Chapter 158 Prison of Heroic Spirits
Following the image of Kazar's soul in his memory, Liao Yu felt his vision change.

At this moment, he no longer just read the words in the diary, but also took in the perspective of Qajar thousands of years ago.

The place that Kazar wants to find out now is called Stillwater Prison.

This is not the first time Liao Yu has heard this word.

When he met the orcs of the "Animal Gang" in Syndicate, he also heard the term "Still Water Prison" from the orc leader Ah Hu.

Now Qajar's memory has supplemented Liao Yu's historical origins of this prison.

Stillwater Prison.

It was established by the Radiant Saint Freya after the "War between Humans and Demons".

The original intention of establishing this prison, according to the words of the saint in Qajar's memory, was to conduct post-war liquidation.

During the war between humans and demons, those human traitors who had taken refuge with the demons, or the extremely evil villains who took advantage of the chaos to commit evil and profit from it, were imprisoned and awaiting trial.

This proposal was basically agreed by the 42 brave companions at the time.

It even provided the Saint with a lot of resource help.

However, no one could think of it.

In the future, no
Just a few years later, this prison became their own tomb.

Kazar used "advanced invisibility" to sneak all the way to the entrance of the prison, which was heavily guarded and covered with various detection spells.

There are many glorious soldiers under the Saint, patrolling 24 hours a day, and in terms of defense strength, it is even tighter than a fortress.

This is understandable. After all, the people imprisoned here are all extremely evil. When Qazar arrived here, he still didn't think much about it and continued to use advanced invisibility skills to go deeper.

After all, Kazar is Melvin's eldest disciple, and his true skills in magic are actually better than Liao Yu as the "protagonist" warrior. After all, in order to do solo farming in the later period, Liao Yu chose the warrior with the strongest individual ability. route.

He easily deceived the detection magic and used the "knocking technique" to break open the prison door that was sealed and locked. Finally, Kazar successfully sneaked into the prison, but
The very first scene when he came in immediately made Kazar's pupils tremble.

Different from the strict and orderly guarding on the ground, the inside of the prison was in chaos, and not even a single jailer could be seen at all, because here, in the dark and damp "Still Water Prison", there were all kinds of people wandering around.

Yes, that's right, a monster.

A monster the likes of which Khazar had never seen before.

That is definitely not a monster.

They consist of squirming lumps of flesh.

Judging from the outline, one can still vaguely see the human form of his life.

But most of them have been twisted and mutated into weird flesh-and-blood creatures that are terrifying just to see them.

This picture alone is not enough to cause Qajar's "pupil earthquake".

After all, he had experienced a brutal war between humans and demons.

The mental endurance is already very strong.

What really made Qajar find it hard to breathe all of a sudden was

"Kazar. Er. Uh-huh."


Liao Yu is now in Qajar's first-person perspective at that time.

Among them was a wandering flesh and blood monster that seemed to be aware of him. It turned its head and stared directly at him.

The nose, which had been transformed into lumps of sarcoma, sniffed towards its own location. Then, as if it had been stimulated by something, it opened its mouth and shouted out its name in a hoarse voice! ?
It.recognizes itself?Liao Yu was able to catch up with Kazar's surprised heart, and the next moment, when the monster twisted and crawled toward him with all four limbs, the violent movements exposed the monster, and a pair of people behind it may not have been completely "alienated" yet. Wings
Not only Kazar's pupils were shaken, but also Liao Yu, who was watching the memory at the moment.

The wings on the back of the flesh and blood monster are as crystal clear and beautiful as butterflies.

It was completely different from the ugly and bloated piece of meat now.

A stark contrast.

Kazar knew, and Liao Yu also knew better, that the pair of butterfly crystal wings was a symbol of status, a symbol of nobility that could only be born after the flower and plant elves evolved to the extreme.

There is only one "Flower Fairy" in this world.

Just when Kazar was stunned, the flesh and blood monster had already crawled to him.

Although it was still shouting Kazar's name, it might be more like a residual instinct. After it got close, it directly attacked Kazar, as if it wanted to devour Kazar and turn him into itself. A part of the body's flesh.

Kazar came back to his senses and immediately fought back in order to protect himself. However, after this confrontation, he discovered that although this monster looked ugly, it was extremely powerful. Even he who had reached the eighth level could not capture it alive for a while. .

In desperation, Kazar had no choice but to give up in order to prevent the monster from making more noise. He couldn't bear to kill him, so he activated the Lost Tracking Step and flashed into the shadows in the distance.

The flesh-and-blood monster that had lost its target gradually returned to calmness and seemed a little confused.

Kazar, who was hiding in the dark, could even feel a hint of sadness from the monster.

The monster after that, dragging the pieces of flesh on its body, continued to wander around the prison unconsciously as it did at the beginning. The only thing that was added more might be the whispers of "Kazal Kazar".

What the hell is going on here?
What happened to that monster?

Kazar was unwilling to face a possibility that came to mind until he crossed the area of ​​flesh and blood monsters and reached the deeper levels of Stillwater Prison.

Here, Qajar finally saw a figure.

Those were prisoners in cages, tied and tied to iron crosses.

However, these people are nothing at all, traitors from the original war between humans and demons, or thugs who committed heinous crimes.

Quite the opposite.

Qajar had heard of, met, and even knew many of them.

Among them are scholars full of wisdom.

There are masters in the field of magic.

There are wise and outstanding kings, and there are also masters who have developed fighting skills.
The more Qajar explored, the more frightened he became.

Because the prisoners here, without exception, are all the elites of human society, outstanding figures in almost every field, and former heroic spirits.

However, these are the most valuable talents who should have been the most valuable talents when rebuilding civilization after the war, the elites who can lead human society and continue to progress. Now they are all tied to the cross and imprisoned by cold iron chains. In this still water prison where there is no daylight.

No matter how much Kazar wanted to believe in such a behind-the-scenes power that could capture talents all over the world, it would be useless. Only one person could do it.

He is also the founder of this prison.

Saint Freya.

Kazar, who realized this, recalled that there had been frequent news that his companions had "fallen" and were captured by the saint. Only then did he suddenly wake up with a cold sweat on his back.

Could it be that everyone is actually being slandered?
Freya can secretly capture human elites, but for the 42 former brave companions, because their reputation and influence are too great, even the saints cannot do it quietly, so they can only use this method?

Then, brave man, where is the brave man! ?
Why would Freya do this?
Liao Yu could feel that Kazar's thoughts in his memory were chaotic at this moment, and at this moment, a faint voice came from a prison not far away.

"Is it you? Qajar."

(End of this chapter)

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