Chapter 160 The Closer Truth

Demonic salvation?

The demons in the game always bring only destruction.

Even the demon clan has reached a consensus on this point.

In the history of the demon clan, countless worlds have been destroyed by the demon clan.

From the brutal war between humans and demons, we can also get a glimpse of it.

Liao Yu remembered that this war, which lasted for a hundred years, almost caused the world's population to drop by more than two-thirds.

The reason why the current "Er Zhoumu" demon clan has not brought much damage to the world is all because of himself, the demon king, and because the defeat last time was really tragic. It should be the first time in history that the demon clan has Taste "failure".

Otherwise, it can be seen from the initial combat meeting when he first came here.

If he had not intervened, although the wise demon Leon advocated caution, almost the other apostles would still mainly attack the territory directly with large armies, and the loss of life would be inevitable.

As a result, through his memory now, he found that his mentor in the game was the great guardian of all mankind at that time, a super magician who stood at the top of the magic pyramid. In his final note, Melvin called it salvation?

Liao Yu from before would definitely be as incomprehensible as Kazar.

When he was playing the game, he thought that demons were cruel by nature, representatives of pure "evil", and classic villains.

However, after actually coming to the side of the demons, Liao Yu discovered that the demons were not like this.

Although it is a bit cliché to say this, they are indeed flesh and blood.

There are also various emotions.

And as he unlocked the fate of the Demon King little by little and gained a deeper understanding of the Demon Clan, Liao Yu came to understand that the fundamental reason that drives the Demon Clan to continuously destroy the world can be put simply in one sentence.

Can't farm.

It seems that they have never thought about "development and construction" in their bones.

Although we have conquered the world, we do not think about development and do not know how to develop. As a result, after "eating up" the capital of this world, we can only find another one in order to survive.

This also leads to the fact that the number of the demon clan has never been able to increase. It is simply a fantasy for the demon clan to reproduce tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people like humans.

Not being able to farm means that the demons are destined to continue to plunder, and frequent conquests in various worlds also limit the number of demons.

No matter how powerful the demon Dadaya is, it is impossible to say that he can allow millions of demons to travel around the world at will.

Therefore, the demons under normal circumstances usually only retain the core "nine major" apostle groups, and as for the remaining demon population, only a small part can be left.

After arriving in the target world, the "demon cultivators" will start to rush into the army. Through plunder, like an arsenal, the population of the demons will increase sharply in a short period of time.

After the war is over, in order to save resources, this excess population will be actively reduced.

This goes back and forth, reincarnation continues.

As long as the demon clan maintains a crushing combat power, this system can actually continue to operate.

In the human world, the demons have hit a wall.

Monsters like "The Brave" appeared.

However, in Liao Yu's view, this was indeed a huge blow to the demon clan.

But it's more like freeing the demons from the "curse of power".

The demons, who had been sealed in the Chaos Rift for thousands of years and had nowhere to plunder, finally activated the "farming" technology tree in order to survive, allowing them to survive in that barren rift.

It is precisely because of this that the intelligent demons are the first to awaken and realize that destruction and plunder are not the only way out for the demons. Perhaps they should also learn from humans, the race that is best at developing and building.

Is it possible for the demon race from the past, who was invincible and invincible, and who trembled in fear even for other races in the world, to awaken these things?Obviously impossible, not possible for many lifetimes.

It can be said that Illinois was the first kingdom conquered by the demons.

It is also the first kingdom in the history of the demon clan that was not destroyed but conquered.

Even though there is the influence of the devil himself in this.

But being able to achieve this feat shows that in the hearts of the nine apostles, the ideology of the demons is also quietly changing.

Oh yes, Liao Yu almost forgot.

Killing the demon is definitely a credit.

Speaking of evil spirits.
Liao Yu thought of a piece of information that Zhi Mo had reported to him in private.

That was shortly after the elimination of Grodan.

After the apostle died, the rest of the evil demons were both prosperous and devastated. They immediately lost their status among the nine major races and were directly captured and imprisoned.

Originally, Leon wanted to imprison him and wait for him to decide how to deal with these evil spirits.As a result, before Leon could wait for him, the imprisoned demons had changed.

To put it simply, their bodies began to change on their own.

On the first day of imprisonment, the demon became very agitated, not mentally but physically, and some of them even started to shake the iron bars of the cell.

On the second day of imprisonment, many demons began to huddle on the ground, and their movements became much weaker. According to the description of the jailer who imprisoned the demons at the time, it seemed that their bodies were still twitching.

On the third day, when Leon went to see the demons again, he found that they all had strange pieces of flesh growing on them, and these pieces of flesh began to eat away at their bodies like a plague.

On the fourth day, Leon originally wanted to observe more, but when he opened the door again, he found that the demons were all dead, and they were beyond recognition. From the corpses, it was impossible to see what the demons looked like before they were born. , only pieces of flesh bleeding with blood were left.

This is obviously too weird.

Leon immediately suppressed the news, claiming to the public that he had just executed all the evil spirits, and only reported the abnormality privately to Liao Yu.

Although Liao Yu felt strange at the time, he didn't pay much attention.

I thought it was just Gu Luodan who might have cast some evil spells on his subordinates. It was like if I died, other evil spirits would not be able to live either?To consolidate their position.

In Liao Yu's opinion, this was something that evil spirits could do, so after Gu Luodan died unexpectedly, the whole evil demon clan was also finished.

But now I look back and re-examine
The pieces of meat that increased in value on the demon's body were almost identical to those of his companions who mutated into monsters in the scene in Kazar's memory.

There must be a connection between the two.

It is likely that it comes from the same "weird" power.

Plus, the name of the demon.

"Evil" demon.

Liao Yu didn't think this could be a coincidence.

All clues seem to point to one keyword: evil god.

Thousands of years ago, Freya, the Radiant Saint, called her "brave" an evil god, polluting her companions and turning them into monsters.

From the perspective of her companion Kazar, Freya is the evil god. The saint framed her companions on various charges or directly arrested them in prison.

And then in prison, "assimilate" these companions one by one into meat monsters?

This also explains why human civilization has regressed so much a thousand years later. Even third-level magic is extremely rare, and fourth-level magic is regarded as a treasure. Thousands of years ago, the fifth-level magician who traveled everywhere has now become The country's top combat force.

The group of human elites from thousands of years ago, the masters in various fields, seemed to have been wiped out by Freya.

This led to the direct interruption of human inheritance.

Later, from Illinois, he also learned that the empire also issued a "prohibition of the spread of magic" convention, which has been maintained for hundreds of years.

Under this treaty, no human country is allowed to teach spells to civilians. Only a handful of nobles can learn them, and high-level spells are almost entirely confiscated and destroyed by the empire.

The combination of all these has evolved into the extremely "low-demon" human world we have now.

The seemingly messy pieces of information seemed to form an understandable logical chain after Liao Yu sorted them out.

It is known that the demons continue to plunder the higher world, yes, only the higher world.

The demons in the lower world disdain to invade, and there is nothing to invade. Just like they only rob the gentry, but not civilians or refugees, the resources produced by the lower world are not enough for the demons to make a trip.

So based on this known fact, it seems that it can be explained by inferring the behavior of the glorious saint a thousand years ago.

Freya didn't know if there were other demons outside the world.

So why did you choose to abolish your martial arts, lower your world level, and use this method to "protect" the world?
Liao Yu might think so if there weren't the next "Known Three".

Known three, Melvin's last words in his note read that the demons are...salvation.

It is normal for the Radiant Saint to not know things outside the world.

But Melvin was different.

This great guardian can really separate his consciousness from the world and can peer into the universe.

It was Melvin who discovered the Elf World and took the initiative to contact it.

Melvin must have seen too many worlds destroyed by demons.

In the plot of the game, the Great Guardian is well-informed and knows that the demons are terrible and will only bring destruction, so he resolutely chooses to sacrifice himself to save himself, the brave man.

But now it seems.
Maybe he was misled by the "game", or was it all just an illusion put on by Melvin?
Melvin could see "destruction" as salvation.

That just goes to show.
There is nothing more terrifying than "destruction".

(End of this chapter)

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