Chapter 156 Qajar’s Diary

The good news is that the death of the Queen of Star Spirits proves that her spiritual sea is extremely powerful. Any soul that attempts to break into her consciousness will be directly submerged and swallowed without even having to do anything on her own.

In the future, I don't have to worry at all. I will be completely immune to any form of mental attack.

And the bad news
Liao Yu sighed.

So does "evil god" mean this?Counting all the games you have played in your career?

In fact, when Liao Yu first arrived and saw the hundreds of millions of sin points, he had made some guesses. After all, it was impossible to reach such a number with the game "Demon" alone.

What the Protoss Queen saw in her memory was indeed true, and they were all his actions in the game.

Although, but, no matter what, even if
Uh. Okay.

Liao Yu was not going to explain anything about this. He admitted that as a player, he was indeed a little bit evil.

And in the eyes of the creatures in this plane.
Judging from the fear and fear shown by the Queen of Star Spirits about her memory before, and even the fact that she seemed to be driven crazy and crazy later on, this is what they saw of herself.

Every "He" is the incarnation of the will of "Evil God Liao Yu".

As a supreme being, He wanders around countless worlds. Sometimes He controls everything from the perspective of God, and sometimes He is keen to come down to earth to act, enjoying the pleasure of playing with people's hearts, trampling on rules, and destroying everything.

The so-called "brave" is just an insignificant one among "His" countless performances.

Could it be that at the end of a thousand years ago, through some means, like the current Queen of Star Spirits, the Glory Saint chose to "betray" after seeing these memory images of the "brave"?

If this is the case, Liao Yu actually feels quite uncomfortable. He obviously followed the script of "raising the sword of revenge against the betrayer", but as he walked, he discovered
In the end, I was the betrayer?


Liao Yu quickly shook his head. Things should be far from that simple. There are still too many doubts in the middle.

First of all, the most contradictory point is that your own spiritual sea should have the effect of "not being able to look directly". You can come in and look at it, but once you are in, you can't get out.

The huge stream of consciousness formed by hundreds of millions of sins will swallow up the souls of all who try to pry into it.

Having glimpsed the ending of the glorious saint of "Evil God Liao Yu", she should have been lost and annihilated in her own spiritual sea just like the Celestial Queen.

Well, even if the Radiant Saint was super-enhanced because of the "questionnaire" she filled out, and escaped from the spiritual sea alive by luck, with everything that followed, a new mystery would still arise.

It was mentioned in the previous video that it was he who polluted the other 42 partners and turned them into monsters, which led to the Radiant Saint discovering the abnormality and starting to investigate himself as a brave man.

But the problem is, several months have passed since he came into this world, and Liao Yu hasn't seen any "pollution" released by himself, right?

The demon apostles who followed him didn't transform into "monsters", right?
Even Hill and Welch, who had negative contact with him, did not show any signs of being "contaminated". At most, they were just white and turbid. Can this be considered pollution?Certainly not.

Moreover, the game at that time had already been completed and the finale had been completed. At that time, he had already left the keyboard with his hands and did not operate anything again.

So who is this “self”?

Who is controlling his "brave" character?Is it the character’s self-birth consciousness?

If this is the case, why can the Glory Saint still see the memories belonging to "Liao Yu"?

If not, where does this realization come from?

Liao Yu felt more and more confused the more he thought about it.

And to be honest, his current inferences are all based on the premise that from the perspective of the saint, the image from a thousand years ago is "real".

Do these have to be true?

not necessarily.

Those are just the words of the saint.

He needs more information.

Coincidentally, the soul of the Star Spirit Queen was devoured and annihilated in her own sea of ​​consciousness. Naturally, all her memories remained with her, saving Liao Yu trouble.

Liao Yu quickly searched and filtered, and found some of what he wanted.

Information from thousands of years ago.

That was the record of the Great Sage and the Queen of Star Spirits. The Great Sage was one of his 42 partners at the time. He was considered a senior brother. He was also the ally who had been secretly "sending relics" to him.

The Queen of Star Spirits is also a chess piece of the Great Sage, used to assist her own chess pieces. However, as the Queen of Star Spirits herself said, after seeing the power of the relics, she had evil thoughts and planned to betray and devour this brave man of hers.

Because of this, she wanted to investigate herself. The Queen had secretly used the relics to peek into some memories of the great sage.

Among them, the one that impressed her the most was an article by the Great Sage.

[Glory Calendar Year [-], September [-]th, the first day after the war between humans and demons. The smell of blood in the air had been eliminated by magicians using strong wind techniques overnight, and large areas of corpses had also been disposed of. , to be honest, I am really not used to breathing the air without the smell of demons, but I have to say it feels really good! 】

[Although there is still a lot of post-war work waiting for us, I believe that humans all over the world will leave all their worries behind tonight and immerse themselves in the celebration of victory. Even the stingiest "Flower Fairy" ” She also took out her fine wine. Hum, the brave man who is usually only willing to give it to her can finally let us taste it now? 】

[Just kidding, without Mr. Brave, there would be no victory for us today. It is said that the original "Flower Fairy" was just an inconspicuous grass elf, and it was Mr. Brave who trained her all the way to adulthood. Thinking about it this way, I How could it not be?]

[Back then, I argued with the teacher that Guardian Melvin would accept such an unreliable disciple. Even when the teacher sacrificed himself to save him, I made an angry move against him. Looking back now, , Teacher Melvin is right. With the Great Guardian’s foresight, he must have foreseen that he is our future and the hope of mankind, right? 】

[Hiss, as you write this, it seems like you are praising that brat again. Humph, there must be more people praising him in future generations. I, Kazar, can’t fall into the cliché. Yes, what a brave man, he "&^N/-@#$" will always be my junior brother. Why do you add so many honorifics in the diary? Anyway, "*#@%*" will never see this diary. Yes, I will write it. Let’s get some dirty information about the brave man. Hey, where do we start? Well, let’s start with this stinky bastard. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Damn it!This bastard's ships can't even be counted! 】

All other words in memory are normal.

Only this name.

It became a blur here in Liao Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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