Chapter 161 Help them look decent

Liao Yu felt that he had caught something.

Very close to the truth.

What he lacks most now is evidence, more information, the key thing that can verify the guess in his mind.

One of them is Melvin's Secret Codex.

The second is
Stillwater Prison.

The former Liao Yu didn't know whether it would still exist a thousand years later, and if so, where it would be.

But the latter.
The Stillwater Prison has been preserved from thousands of years ago until now. It is located under the royal city of the Tribunal, one of the three major kingdoms.

There, if he personally revisits this prison designed by Freya in Kazar's memory, he will definitely get more truth.

Now the last remaining question is
How should I get there?


Liao Yu himself laughed when he thought of this question.

The destiny of the Inquisition faith is judgment.

The doctrine of judgment is to examine evil and judge heresy.

As for the Stillwater Prison, which is the largest and core of the Tribunal, it is really not easy to enter if you want to. Only the most heinous people who have committed heinous crimes will be sent to this prison.

In a sense, being able to imprison prisoners here is also a kind of recognition and honor for them, proving that they are big devils recognized by the Tribunal.

And for myself.

Is this a coincidence?

In terms of heresy, is there anyone more heretical than this "remnant of the old days"?

On the unforgivable evil.
Judging from the fact that the Queen of Star Spirits just peeked into her own spiritual consciousness and collapsed immediately, he is not an evil person. With hundreds of millions of sins worth, she should be "evil" itself.

Liao Yu shook his head when he thought of this.


There should be no one in the world more suitable for Stillwater Prison than myself.


So decided.

His next destination is the Tribunal and Stillwater Prison, and this time, it is not a sneak attack, nor a surprise attack, nor a forceful attack.

Liao Yu is not only going.

We must do it openly and "honourably".

In short it is.
Well, he's ready to turn himself in.

The prisoner has surrendered, but now he still lacks a "just" police officer to arrest him.

After much thought, Liao Yu decided that the second prince was more suitable.

Of course, if you just say directly that I will surrender and arrest me, that would be too false and it would probably scare the second prince.

So I have to do a little packaging.

Let the second prince think it is a good opportunity and take the initiative to arrest him.

The method is also very simple.

Liao Yu had always kept Cuite just for times like this.

What kind of false information should I make up?
A remnant from the past assassinates the eldest prince, and both sides suffer losses?

Such a scene where the snipe and the clam are fighting, and the fisherman wins, is a conspiracy, and Liao Yu believes that the second prince will most likely bite the hook. This is a decent ending that everyone is happy with. As for not biting, it doesn't matter, Liao Yu also I will considerately help him look decent.

Because this operation involves secrets from thousands of years ago, just like Liao Yu did not bring anyone else and faced the Queen of Star Spirits alone, Liao Yu did not intend to bring the apostles.

Liao Yu had always brought the apostle with him before because he had not leveled up. Now with his own strength and the blessing of multiple relics, he should be able to protect himself. Liao Yu still likes to act alone, so he plays the game with him. Finally, choose It’s the same with every demon BOSS.

The Demon King said this, and his apostles naturally couldn't refute it.

Moreover, they had been getting along with Liao Yu for a while, and they all knew that it would be difficult for them to change the decision made by Liao Yu.However, it really cannot be changed.

But behind Liao Yu's back, Leon and Elena secretly gathered all the apostles together again and held a small meeting again.

Wisdom Demon: "Dadaya, how many teleportation anchor points have been produced using the relics?"

"Currently, there are nine. If given another week, we can reach fifteen,"

Leon nodded, and then turned to ask the apostle who wanted to educate the demon.

"Ulala, if I supply you three times more star crystals this week, how much more efficient can your demon-nurturing delivery room be per day?"

The big milky-white octopus uses its tentacles as if counting on an abacus.

After the meeting, there was a burst of "Ula-Ula" reports.

Translated roughly, it means that one hundred thousand demons can be produced in a day.


Leon nodded with satisfaction, and finally looked at the two apostles in charge of the military.

"Hercule and Arpad, I will also give you three times the star spirit crystals. In this week, you will transform 70 new demons into [-] elite troops. Is it difficult?"


The big demon exhaled white heat waves from his nose, and the hellfire heart on his chest was flashing, seeming to express his confidence.

Sword Demon Arpad also nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

"Okay, these 20 troops, plus the 30 troops I mobilized and originally deployed elsewhere, will all put the 50 troops into the Tribunal."

"Hill, you, the shadow demon clan, immediately go to the Tribunal to reconfirm the strategic locations and cooperate with the magic demons. You must arrange the anchor crystals within a week."

"My request is that as long as the order is issued, 50 troops of our tribe can appear at various levels of these tribunals in an instant and take control of this place quickly."

"Understood." Hill in the shadow nodded seriously.

After making these arrangements, the wise demon looked coldly at the location of the Tribunal on the map with his snake eyes.

He finally repeated to the apostles the purpose of their action.

"The king said that he is going to use a more dignified method for this operation."

"Then, we should also learn from the king and be decent. Yes, if the Tribunal is decent, we will make them decent. If they are not, we will help them be decent."

Alice, who has a relatively young mind, doesn't quite understand.

Pouting, she tugged on Succubus Elena's sleeves dissatisfiedly.

"Leon, how can he be like a human being? He is so elegant. What does it mean to be decent? Alice, I don't understand."

Elena then translated: "If a person came to play with you, would you like it?"

"Of course. Alice will be very happy. She will drink seafood soup and play the gut-picking game with her friends."

"Then what if they don't come to play with you?" Elena asked.

"Alice will be very sad, but she won't force her. She will just twist their heads off and continue to play with me."

The succubus spread her hands and said, "Look Alice, don't you also know what dignity is?"

Alice suddenly realized that the little Loli was holding the doll and nodded in understanding.

But Wilsey next to her also had something to say.

Zhimo assigned so many tasks, why didn't she and Elena do it?
How could there not be.

Leon's eyes were focused and he was very serious. The next task entrusted to the two apostles can be said to be the top priority.

"It will take at least a week for us to make these preparations, but judging from the king's appearance, we may have to take action tomorrow, so the task of you two is"

"Just be responsible for helping us get out of the king this week."

"As for the method." Leon said no more.

The innocent Wilsey was still a little confused, but the succubus had already raised the corners of her mouth, looking full of confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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