Chapter 157 Qajar’s Diary

Judging from the context, this "name" is his character name in the game, a customized name.

The events described in the diary are consistent with Liao Yu's impression.

Kazar is the eldest disciple of the great guardian Melvin in the game. He was once considered the successor of the next guardian in the hearts of mankind at that time, and Kazar has always been proud of this.

until his own appearance.

As the "Son of Destiny", after he was accepted as a disciple by Melvin, basically from the perspective of the character in the game, he was just cheating all the way, and his strength increased by leaps and bounds like a rocket.

In the early days, Qajar was of course unfriendly to him and regarded himself as a competitor. This unfriendly attitude reached its peak when Melvin died for him. As mentioned in the diary, Qajar at that time He directly challenged himself to a duel.

It can be said that Liao Yu still remembers that battle. At that time, he repeatedly loaded files and played SL several times before finally fighting it. At that time, Kazar was already a seventh-level great mage, and his strength was terrifying.

However, later on, because of the common enemy of the demons and the common bloody battle, the senior brother gradually opened his heart to himself. As mentioned in the diary, he gradually understood Melvin's approach and understood If you want to defeat the demons and save humanity, the importance of being brave.

From then on, Kazar completely became his partner. For a long time, he was the main spell output player in his team.

Pulling his thoughts away from the past in the game, Liao Yu continued to read the diary.

In fact, the beginning was quite normal.


It should be said that in fact, the normal part is only the beginning above.

If you look further down
[The brave man couldn't come to the celebration tonight, damn it!You are obviously the protagonist tonight. We were all ready to drink all night and fuck you down, but you just escaped. Bastard, get better quickly! 】

[Do you know how much everyone misses you? Since you sealed the demons and drove them into the Chaos Rift, we have never seen you again]

[Freya said that your injury is too serious and must be treated immediately, but it has been a whole day, why haven't you woke up yet?This isn't like you!In the past, no matter how injured you were, you were still alive and kicking in the blink of an eye!how!Are you discouraged after defeating the demons? 】

[Do you know that without your celebration, everyone is just forcing a smile? If you don’t get up tomorrow, then I will definitely pull you out of bed with a few other partners! 】

The first page of the diary ends here.

It seems that the story is about the first night after the war, when everyone celebrated the victory in the war between humans and demons.

Liao Yu captured several key messages.

The brave man didn't come to celebrate?
It should be said that since defeating the demon clan, he has not appeared in front of everyone?
Is the reason for the serious injury?
Being taken care of by "Freya" alone?
Freya is none other than.

She is the designated heroine in the game, the Glory Saint.

The diary comes to the second page.

It can be seen from the date that it is the next day.

[Glory Calendar [-], September [-]th, Flower Fairy and I brought some herbs and wanted to visit the brave, but Freya refused. The saint told us that the brave was in the critical period of treatment and could not Being disturbed]

[We finally gave all the medicinal materials to Freya and left. Freya is the one with the strongest healing ability in our team. Even Freya said this, which made us very worried about what happened to the brave man]

[Oh, forget it, it should be fine with Freya taking care of me. Although the Flower Fairy is very worried, I think it should be fine. After all, if something big happens to the hero, Freya should be more panicked than all of us. Even a blind person can see the love the saint has for that brat. Hmm, it’s so weird. Where does this brat get such charm? When he wakes up, I have to ask him for advice. 】

The diary reaches the third page.

Judging from the date, it was a week later.

[Glory Calendar Year 22, September [-]nd, bastard!asshole!asshole!After this brat got well, he went directly to honeymoon with the Holy Lady?Didn't you even notify us?asshole! !And Freya too, just leave us a note and that's it? 】【No, even if you are a brave man and a saint, you can't bully others too much. The Fire Elf Queen and the Flower Fairy have already chased them out. I can't just watch. After packing my luggage, I will run away with this one. Catch that brat! 】

The diary reaches the third page.

[Glory Calendar Year 25, September [-]th, I could not contact the Flower Fairy and the Fire Elf Queen, but Freya came back. The Holy Lady told me that the brave man took them to continue traveling. The brave man wanted to We should take this opportunity to have a private conversation with our companions. Freya asked us to be less restless. We have more important work at the moment]

[Although I feel that the saint's words are a bit strange, I don't doubt it. Indeed, after the war between humans and demons, everything is in ruins, and perhaps we should focus more on reconstruction work, but]

[I secretly sent a magic pet to continue to secretly pursue the Fire Elf Queen of the Flower Fairy. Advanced elemental beings like them, no matter how much they hide their whereabouts, cannot escape the tracking of my magic. Humph, don’t underestimate an eighth-level person. Demi-Dharma God! 】

The diary reaches page four.

This time the span is huge.

Time turned and it was still a few years later.

[Glory Calendar Year 17, March [-]th, how long has it been since I last wrote a diary? Well, I admit, the reconstruction work is too busy, there are countless things to do every day, at the beginning Friends, either travel around the world or choose to establish a country. In the blink of an eye, several years have passed. Time flies so fast]

[Let me see what was written in the last diary. Oh, then keep writing and add something. The Fire Elf Queen and the Flower Fairy at that time came back after two or three days. I remember that they looked a bit strange, hum. Maybe the brave man did something. I was so angry that I didn’t care about it and was immersed in my career. But now I’m reminded that I actually sent a magic pet to find them]

[It’s a bit strange. Both of them are back, but why doesn’t my magic pet come back?Is there something wrong?Forget it, I’ve been too busy recently, so I won’t care about it for now, just let it continue to be outside]

[In the past few years, I heard that the brave man and many of his friends have traveled alone. What?I?I will not take the initiative to find him like others!I heard that I have to make an appointment with Freya and wait in line. Bah!Isn't this brat too arrogant? He's even putting on airs with us! 】

[I’m not disappointed. I don’t think that given our relationship, it would be sad for him to not see me for several years!I, Kazaer, the half-step Dharma God, put this right here. Unless that kid takes the initiative to come to me, I will never make such a stupid appointment to meet! 】

Kazar is indeed like this. In the game, he is a rather arrogant and duplicitous senior brother.

Liao Yu looked at the diary. Although the brave man in it seemed to have appeared, in fact he had never really appeared in Kazar's diary.

And the text about "demon pets" is also a bit strange.
Liao Yu continued to look down.

[Glory Calendar 21, April [-]st, Freya arrested "Netherworld" on the grounds of studying evil magic. Alas, how could this guy Netherworld be so corrupted]

[On July [-]rd, Year [-] of the Glorious Calendar, Freya cracked a large-scale human trafficking syndicate, and the person behind the scenes turned out to be the "Black Goose"! ?Black Goose was the one who liked children the most among our fellow warriors at the time. When I heard the news, I couldn’t believe it. How could this happen?]

[Glory calendar year [-], September [-]th, unbelievable!Unbelievable!What on earth are Damian, Arroyo and Abigail thinking! ?Are you actually trying to resurrect the demon clan? ?Were all their heads eaten?Fortunately, Freya discovered it in time and killed the bud. The three of them were also sent to prison. How could this happen? Why did everyone start to change one by one? 】

[Glory Calendar Year [-], October [-], Ector was imprisoned]

[Glory Calendar Year [-], October [-], Milus was imprisoned]

[Glory Calendar Year 24, October [-], Anne was imprisoned]

Kazar, who wrote the diary, seemed to have become numb in the end. He suffered from the "corruption" and depravity of his companions one by one. It seemed that only the radiant saint Freya always adhered to her original intention and sent all evil into the dungeon, even if it was in front of her. To former companions.

This phenomenon until
[On October 29, Year [-] of the Glory Calendar, my magic pet came back and told me a coordinate, which made me extremely puzzled. Didn’t the Fire Elf Queen and the Flower Fairy come back a few years ago?What are its coordinates? 】

[On October [-], Year [-] of the Glorious Calendar, I secretly investigated this coordinate and got a fact that I couldn’t believe. The location of this coordinate was actually in a prison?That stillwater prison designed by Freya? 】

【Why is this happening?Could it be that the Fire Elf Queen and the Flower Fairy were also imprisoned by Freya?So who are those two people outside now?No, there must be something wrong with this]

[It’s decided, I’m going to control the magic clone tonight and go to Freya’s prison to find out what’s going on. I have to figure out what happened in the middle.]

(End of this chapter)

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