Chapter 153 The Power of the Heretic God
The next stage of the training room showed exactly what the "evil god" method is.

Those children who did not have enough potential and talent before are now concentrated here. They are not qualified to leave the cocoon, but must be used as nutrients.

I saw these high-potential children walking next to the cocoon and reaching into the cocoon. The low-potential children inside the cocoon began to have distorted faces and trembling bodies, as if they were suffering from great pain and began to physically shrink.

After just a few breaths, the low-potential child in the cocoon turned into a pool of blood. Correspondingly, the high-potential child who seemed to have "absorbed" it suddenly changed from the original possibility. He was seven or eight years old, and he immediately grew up to be twelve or thirteen years old.

Of course, this process is also very painful for high-potential children. It is like being forcibly pulled out of a young child, and they have to curl up and twitch on the ground for a while before they gradually adapt.

In this way, by constantly fusing similar species and absorbing evolution, these children's strength began to skyrocket, reaching third level, fourth level, and fifth level.
This scene made Trite next to him look dumbfounded.

After all, in his eyes, the fifth level in the past was simply a dream and out of reach, but now such mass production made him swallow hard.

To be honest, if Trit didn't have an extreme dislike for those bugs, he might have been tempted by the evil god and fallen.

The power of the evil god is indeed terrifying.

Of course, the cost of doing this is also high. These children who have been forced to grow up seem to have lost their ability to think, and everything has stopped at their previous stage.

The "image" just now worked, making these children regard it as the truth and became a stamp of their thoughts. They willingly made themselves part of the "wall", worked for the eldest prince, and continuously expanded the power of the wall.

"It's fun to defeat the evil god with his power, isn't it?"

An unfamiliar voice came from high up.

I saw above the classroom "assembly line", the walls moved to both sides, and a tall and handsome blond man walked out.

He looked down at the current Liao Yu trio with a smile.

After seeing this person's appearance, Trite was instantly panicked and stepped back a few steps, his face full of fear, because he was the master behind the Sorcerous Kingdom and the eldest prince of the empire.

"Oh, don't be nervous. Look, I discovered you early, but I didn't attack you. I also allowed you to visit my great factory. Doesn't this show my goodwill towards you?"

The eldest prince who spoke was not elegant at all. Instead, he sniffed his nose directly in the direction of Liao Yu.

After that, he seemed to smell something extremely delicious. He took a deep breath and opened his arms intoxicatedly.

"The smell of relics, ah, how sweet it is, I can smell it, just on your body, one? Two? No, no, no, maybe there are more."

"You are the believer of the evil god that the Queen of the Stars calls you. Tsk, I have to admit that you are really powerful for being able to collect so many relics. No wonder she would ask you for help and choose to bet on you."

"It's just a pity that believers of evil gods like you and me, no matter how many relics they collect, it's useless. They can only exert a very small part of its abilities. Only the real evil gods can exert their full power."

"But even this small part is extremely intoxicating and enjoyable, isn't it? You see, with this flag, I can control everyone's thinking. Whatever I want them to do, they must do it. .”

"Whether it's serving me."

The eldest prince hooked his fingers at a child who had just completed training, and the child immediately lay on the ground, crawled to the eldest prince's feet like a puppy, and was licking his shoes.

"Or, take away their lives."

After the eldest prince spoke, the child who had been licking his shoes just now seemed to have received a new instruction. The next moment, he released a fireball at his head without hesitation.

Her body was turned into charcoal in the flames of her own spell.


"Did you see it? This is the power of the evil god. How wonderful it is! Ever since I saw such power, I have betrayed the emperor!"

"So now, give me the relic in your hand, let me study it, let us use its power, and let us resurrect the evil god together!!"

Speaking of the last eldest prince, he raised high the relic of the evil god, the relic of the evil god in his hand, the flag of command that could connect everyone and control everyone's minds.

He was laughing maniacally, and he ordered everyone to surrender and kneel to him. He was enjoying the pleasure brought by the power of the evil god. Huh?
The eldest prince stopped laughing halfway.

The smile on his face froze.because
Those children who were clearly ordered by him to surrender to him, together with Liao Yu and other evil god believers who were connected to the relics through the deception of the Star Spirit Queen with his secret consent, should logically be under his control. Everyone should be obedient.

Can result.
All these people were indifferent.

He seemed unmoved by his own words.

This moment made him full of passion, laughing arrogantly like a clown.

"I'm ordering you! Can't you hear me!!"

The eldest prince repeated it again.

He even waved the Evil God's relic in his hand, the flag of command, vigorously.

In the end, it didn't matter if he didn't wave. With one wave, the eldest prince was startled.

Because I saw that the child who was ordered by him to crawl over to lick his shoes and then set himself on fire, the child who he wanted to give Liao Yu a blow and show his evil power, should have been swallowed up by the flames, but now
Alive?Alive again?
The other party stood completely in front of him, as if nothing had happened.

What, what's the situation! ?

Only then did the eldest prince realize a terrible possibility.

Could it be that what just happened was just
Hallucination?This is indeed part of the power of the evil god. He can also use the flag of command to influence other people's minds and make them hallucinate. But the problem is
He should be the master of the Banner of Command, why would he be affected too?
Looking at the confused eldest prince, Liao Yu shook his head.


After a deep sigh, Liao Yu was actually very upset now, especially after seeing his relics being used by the eldest prince like this, and what appeared in the image, which seemed to be the truth from a thousand years ago?

In short, all of this turned into Liao Yu having absolutely zero patience with the eldest prince.

"Seize yourself."

Liao Yu simply blurted out three words, and then the eldest prince was horrified to find that his body began to lose control. His left hand quickly formed a seal, which was the starting position of the "Fireball Technique".

"You and me. Stop, stop! Damn it!!"

The eldest prince was going crazy. He tried every means, but his body didn't seem to belong to him. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't stop the fireball technique he was releasing.

The target of the fireball technique was his own head.

Death is not terrible.

What's scary is watching yourself step into death bit by bit. That feeling of hopeless and helpless struggle is the scariest thing.

Just like the current eldest prince.

The scorching heat of the fireball technique had already burned his skin, and the rapidly expanding scalding heat wave made him feel heartbroken.

Before his head was destroyed by the fireball spell cast by his left hand, the eldest prince had one last question that he was unwilling to accept.

Could it be that Liao Yu used the relic to control him?

Let's not even mention why Liao Yu could take over the relics. He was obviously the owner of the relics.

The issue is.
If the relic wants to control himself, it should control it together with his spirit, but he clearly still has his own consciousness.

Liao Yu could understand what the eldest prince was thinking at the moment through the relics.

Liao Yu rolled his eyes at this.

Out of good intentions, Liao Yu conveyed his thoughts to the eldest prince through the relics and asked for answers.

That's roughly what it means
If I really want you to die so easily, am I worthy of the hat you put on my head called "Evil God"?
(End of this chapter)

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