Chapter 154 Queen of Star Spirits
The eldest prince's headless corpse was burned to death by the flames of his own fireball technique.

Liao Yu actually regretted it a bit.

The main thing before him was that he had some emotional ups and downs due to the evil image of the "truth" from a thousand years ago.

Now looking back and thinking calmly, I should have asked the eldest prince to commit suicide in a different way, otherwise the body would be just a ball of embers and slag, and he wouldn't even be able to use "Conversation with the Dead".


In addition to the eldest prince, there is another person here, who should be said to know a lot of "past history".

"Excellent human being, you succeeded in killing that tyrant."

"Now. Come and bring the relics to me."

"You will get your reward."

"I will realize all your wishes"

After the death of the eldest prince, the person who reacted the most was none other than the Queen of Star Spirits who had been secretly "contacting" Liao Yu.

The eldest prince said before that only evil gods can exert the power of relics.

As a "mortal", if he wanted to borrow a small part, he could only rely on external assistance, so the Emperor gave him the Celestial Queen to use as a power generator.

At this moment, the voice of the Star Spirit Queen could be heard to be very excited and excited. It really seemed as if she had finally escaped from the trap after being imprisoned for a long time.

Without the eldest prince's suppression, her voice seemed to be much clearer.

It is not difficult to hear that the Queen of Star Spirits' tone is urgent, as if urging Liao Yu to quickly bring the relics to see her bound body, as if this is the only way to help her completely get out of trouble.

Liao Yu didn't find it too troublesome.

After all, in front of the Holy Sword of Oath, I promised the high-level star spirit underground of the Syndicate to rescue the queen.

The position of the Star Queen is at the deepest part of the "Hall of Braves".

Liao Yu went around several turns and descended the stairs until he finally arrived at the ritual room that looked like an altar.

Here, Liao Yu could see at a glance, in the center of the altar, a woman who was bound by several chains and forced to half kneel on the altar.

The Protoss Queen seems to enjoy the human form.

Now, her clothes were half-covered and looked very messy. In addition, her hands were hung from left to right by chains, forming a very humble and embarrassing posture.

However, after the transformation of the high-level star spirit, the beautiful face, the graceful body curves under the golden ratio, and the starry sky-like skin exposed from under the clothes seemed to be shining brightly, all of which showed his noble status.

On the one hand, she is downcast and on the other hand, she is noble. The combination of the two can't help but arouse people's pity and pity. Any brave man would want to quickly rescue this trapped and suffering Queen of the Star Spirits.

The Star Spirit Queen, who lowered her head and closed her eyes on the altar, seemed to have noticed the arrival of Liao Yu, the "brave".

Her long beautiful eyelashes began to tremble, and she finally opened her eyes. Those deep and bright star eyes cast infinite expectations and encouragement on Liao Yu.

"Place the relic in my chest"

"The seal can be lifted."

".My child come near and all glory be to you."

The voice of the protoss is clear and sweet.

After seeing Liao Yu holding the flag of command and walking towards her step by step, the Queen's body half-kneeling on the altar seemed to be trembling faintly, as if she was enduring some great pleasure.And when Liao Yu finally stopped in front of her, only a few feet away from her, the Queen of Star Spirits felt that it was indeed a brave man's breath. Behind the flag of the eldest prince's relic, the Queen seemed to be no longer there. Couldn't help it anymore.

"Put it in. Put it in."

"Human. What are you waiting for? Give it to me!!"

The image of the desolate and delicate beauty in the starry sky that was originally imprisoned disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Instead, there were those chains that bound the Queen, and the Queen broke free easily.

That pitiful, humble and weak look disappeared from the Queen's face, and was replaced by a look of madness on her originally beautiful and cold face, which was extremely distorted and her facial features were crowded together.

Faced with the shawl spreading out, Liao Yu suddenly changed from a beauty in the starry sky to a queen who looked like a crazy woman. Liao Yu was not much surprised, let alone resisted.

He even threw the flag proactively, like throwing a Frisbee to a puppy.

The Celestial Queen, who had originally charged towards Liao Yu, immediately changed her direction and pounced like a hungry wolf towards the location of the relic flag thrown by Liao Yu.

When she finally got the flag, the Star Spirit Queen's hands were trembling. She took a few big breaths at the relic, and then without any hesitation, she immediately placed the flag in front of her chest.

"Uh ah uh."

After a brief moan of pain, the Queen of Star Spirit's body swallowed the flag.

Her face was rosy and extremely satisfied, as if she had been reborn, and the beauty on her face had reached a new peak. She was full of intoxication, as if she had entered some kind of heaven and reached a spiritual high point.

"Finally, I finally got the relic of the brave and the power of the brave. Such a wonderful sense of connection is great. This is the key to Him. It can elevate me to a god and make me a true star god!!"

"Hehe...hehe. It's been too long. I've been waiting for this day for too long. Do you know how much torture I suffered from that damn human being?"

"But it doesn't matter. Haha, that stupid human would never have thought that when he was using me to control the relic, he had helped me to see the power of the relic."

"So I used the relics to influence him, subtly giving him constant hints about the results."


The Protoss Queen laughed loudly.

It seemed like she had been holding back her frustration for too long and now she had to vent it out. To let others know about her efforts, she needed an audience.

"In the end, that stupid human really believed it. He thought the brave man was the evil god, and even called himself a follower of the evil god. Haha, hahaha!"

"I successfully induced him to betray the Emperor. In order to be able to use the relics, I watched him lift the restrictions that the Emperor had placed on me bit by bit. In turn, he wanted to transfer magic power to me and help me grow, so that he could , control more relic power."

"But this lowly human being, if it weren't for the Emperor's brand that prevented me from really harming him, he would have been chopped to pieces countless times by my hands!"

The Queen gritted her teeth, and it could be seen that she really paid a lot of humiliation in order to endure and to get this relic.

After venting her anger, the Queen turned her attention to Liao Yu. She stared at the human young man with a smile, not as if she was looking at a person, but as if she were looking at food, and even licked her lips with her tongue.

"The brave man. Tsk, it's really miserable. He saved his kind from the demons and saved the world from disaster, but in the end he was betrayed and even bore the eternal infamy of "evil god". But it doesn't matter. As you saved me, The reward, I said, will be everything you ask for.”

"I will help you take revenge on humanity, and I will help you pull the Emperor off her throne. Of course, you only need to pay a small price, such as joining me and becoming one with me. The relic is His gift, and only you can make the most perfect use of it, come, my child, let us connect with each other, and let us ascend to Him together!”

The Star Spirit Queen stretched out her hand to Liao Yu.

She looked at Liao Yu with hungry eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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