Chapter 151 Who are you?

After putting his thoughts back that were too far away, Liao Yu approached the house again. Before he could open the door, as if he heard footsteps, a worried Trite rushed out.

After seeing Liao Yu come back, this time it was not like meeting a villain, but like meeting his biological father.

"Lord Liao Yu! Quick! Let's run!"

"Run? What's wrong, can't you wait for the consul to come? We still have to deliver the goods." Liao Yu pretended not to know and teased Trite a little.

Trite was sweating profusely when he heard this.

"Sir! Big brother! Brother! No more consuls! They are all aliens! They are all heretics! Leave the goods alone, let's go, let's leave quickly! It's too late if we don't leave!!"

It can be seen that Trite is really worried about the nightmare that Liao Yu gave him. He even changed his name several times in a hurry.

"That's not possible. If we just leave like this, will my trip be in vain soon?"

Seeing Liao Yu still smiling and shaking his head, Trite almost cried. If he hadn't wanted to hug Liao Yu's thigh, he would have run away alone. Just when Trite was about to tell the story about the bug in the dream, Liao Yu also said it again to make Liao Yu understand the seriousness of the matter. When Liao Yu saw this, he stopped teasing Trite and directly put something in front of Trite from his arms.

The Archon's dark gold mask collided with the table, making a dull cross talk. Trite didn't pay much attention to it at first, as running away was not important, but just a glance from the corner of his eye made Trite's eyes widen.

"This mask!?"

How could he not recognize the Archon mask? It would be better to say that after experiencing the nightmare, he was even more impressed by it. Of course Trite also knew that the mask was like a status symbol for the Archon, and he had to wear it even when sleeping. , but how could it happen now?
Trite's first reaction was, could it be that Liao Yu's true identity was the Archon? ?

No, not right.


And the Archon would not take off his mask, let alone leave it on the table so casually.

So, could it be said.
After Trite realized the possibility, his eyes widened even more, and he opened his mouth. He was so shocked that no sound came out.

Could it be that when this scoundrel went out just now, he was going to deliver the consul to the police?
"How about it? Is this product worth the money?"

"What do you want?" Trite asked cautiously, holding his breath.

Liao Yu picked up the mask and played with it, and said casually: "As my subordinate, follow me to the House of Lords, and we will do something big."

When Trite heard Liao Yu's words, he almost had a black eye.

Only then did he realize how much he had underestimated the villain in front of him.

It turned out that the other party was just trying to rob him, just as a springboard. What this villain really wanted to rob was the House of Lords! ?

"No, no, sir, it's not enough. We need goods, real goods, otherwise you won't be able to pass the inspection even if you wear a mask. I think it's still a good idea."

Before Trite finished speaking, Liao Yu waved behind him, and then Trite saw a little girl walking up to him.

This is?

Seeing Trite's confused look, Xia Lulu opened her still immature hands without Liao Yu's words, and quickly chanted a spell in front of Trite.

The raging magic power burst out from the girl's body, Xia Lulu's eyes flashed with arcane light, and the next moment Trite felt covered by a strong gravity, unable to move even a little bit all over his body.

Human immobilization.

Fourth level magic.

Trite was immediately dumbfounded. He had lived for more than 20 years and still hadn't touched the threshold of the fourth-level magic. As a result, the girl in front of him, who was probably about ten years old, could sing at the speed of light and immobilize him?A ten-year-old magister! ?

At this time, Liao Yu stood up, came to Trite's side, and patted his shoulder.

"How about this, plus this, is it enough to go to the House of Lords and get votes?"

The Archon's Mask provides the location coordinates, allowing them to penetrate inside.

As a hidden back-up, this teenage mage girl can pretend to be their goods, but is actually a bomb sent inside.

"Enough! Enough!" Trite said tremblingly.

He only had one question left now.

"Sir, you, who are you?"

Killing a consul is just like playing for fun, but he can also cultivate such a terrifying and perverted little girl subordinate. Now Trite especially wants to know who Liao Yu is.

And why are you so obsessed with the "House of Lords"?In fact, Liao Yu didn't need to answer him.

But think about it.

Liao Yu suddenly discovered something interesting.

He smiled, then patted Treat on the shoulder again, and said in two simple words: "Devil King."

Demon. Demon King! ?Trite was stunned at first, and then immediately took a breath.

He searched his memory and found it.

In the Sorcerous Kingdom's House of Lords, there seemed to be a traitor who had issued a wanted order to arrest a escaped prisoner.

The prisoner, along with a group of other black magicians, fled to the Syndicate and became king there.

That group of people call themselves.
Tell the dead disciples!
And the leader of this group of black magicians who defected from the House of Lords, if Treat remembers correctly, calls himself the Demon King!

The Sorcerer King!

No wonder!
Everything was instantly explained to Trite.

This, this is the devil coming back for revenge!
It's just that the image of this devil seems to be different from the short and ugly old man painted on the wanted poster.

But Trit didn't care.

After all, it is normal for the picture on the wanted poster to be very different from the reality.

After learning about Liao Yu's true identity, Trite was suddenly no longer afraid. He suddenly became enlightened and his brain was running rapidly.

First of all, he knew from the previous nightmare that the people in the House of Lords were actually heretics.

The Demon King defected from it, so the Demon King is the good guy?
So now that I am following the Demon King to seek revenge, wouldn’t it mean that they are on the side of justice? The villain script they took is clearly a hero’s return drama!

Once they succeed, wouldn't they be equivalent to the founding heroes of the country! ?
Even if he is not a hero, at least he is a famous person who can be recorded in a book!
Therefore, the importance of "justifying one's name" is very important.

Now, although Trite is also scared, he is more filled with excitement. He wants to follow the righteous Demon King to defeat the evil House of Lords and restore order to the Sorcerous Kingdom!
Thinking of this, Trite's hands were trembling with excitement. He was still confused at the last moment.

Why choose him?

Liao Yu didn't answer. He took Trite, who was ready to follow the "Devil King" to join the revolutionary cause, and made preparations for the final transmission.

As the light of the Star Spirit Crystal swallowed several people, their figures disappeared in Shidian City.

And at the same time on the other side.

One of the three major countries.

It is also the country that the second prince Danye is responsible for.

Now Danye has changed from his previous elegance and demeanor. He is sitting on the futon in his room, staring at the location of the Sorcerous Kingdom on the map, frowning.

But soon, there was a hurried knock on the door, and his female attendant Lan hurried over to bring the latest news to the second prince.

"Your Highness Danye! There is new news. This is information from the House of Lords!"

The Sorcerous Kingdom is under the control of his elder brother, the eldest prince.

But Danye still has many informants.

He opened the encrypted spell message and quickly browsed it. Instead of relaxing, his frowning brows seemed to be a little heavier, like a knot.

The information in the letter was simple. Trite was brought into the House of Lords as an entourage by the consul.

This doesn't seem like much.

The consuls will cultivate some of their own trusted executive subordinates.

But the problem is
This Trite was a pawn in his operation, and Trite's executive officer was also secretly and deliberately sold by him. This person could never be a confidant of any consul.

Moreover, it stands to reason that Trite should have been killed along with the goods according to the agreement between him and the leader of the remnants of the "Old Evils", but why not only did he not die, but he seemed to have been promoted?
The second prince fell into deep thought.

What happened in between?
He believed that such anomalies were definitely related to the remnants of the past.

But the question is, how did the other party do it?
What does that remnant of the past want to do?
(End of this chapter)

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