Chapter 159 Wrong, we are all wrong
Although the voice was weak, Kazar recognized it immediately. He quickly ran over and, with the help of a strange glowing plant that grew in the prison, he saw the figure speaking in the prison under the dim light.

"Annie, is that you Anne!?"

Kazar's answer was a quick gasp. The shadow on the cross in the cell seemed to be trying to restrain something. After three or four seconds, he spoke again in a weak voice:

"Freya, she. She betrayed us. She planted charges against us and said we are monsters. Get out quickly. Warn the rest. Don't believe in any saints. Uh."

Anne's words confirmed Kazar's previous guess, and the next sentence was like a bolt from the blue.

"Freya has been deceiving us from the beginning. She killed the hero with cruel means."

Killed the hero?
At this time in his memory, Kazar seemed to have woken up from a dream. Everything seemed to make sense. Why did the hero frequently fail to show up after victory? Why did the saint not let them visit the hero before? And why? A brave man will not stop Freya from doing this.

It turns out, it turns out.
"Demons? Is Freya controlled by the remnants of the demons? Is it an evil spirit? How could the saint be brainwashed? No, this is impossible." Kazar gritted his teeth, his expression filled with anger and disbelief. .

Qajar can believe anyone who has been brainwashed by the devil.

Only Freya.

That is the glorious saint.

It is the embodiment of all purity and beauty in the world. How could it be possible?
This is indeed not the case.

"No that's more terrible. I can feel Him and no one can resist Him. It's the collection of all evil. Freya has. No. Me. I want it too."

The shadow on the cross gasped more violently, and the entire chain that bound Anne seemed to be shaking violently.

"The great guardian's hand, Zafreya, has been looking for that thing. Maybe it can... ah ah ah."

Before Annie could finish her last words, there was a sudden silence after a dull roar.

"Annie? Anne!?"

Kazar called anxiously, but soon there was a reply from the other side of the cell.

This time the reply was no longer weak or choppy, but the tone seemed a little weird.

"Kazhar, let me out quickly. Let's defeat Freya together. Come on."

"Save me Kazar, let's escape together!"

Kazar, who was so nervous, may have been confused at this time and didn't notice anything unusual at all. He promised repeatedly and wanted to break open the old door as soon as possible.

But this time, his previously unfavorable "knocking technique" hit a wall. The fence in front of him clearly looked fragile, but it was a fence made of ordinary materials, but it was harder than any stone.

"Kazar, what are you doing, hurry up! Open it quickly!"

Annie in the shadow in the cell urged anxiously, her voice becoming a bit shriller. Kazar, who was sweating profusely, even directly bombarded the cell with high-level spells, but it still had no effect, and even left traces on it. No trace can be made.

how can that be.

A cage that even an eighth-level half-step magic god couldn't open. Kazar was already stunned and didn't understand it at all.

Seeing Kazar's appearance, Anne, who was hiding in the shadows, seemed to be angry. She roared and rushed out. Her appearance shocked Kazar outside the cell.

Because the original Annie has now become, like the previous flesh and blood monster, her body is bloated, and the proliferating flesh has replaced her limbs. The only thing that remains is her human head, but this looks even weirder.

"Waste! Waste! Damn Saint! Damn Freya! She used the hero's relics to create this prison. She wants to enjoy the hero's body alone, get out! Let me out quickly!!"

"I don't want to become a monster. Go out and let me out!!"

Anne's words were completely confused, and there was no logic in the middle. Kazar looked at the crazy Anne in the cage and took several steps back.

The intelligence information he collected in this prison was too much.

There were so many that he couldn't handle them, and his brain didn't know what was true and what was false.

Even Kazar felt a little dizzy, as if something like the will of those wriggling pieces of flesh was penetrating his soul.

Kazar broke into a cold sweat and woke up instantly.

He knew he could never stay in this prison any longer.

He has to get out.

Kazar gritted his teeth and apologized to the crazy Annie. He also apologized to all the companions in the prison who were captured by Freya and seemed to be in some kind of strange imprisonment.He could only run away and try his best to escape from the still water prison.


It all went well.

Freya didn't seem to be here and didn't notice him.

When Liao Yu breathed the air outside, he could feel the feeling of escaping from death that Kazar had in his memory.

But what followed was a deep confusion and confusion.

Brave people are the top of mankind.

Even such a strong man died at the hands of the Saint. If Freya arrested him, he had no chance of winning.

How to do?
Now how to do! ?What's the point of warning the rest of the companions? Are they going to run away for the rest of their lives?
And if this continues, the human civilization they finally took back from the demons will be destroyed again.

Kazar could not imagine that the elites from all fields of human intelligence, who were constantly being attacked by the Saint, would cause the entire human civilization, let alone progress, to regress by an unknown amount.

Freya is destroying the foundation of human progress.

It seems to be rebuilding human civilization.

But in fact, secretly
Degenerating humans!Qajar knew he had to stop it.

Even if the brave man is gone.

He must also inherit this will and continue to protect the world.

He is a disciple of Melvin.

He is the successor of the Great Guardian, and he cannot be defeated like this.

Qajar's strong emotional riot thousands of years ago is now being passed on to Liao Yu through memory.

Such a firm belief in salvation seemed to remind Kazar of a point that he had ignored.

"Teacher's Notes, yes! Anne mentioned this."

Although Kazar didn't know what the code was for.

But since Freya is also looking for it, it means that this item is absolutely very important.

Kazar immediately confirmed the target.

The memory images behind began to fragment into pieces.

The images in front of Liao Yu's eyes became increasingly blurry.

This is not to say that the record is incomplete.

But Liao Yu could feel that it was Kazar's own consciousness thousands of years ago. There seemed to be some kind of problem with his soul, which caused the memory to become blurred.

Many images flashed through in succession.

Liao Yu tried his best to piece it together. It should be another manuscript that Qajar finally found after all the hard work and Melvin hid it as a relic.

And when the camera turned to the most critical content in the notebook, the memory fluctuated even more violently, as if to hint at the emotion of the memory owner at that time, which was like a complete collapse.

Buzz!The memory picture ends abruptly.

No matter how deep Liao Yu went, he found nothing.

However, at the end, Liao Yu caught a glimpse of a certain sentence in the notebook, which was also the sentence that he remembered most about Qajar at that time, allowing the vague memory to remain at the end.

That is

【We were all wrong】

[It turns out that the demons are the salvation]

(End of this chapter)

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