star spirit earthworm into star spirit meat paste.

After seeing Liao Yu, the mini flags around him seemed to be relieved, and then they even waved flags and cheers to Liao Yu, surrounding them happily, looking very happy.

If there hadn't been another "Sword of Dawn" watching eagerly next to him, otherwise this mini flag would have been raised and lowered enough to rub against Liao Yu a few times to show his happiness.

There must be a reason why Little Flag is so against the Star Spirit Earthworm.

It seems that the relationship between the relic, the eldest prince, and the Celestial Queen is by no means as simple as it seems on the surface.

After Liao Yu reminded himself to be careful about this, he also withdrew from this soul space.

After taking off the dark gold mask and returning to the material plane of reality, Liao Yu's next goal was already very clear.

From the mini flag, he already knew the coordinates of the relic, and he could reach it directly through the Archon's teleportation array through the hall.

But strong attack is not Liao Yu's style.

Moreover, Liao Yu has never forgotten that there is also the line of "Second Prince".

From the previous memory images of the eldest prince, we can know that each prince has a relic and has a task assigned by the emperor. The more important the prince, the more so.

Liao Yu wanted to know which relic the second prince was given, and what back-up plan he was responsible for guarding against the demons.

Maybe he can use Trite again.

Liao Yu, who was playing with the mask, quickly came up with an idea and was about to leave to make preparations.

But at this moment, there was another small unexpected episode.

The cause came from those three iron cages containing children that were conveyed together by the Archon.

For these children who were captured as "energy sources", Liao Yu did not directly give orders on how to deal with them, but handed them over to Velxi.

As elves from the good and lawful camp, they naturally chose to let them all go.

However, after all, she has become an apostle of the demon clan, and with Elena watching next to her, Velxi has also grown a lot. Before she let the children go, she faced the children in front of the succubus, All of them cast amnesia spells.

In this way, even if it is released, it will not cause harm to the demons and will not reveal anything.

Elena frowned, definitely dissatisfied, but she didn't say anything in the end.After all, in the view of the succubus, killing them all is the cleanest way.

But just when Wilsey used the amnesia technique on the last child, something unexpected happened.

Unlike other frightened, panicked, and scared children.

In the end, the little girl turned out to be very calm.

He could even take the initiative to say to Wilsey in the iron cage: "Sister, can you let me join you?"

The little girl's opening attracted a lot of attention.

Even Liao Yu looked over with interest.

He looked up and down. Although she was thin, she stood straight in the iron cage.

Although the other party was dirty all over, as if a lot of mud had stuck on her during transportation, she still couldn't hide the little girl's cute face. This face alone seemed to be able to make some fetishists want to move.

If you look carefully, Liao Yu can see many scars on the little girl's naked clothes, including bloodstains from whipping and bruises from being beaten.

These scars are not recent. Many of them have been formed for a long time and have even become scars on the skin. They are undoubtedly the result of frequent abuse.

After taking in these details, Liao Yu took the initiative to come to the iron cage and talk to the little girl.

"What's your name?"

"Xia Lulu."

"You want to join us? Why, if you are afraid that you will have nowhere to go and cannot survive after losing your memory, then you should be worrying too much."

"The kind sister next to you will most likely find you secretly behind my back later and send you to an orphanage. She may also give the dean a large amount of money and tell her to take good care of you. ?”

Wei Erxi, who was next to Liao Yu, lowered her head like an ostrich after saying these words. It was obvious that Liao Yu had completely figured out the little things in her heart.

But the little girl in the iron cage shook her head.

"It's useless. I've tried it many times, and the ending is always the same every time."

Xia Lulu said and looked at the scars on her body. Only then did Liao Yu vaguely understand what the girl was referring to.


A beautiful appearance is a blessing for a rich lady, but for a refugee, it is
The whip marks, beatings, and all kinds of torture on the girl's body speak for themselves.

And this also makes the girl grow up.

With a mind like now, far beyond that of his peers.

"I'm valuable to you. I can be your cargo and help you sneak into their base camp, so you don't need to bring other children."

If Liao Yu did not attack by force, but went to the relic body through normal means, it would have to be in the name of "cargo".

And this guy naturally has to be a child with magical talent.

These children were bound to be sacrificed. Liao Yu had no intention of doing this, so he originally planned to find a few evil demons from the demon clan in disguise, but now it seems...
As if to prove to Liao Yu that she alone can become the capital of goods.

Xia Lulu, who was in the iron cage, pointed to a token not far away on the side of the Archon's luggage. It was a replica of the "Marriage System" that could discover the potential of an object.

After Liao Yu took it, when the token was pointed at Xia Lulu, a strong purple light burst out.

Purple light represents the object's four-star potential quality.

"The executive who found me at that time didn't sleep a wink all night." Xia Lulu added.

Is it purple?

Liao Yu looked at the light that completely overflowed from the token and threw it away. This counterfeit could only emit purple light at best.

Later, when Liao Yu used the real "bonding system" to cast a quality check on the little girl in the iron cage in front of him, the light that appeared was a dazzling orange light.

Liao Yu: "What do you want from us?"


Looking at Xia Lulu without thinking, Liao Yu smiled. He opened the iron cage himself and stretched out his hand to the little girl.

"as you wish."

(End of this chapter)

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