The hero who saves the world in the first eye, and the devil king in the second eye

Chapter 155 Where is the brave man, the evil god!Evil God! !

Chapter 155 Where is the brave man, the evil god!Evil God! !

"So, you knew my identity from the beginning, right?" Liao Yu was very calm, and he was even a little happy in his heart.

At least from what the Celestial Queen said, the evil god was just a slander from the emperor, and she deliberately deepened this influence in order to control the eldest prince.

This made Liao Yu feel a lot better.

Even chatted with the Queen.

"Hahaha, of course, when the great sage of the empire came to me, he told me everything. At first, I did agree to his request. When the brave man came back to life and helped me out, I will make the protoss clan loyal to you."

"but now"

The Queen of Star Spirits showed her fangs. She looked crazy, like a mad woman who had taken drugs. The corners of the Queen's mouth were grinning to the sky. The nails on her hands began to become more and more pointed, and her hair also grew in a twisted direction. , the whole person is like
What Liao Yu saw in the video were those friends who had been contaminated by evil gods and turned into monsters.

The Queen of Star Spirits said grimly to Liao Yu: "After seeing that kind of power, no one can refuse it, so I'm sorry, brave man, but let me take your place for your unfinished mission. This body of yours will return to you." Me!"

The final Queen of Star Spirits, like a banshee, let out a piercing scream and rushed towards Liao Yu.

That is not an entity.

But after absorbing the relics, the Queen of Star Spirits strengthened her spiritual body countless times. Her purpose was to put her spirit into Liao Yu's body, thereby gaining the authority of a "brave" and truly inheriting those belonging to him. "His" relics.

There is a reason why she is so crazy now, even brave men dare to seize her body.

In addition to getting the relics, the more important point is that she knows that the brave man now is no longer the same one in the past, otherwise the great sage will not make a deal with her and needs her to assist him.

Therefore, in front of the Queen of Star Spirit, the Liao Yu in front of him was no different from Tang Monk.

As for the evil god
I don’t really think that the Queen of the Celestial Spirits would believe this kind of trick made up by the Emperor.

And looking at the appearance of the human young man in front of him, there is nothing remotely similar to the word "evil god"! ?

The powerful spiritual body of the Star Spirit Queen rushed directly into Liao Yu's consciousness space without any obstruction.


The spiritual world of this "brave" is like a door wide open without any obstruction at all, which surprised the Queen of Star Spirits and made her even more convinced that the brave men of today are no longer what they used to be.

However, when she started to devour Liao Yu, eat away at Liao Yu's spirit, prepare to absorb Liao Yu's memory, and start to seize his body...
The first memory image of Liao Yu that the Star Spirit Queen touched made her confused.

In front of her eyes, a vast sea of ​​stars appeared. It was a strange cosmic place that she did not recognize. There were countless planets in it, and she seemed to be independent of them all, looking down from an overlooking perspective like a supreme being.

This, is this the memory of that human being, the brave man?

The Celestial Queen thought that Liao Yu's memory would be something that humans often do, but from this perspective, it was more like him than anything related to humans.

Soon, He in the memory moved and seemed to be aiming at a planet with countless aliens on it, as if they wanted to resist Him.

As a result, under his will, hundreds of strange steels emerged in the universe. The largest steel ship among them condensed destructive energy from the muzzle, and then
With one shot, the planet that had just resisted "him" fell apart. Countless aliens on it were buried in the sea of ​​fire, screaming and wailing, and perished together with their home planet.

Such a cruel scene, the Queen of Star Spirits felt refreshed from Liao Yu's memory.


It seems that destroying planets with steel battleships is not enough, and she wants to try something else. Later, the Queen of the Protoss saw in her memory that under her will, planets were destroyed in various ways, including but not limited to, There are various terms in this brave man’s memory that she doesn’t understand, such as Earth Explosion Star, Neutron Killer, Angel of Peace, and Doomsday Judgment.
After such a massacre, he in his memory stopped. It wasn't that he was tired. The Queen of Star Spirits could feel his emotions, but that he was tired of it.

So He changed his approach.

After seeing other planets trembling, He began to colonize crazily, enslaving all the alien races, and even used extremely cruel methods to let the aliens create value. For example, in another memory scene seen by the Queen of Star Spirits, He actually enslaved all alien races. The aliens were put into cans and allowed to use biomass to generate electricity day and night.

The Queen of Star Spirits was frightened into a cold sweat because she had experienced it herself, and quickly withdrew.She was starting to get a little frightened now.

What was the memory she just watched?
How could a brave man have a memory like "him"?

There must be something wrong.

The Star Spirit Queen mustered up her courage and tremblingly tried to absorb another memory fragment of Liao Yu that seemed to be relatively weak.

As a result, the brave man in this memory fragment still has the perspective of "His".

He imprisoned the heroic spirits of a certain world in a canyon with three branches.

The two sides were forced to divide into camps, and countless soldiers put on cloaks, covered their faces, and became puppets. According to the prescribed time, they went to the battlefield to fight each other, wave after wave.

All the heroic spirits have become puppets controlled by Him, fighting meaninglessly in such a canyon. Moreover, death is not true death, but their souls will be captured by Him and sent to the "Land of Evil". "Spring", resurrected, and then plunged into the fight.

This goes back and forth, seemingly endlessly.

What a terrifying prison for the soul!

The Queen of the Stars and Spirits just imagined, if she was also captured, arrived in this "canyon", and then began an endless cycle of fighting, either killing others, or being killed by others over and over again, the Queen would tremble all over. Chill in back.

No. Not right.

How could it be, how could it be like this.

He, isn't he a brave man?

Aren't they the human heroes who defeated the demons?

What an honest memory!

What a bright picture!

The Queen of Star Spirits didn't believe in evil. In fact, she had vaguely guessed it, but she didn't want to face it. She started frantically searching for Liao Yu's memories, but all she saw were...
Greedy and cruel, He seems to not only like to be from a god's perspective, but also "close to the bottom" and once mentally controlled an architect. He made a bridge out of various garbage materials and enjoyed the fear of the people there when they crossed the bridge. He once transformed into a tyrant. He monopolizes all markets and does not allow any competitors to survive. All people have become machines to help him create wealth.

Brutally, after pickpocketing a businessman, he killed him in a rage because he was discovered by the other party. And because he killed the businessman and was seen by the people around him, he was "forced" to kill the entire village, and even used some weird " The picture is too stuck." This curse, which seemed to be an evil announcement, slaughtered the entire city.

Slaanesh controls a witch of vengeance to fight monsters, but restricts the witch's power, allowing the witch to be insulted by various monsters. She even takes the initiative to step on some tentacle traps, enjoys the various dangers the witch encounters, and even makes comments like "The CG is good." ” an incomprehensible evil voice.
Too much.

Too much is too much.

When the Celestial Queen came to her senses, she felt endless malice coming from all directions, like a wave, trying to swallow her up and drown her.

When she tried to run away again, it was too late. Only then did the Queen understand why it was so easy for her to get in, because this place was simply hell!It's a sea of ​​evil!Here we welcome every soul that comes to our door and throws itself into the trap!
In Liao Yu's spiritual world, she is like a precarious boat.

When another wave hit her, the Celestial Queen didn't even have time to struggle, and was swallowed up by the surging malice, as if she had fallen into an infinite abyss.

The Celestial Queen, who was before her mental body collapsed, seemed to wake up at this moment and let out a desperate cry.

"Liar. Liar!!"

"Damn Great Sage. What kind of companions of the brave man? It turns out that you are really the cultists of the evil god!!"

"Emperor, that emperor is right"

"What kind of brave man? Where is the brave man? He is the evil god. He is the evil god!!"

(End of this chapter)

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