Chapter 152 The Hall of Braves?The Hall of the Evil God!

[Consul No. 578, welcome back to the Hall of Braves]

After Liao Yu combined the coordinates with the Star Spirit Crystal of the previous Archon and initiated the teleportation, the House of Lords, which was at the absolute core of the Sorcerous Kingdom, was very different from what Liao Yu had imagined.

This is more like a research institute than a House of Lords, a laboratory in a magical world.

Because everyone is connected through "relics".

It is equivalent to being in the same local area network.

After Liao Yu and others teleported over, although there were no bugs in their brains, they were automatically connected to the "relic" server of the House of Lords with the help of mini flags.

Because of this, there was the illusory voice that came out of his mind at the beginning.

Judging from the fact that Trite was looking around in surprise, as if he was looking for who was talking.

Obviously, this is not about yourself or any one person.

It's more like the kind of greeting that is programmed and everyone who steps into the House of Lords will receive it when they connect with the "relic".

The Hall of Braves?
Is this what the "House of Lords" call themselves internally?

Before Liao Yu could think about it, another voice soon appeared in his mind. This time the voice was very weak, very ethereal, and intermittent, far less clear than before.

"good very good"

"You came"

". Come closer. Humans find me."

"All rewards belong to you."

This is the voice of the Star Spirit Queen. Liao Yu has heard it before. The other party seems to be very satisfied with her. She found her so quickly. She is talking to herself through the power of the relic and sends herself a new coordinate. Even There are even the fastest and safest routes.

As long as you follow the guidance of the Queen of Star Spirits, you can successfully reach the core and the storage location of the relics.

But Liao Yu did not do this.

Instead, set it aside.

When he was a player, Liao Yu was not someone who liked to push the main line in a hurry. After arriving at a new map, it was normal to put the main line on hold and explore various areas first. Many subsequent cases also proved that this is the right thing to do. Many details and truths are hidden in various hidden corners. If you want to open up the "true" main line, various branch lines are the key.

The same is true for Liao Yu now.

In particular, he was very concerned about the name of this place, "Hall of Braves."

After being guided by Liao Yu, the Star Spirit Queen actually wanted to say something, but as if she was restricted by something, her voice soon became weaker and weaker, and disappeared.

It is not difficult to see from this that at least the queen's state of being imprisoned and restrained should be real. With the eldest prince around, she could only contact him secretly, and she had to break it off as soon as possible.

Regardless of the Queen of Star Spirits, Liao Yu completely acted like a real consul and wanted to see how this place would operate next.

After walking out of the teleportation array, there was only one corridor connecting the next room. There were no inspectors around, as Liao Yu thought, and not even a guard could be seen.

Only the gray-brown marble walls and smooth walls reflected the figures of Liao Yu and the others.

Along the corridor, Liao Yu quickly came to the next room.

Just like at the beginning, when you step into the room, the set sound is connected through the relic and sounds in your mind.

[Archon No. 578, please place the brave candidates into the cultivation container]

After the sound, the marble wall in front of Liao Yu slowly opened to both sides. When he walked past, he could see another room behind the wall, filled with open cocoons one after another.

These "cocoons" are the nurturing vessels in sound.

Judging from the gap in the cocoon's squirming flesh, it was just big enough to place a child of several years old.

It seems that if you want to continue with the process, you must first hand over the "goods".

Xia Lulu was about to go over silently and become the key to Liao Yu's continued exploration. This was their agreement after all, but Liao Yu raised his hand and signaled Xia Lulu not to use it. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the little flag.
With the help of the confusing little flag, Liao Yu could easily modify his consciousness. He saw that there was nothing on these "cocoons", but they were still closed one after another, as if they had completed the delivery.

At the same time, the voice in my head continued to sound.

[Archon No. 578, thank you for your contribution to all mankind. You have collected sixty brave candidates this time. Based on your contribution, you can choose one of the following rewards]

[A week's vacation or an opportunity to draw on the "Power of the Brave"]

[Please continue to choose within 30 seconds, otherwise it will be regarded as giving up]

Liao Yu chose the latter.

The wall in front of him suddenly sunk into a small gap, and then, in its place, a small box floated out of the gap.

This box was not unfamiliar to Liao Yu. It was the one that the consul had taken out before. As for the contents of the box.
From the look on Trite's face behind Liao Yu that turned pale as if he had been stimulated, and his trembling lips, we could tell that it was exactly that kind of star spirit insect.

So they internally call this an opportunity to absorb the "power of the brave"?

Liao Yu thought about how the Archon used the bugs inside before. After putting them in other people's eyes, it seemed that they could take over the other person's vitality, magic power, etc. as their own.

Kill monsters and get experience points?
Now Liao Yu seemed to understand a little bit what they were imitating.

After receiving the "reward", the emotionless and illusory voice continued to sound in Liao Yu's mind.

[Consul No. 578, you have completed an attendance mission and received 12 hours of rest time. During this period, you can move around freely. Do you want to use it now? 】


After Liao Yu uploaded his thoughts in his mind, the "matrix" soon responded. [Archon No. 578, you have entered the rest period. According to your permissions, you can choose to move to the following destinations: ]

[1. Private room; 2. Brave training room; 3. Spell meditation room; 4. Official room]



Liao Yu understood more and more why this place was called the "Hall of Braves". The more he talked with the "matrix" consciousness created by the eldest prince, the more familiar it felt.

Isn't this just imitating the system in the game?

So to put it bluntly, the entire Hall of Brave People is all about various studies on the "brave man" that he was a thousand years ago?

In order to continue to explore in depth, Liao Yu must choose option two.

Brave training room.

Soon, the room he was in was still the same. Another wall seemed to be controlled by the "matrix" in the center, moving slowly, opening a new corridor for Liao Yu.

No wonder Liao Yu couldn't see any guards here.

Everyone's consciousness can be under the control of the "matrix". They must interact with the "matrix" before they can act under the authorization of the "matrix". However, foreign intruders may not even be able to find the door out.

Following the end of the corridor, after arriving at the new teleportation array, the light of the Star Spirit Crystal flickered, and then Liao Yu was teleported to a new field.

Does this look like a classroom?

The children who were captured from outside were all sent here through cocoons.

For these children, Cocoon will make a second judgment. If their physical fitness and magic potential meet the standards, they will not be simply used as "energy", but will be sent to the classroom for training.

This also explains why they must have children, and they must be no more than 13 years old.

The younger the child, the stronger the plasticity and the easier it is to control.

In the current classroom, just like an industrial assembly line, a magic video is being played to these children, an video from the past thousands of years ago.

The video is a documentary that tells the story of the war between humans and demons. The brutality of the war left human corpses strewn across the fields, with countless casualties. Children may not be able to understand the war, but they can still be deeply impressed by the evil of the demons.

If it were just that, it might be nothing.

The content of the next image was something that Liao Yu didn't expect at all.

Familiar figures appeared one after another, it was the 42 partners he had trained in the game.

Immediately afterwards, the Radiant Saint also appeared in the scene of human victory after the war. Naturally, in the last scene, her own game character, the hero of the world, also appeared.

Flowers and hymns were given to the brave by the human survivors after the war. Everyone began to work hard to rebuild their homes. The brave and the saint became the new masters of mankind.

The ending here is the same as in the game until.
In the video, perhaps to make it easier for children to understand, the 42 partners of the brave began to be demonized one by one. They were struggling in pain, and their whole bodies were shrouded in shadow. They seemed to be fighting something, but in the end they all failed. They transformed from human beings to They became weird looking monsters.

The Saint of Radiance was forced to swing her sword and kill these former comrades-in-arms who were now evil monsters one by one. She was in great pain and vowed to find the source of this weirdness.

As soon as the scene changed, the Glory Saint finally found out why her friends were contaminated. The source of everything, the real mastermind behind the scenes, was the brave man who laughed in the shadows, as if the conspiracy had succeeded.

It turns out that from beginning to end, the brave men are not humans, but evil gods who take advantage of humans.

Even the demons were recruited by him. It was an evil plan that he planned, directed and acted by himself.

The purpose of the Evil God is to absorb the large amount of malicious energy generated after humans and demons fight each other. Now the extremely powerful Evil God is constantly releasing pollution. The previous 42 partners were the first to suffer and were contaminated by the Evil God. Then he became a monster.

It was only then that I discovered the truth and realized that I had been used all along, and it was because I was betrayed by my beloved, or that my beloved was always a lie. The glorious saint, who was filled with grief, swung her sword at the evil devil for the sake of mankind and revenge.

But at this time, she was no match for the evil devil at all. Just when she was about to be assimilated by the evil devil, holy light suddenly fell from the sky, like the goddess of radiance, blessing her.

The greatly strengthened Glory Saint successfully killed the evil god, but she killed the evil god's heroic body, but was unable to eliminate the evil god from the source.

Given time, the evil god will still be reborn and return.

Therefore, at the end of the video, in order to delay the resurrection of the evil god, the Radiant Saint completely dismembered the body of the hero, split it apart, sealed them, and made pieces of the hero's relics.

This is not safe.

Because the evil god had already polluted the 42 companions and comrades, as well as those former heroic spirits, the forces behind them had turned them all into potential believers of the evil god.

In order to prevent these believers from summoning and resurrecting the evil god, the Holy Lady of Radiance established the first empire and became the emperor. She scattered the relics containing the evil god's power around the world and gave them to different people for safekeeping.

As long as the empire is immortal and the relics are not gathered together, the evil god will never be reborn.

But in other words.

Once these relics are re-dedicated to the evil god by the evil god believers, then it will be the real end of the world, and the terrifying existence of the past will come again.

By then, all humans will be contaminated by the evil god.

After instilling this concept into children, they will have an additional sense of mission.

The current wall of psychic energy is humanity's line of defense.

Every human being should contribute to this. In order to prevent possible future disasters, they must guard this place and dedicate their lives to the wall and to humanity.

For this reason, they did not hesitate to use special means.

Just like.
The evil power of the past.

(End of this chapter)

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