Chapter 150 Mind Control
Although he exited the consciousness space of the relic, the previous mini flag still remained.

With the ability of the mini-flag, even if Liao Yu didn't wear the Archon mask, as long as he concentrated, he could sense the hearts of the people of the Sorcerous Kingdom who were connected to the relics.

In other words, as long as he is in the Sorcerous Kingdom, he can basically be regarded as possessing the ability to "read minds."

Just like now.
[What on earth did that villain do? 】

[His men also seem to have left. This...maybe this is an opportunity? 】

[Should you take the opportunity to escape?]

When Liao Yu returned to Cuite, the former executive officer who had been cut off by him was restless, with a face full of tangles and hesitation.

Liao Yu showed up in no hurry, as he was already proficient in his new abilities. He strengthened his use of perception, and suddenly more of the young man's psychological activities were clearly exposed in front of Liao Yu.

【No no no.】

[I still haven’t figured out where the villain came from. What if there is a back-up plan? It’s too risky to run away now! 】

[Then what should I do? I can’t always be controlled by this villain. I have to find a way to escape.]

[We can only wait for the delivery later. That is the only chance. When that time comes, I will directly reveal it to the Archon. With the Archon here, no matter how powerful the villain is, can he be more powerful than the Archon? 】

【Well, let’s do it!Treat, be patient!Be patient first! 】

Don't tell me, this Trite's thinking is quite clear.

He can hold back his fear of himself and always cooperate with himself fully. Then when he is relaxed, he will jump back to the Archon and rely on the strength of the Archon to get rid of himself.

It's normal for Trite to always want to run away. After all, he was cut off by his "villain". However, he will still need him later, so he has to let this guy stay with him for a while.

In this case, I have to find a way to correct Trite's "wanting to run away" problem.

This may have been a bit difficult before. If you want to achieve it quickly, you can only use brainwashing techniques similar to those of the evil demons.

But now
Liao Yu closed his eyes and connected his perception with the mini flag. He immediately returned to the previous consciousness space. Here, he saw the one representing "Treat" among the thousands of light spots.

Since Trit is a member of the Sorcerous Kingdom, he is affected by the "relic".

Now that he, a "hacker", has the authority to use the relic, it would be easy to scare Trit.

I saw Trite, who was still in the room, planning his escape plan, suddenly his mind sank, and then he seemed to be swept away by something, and he lost consciousness and fell on the table with a plop.

Trite's soul consciousness was directly extracted by Liao Yu and entered the relic space, where another illusion created by Liao Yu had been waiting for a long time.

"Lord Archon!?"

Trite, who was suddenly pulled into a different space, was still a little shocked and full of confusion. However, when he saw a tall man wearing armor and a dark golden mask in the space, his nervousness suddenly disappeared and turned into surprise. .

"It's you! You're here! Great! Lord Archon, I have collected all the goods here in Shidian City, but you must be careful. There is a heretic who is eyeing us. I, I have been here. I will monitor him for you. For the safety of the goods, I beg you to take action and kill this alien..."

Trite had thought about asking the Archon for help before, but now the Archon came directly. Trite grabbed the life-saving straw and quickly exposed Liao Yu, the villain, and let the Archon deal with it.

As a result, before Trite finished speaking, the consul opposite him raised his hand, as if he wasn't listening at all, and then took out a box from his arms under Trite's confused gaze.

"Lord Archon, what is this?"

"Your reward, you will truly join us and become one with us."

The illusion of the Archon created by Liao Yu in the spiritual space was completely modeled after the real Archon in the previous reality.

When Trite heard this, although it was a little strange, he was mostly ecstatic.

What do you mean?
Could it be that that villain was an important wanted criminal and that he had made a meritorious service after reporting the information?

And what does the Archon’s reward mean?
Really join us?Is it possible that I, I can also be promoted to consul? ?

Trite's beautiful illusions were quickly shattered as he opened the Archon's box, because when Trite couldn't hold it back anymore and looked into the box with great anticipation, what he saw was a psychic earthworm wriggling inside.

"What is this? Lord Archon?"

Trite looked at the earthworm. There were densely packed tiny serrations in its mouthparts. The skin of the maggot was full of wrinkles and pimples. Trite, who was already a little scared, immediately felt chills all over his body and felt extremely sick.

He pretended to be calm and tried his best to test it. Unexpectedly, the consul said coldly: "Let it enter your body. From now on, we will be connected to each other forever under the mother's body."

"Wait, wait, Lord Archon, what did you say!? No, no, no, there must be something wrong with this. Take it away! Take this disgusting bug away!!"

Trite was completely stunned when he heard that the Archon wanted the bugs to enter his body. Then he felt nauseated in his stomach. He backed away in fear and wanted to turn around and run away.

But at this moment, a huge force pulled him back, and then in front of him, the consul whom he envied and admired actually had insects crawling out from under the mask, as if to explain to him that the only way to accept it was to accept it. It is their fate to be infected by insects.

"No no! Help! Help! Let me go! Let me go!! No!!!"

Trite, who was struggling and shouting crazily, was still dragged forward by the Archon and was now unable to move.

He was forced to open his eyes wide and could only watch helplessly as the Archon inserted the earthworm, which seemed to be twisting and squirming in the air with excitement, into his eye socket.


In the real room, Trite, who was originally lying on the table, suddenly woke up and jumped up from the chair. Then his center of gravity became unstable and he fell down.

But Trite, who was now dominated by collapse and fear, couldn't care about this. He sat on the ground and looked at the familiar environment around him before he realized that it was all a dream, a nightmare, and it was extremely real. nightmare.

Even so, he still slowed down for a while before he got up tremblingly from the ground. Trite's legs were weakening. He hurriedly came to the mirror, opened his eyelids, and found that he was not as touched as in his dream. After the intrusion wound, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But the Archon and the insect had already cast a deep shadow on him.

Is that a dream?


Trite believed that this was a revelation, a warning from the god of "wisdom and harmony" to himself.

Yes, that's right!

Pagans. Archons are the real pagans!
No no no, wait.

In that case, wouldn’t the entire House of Lords and the entire Sorcerous Kingdom be
After discovering the secret of the bug, Trite thought about it for a moment, and a deeper fear enveloped him.

escape!Run away quickly!Trite really wanted to escape, but this time he didn't want to escape from Liao Yu, but from the Archon, from the Sorcerous Kingdom.

[Quick, contact that villain, run, and let him take you with him. If you don’t run, it will be too late! 】

[I will never, never be controlled by that disgusting insect! 】

【Damn!Why hasn’t that bastard come back? Come back quickly!No, I can't delay it any longer. I can't escape by myself. I have to let that villain help me. Yes, I have to take the initiative to find him. If I wait any longer, it will be too late by the time the Archon comes to find him. ! 】

When Liao Yu read Trite's mind again, he had completely changed his mind.

This is different from brainwashing. You don't impose any will. You just expose the real events in the conscious space and let the other party change their attitude on their own.

Liao Yu even thought a little more.

After he gets the original body of the relic, not only Trite, but also everyone in the Sorcerous Kingdom can directly use this kind of psychic ability. I am afraid that most of the people in the Sorcerous Kingdom can switch sides in an instant. .

(End of this chapter)

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