Chapter 162: Peeling off the cocoon of the second prince


"Your Highness! It's just as you expected. The magic power of the Psionic Wall has been very unstable in the past few days. Our magicians responsible for detecting it are all surprised. You are so amazing! How did you guess it?" Yes, what's going on over there at the psychic wall?"

Lan was the only one who could talk to the second prince in such a tone.

Almost everyone knows that His Highness Danye’s most beloved female attendant, Lan continued to ask curiously:
"Your Highness, could it be those remnants of the past?"

The second prince smiled and did not reply directly. Instead, he turned to look at a board in his room.

This board is covered with information about the remnants of the past collected and summarized by the second prince.

The first clue was Illinois.

This small country, which is usually inconspicuous, had a big event, which attracted a lot of attention at the time.

The thugs from the Syndicate took advantage of the imperial envoy's diplomatic visit to slaughter all the royal family and nobles gathered in Illinois, including the imperial envoy.

It was precisely because of this introduction that the Seventh Prince led his troops to attack the Syndicate.

And he could take this opportunity to use the remnants of the past there to successfully get rid of the Seventh Prince.

So now it seems that it is very likely that the group of thugs in Illinois were the same group of people who killed the Seventh Prince.

If you think about it more carefully, maybe Illinois is a bait, a group of remnants of the past who made an advance plan to lure the eldest prince.

And then, it was his turn.

The Great Sage gave him a certain means of contact, with which he successfully contacted the leaders of these remnants of the past. The two parties agreed to cooperate, and he provided the other party with an opportunity to open a gap in the psychic wall.

Dan Ye's eyes moved and looked at a portrait, which was Trite.

Trite bought the position of "Archon" from the black market under his control and was responsible for transporting energy to the psychic wall in Stone Code City. This was the opportunity he created for those remnants of the past.

Up until this point, everything had been according to his plan.

But the next development of events was beyond his control.

Not only was Trite, the executive officer, not dead, but the transport team also arrived at Shidian City unharmed. It was as if the remnants of the past had let go and disappeared without any action at all.

Then within a day's work, before he could even investigate, new news came. Trite had completed the handover with the superior "Consul" and was even selected as a confidant by the other party to go to the House of Lords with him. ?
The next clue is that the magic power of the psychic wall is now fluctuating, and it seems that there is a problem on the maintenance side.

These orders seem confusing.

If they can be combined together.
The second prince's brows gradually relaxed and a smile appeared on his lips.

That's it
Danye understands among these clues where the "disappeared" remnants of the past are.

"It seems that I underestimated that leader's ambition." The second prince shook his head with emotion.

"Ambition? What do you mean, Your Highness?" The maid never understood.

"I hope that the leader will destroy Trite's transportation team to cause trouble for the eldest prince. But now it seems that not only did they fail us, but they actually gave us another bigger surprise. They This is to face the eldest prince directly, tsk."

Face the eldest prince directly.
Lan was still confused at first, but soon, her eyes widened and she immediately said, "Your Highness, do you mean that those remnants of the past have infiltrated Trite's transport team?"

"Well, that's why we saw the illusion that Trite arrived at Stone Code City safely, and then why Trite was still able to enter the House of Lords. My guess is that they took advantage of the opportunity for Trite to hand over to his superiors to kill my brother. The consul then replaced him."

"Kill the consul!? Can you pretend to be his replacement!?" The female attendant was extremely surprised. She followed the second prince and knew a lot of the inside story, so she understood how incredible this was.

The eldest prince holds the Relic Command Flag, and his followers are all connected to the mother body. Almost all of them are in a state of immortality. Even they feel a headache, but a remnant of the past has done it?
"More than that, their power should be even more powerful than we imagined. I'm afraid they had no intention of cooperating with me from the beginning. They just used my information to get close to the eldest prince."

"Get close to the eldest prince," Lan understood halfway through.

She recalled what she reported at the beginning about the abnormality of the psychic wall during these days, and couldn't help but take a deep breath, and was even more shocked. "Could it be that they want to assassinate the eldest prince?"

"So I said that the leader was very ambitious. I underestimated him too much. They should have brought a lot of trouble to my brother. Otherwise, the psychic wall would not fluctuate so violently."

"Then Your Highness, what should we do now? Does that remnant of the past still want to cooperate with us?"

"Cooperation? Of course he still wants to cooperate with us, at least to use our strength. Otherwise, the leader wouldn't still be carrying Trite with him. He is actually using this method to hint to us."

Speaking of the elixir industry here, I already have a plan in mind.

He immediately ordered Lan to summon the most elite warriors of the Inquisition.

After a while, twelve fully armed Judgment Knights were already waiting in front of the second prince. Each of them had the formidable strength of a sixth-level warrior.

"Lan, you personally lead the team and immediately go to the Sorcerous Kingdom's House of Lords. Based on the battle situation there, we will choose our next move."

"If the First Prince gains the upper hand in the battle with the remnants of the past, then you will lead the Judgment Knights and assist my brother in clearing out these remnants."

"If the remnants of the old days prevail, then help them bury my brother."

"If the two sides are evenly matched, you can provide cover from the side, tell the leaders of the remnants of the past not to fight, and cover their retreat back to the Tribunal."

"If they both lose."

The calm eyes of the second prince showed some fluctuations. This option is actually the most unlikely, but if it is true, this is like pie in the sky. It is an excellent opportunity for them. He will not just ignore it. Let go.

"If that's the case, we'll catch them all in one go."

"As you order, Your Highness!"

The Twelve Judgment Knights, led by his carefully trained female attendant Lan, prepared to teleport after receiving the order.

Dan Ye has spent a lot of money this time.

Judgment Knight is actually easy to say.

The key is Lan. This female attendant of his was his childhood sweetheart. Even when he later became the emperor's chosen one and was promoted to the second prince, he never abandoned her and kept Lan with him. She was said to be the closest family member to him. Not excessive.

Dan Ye also considered whether this was a trap, an illusion created by the eldest prince and the remnants of the past to target him.

That's why he didn't take action personally just to be on the safe side.

Still staying in the safest rear area.

As for Lan.
The second prince was not worried about his childhood sweetheart. After all, the emperor had given each of them a relic, and the relic that belonged to him was Lan.

In this way, Danye, feeling a little nervous and a little expectant for the first time in these years, tossed and turned at night, unable to fall asleep. It wasn't until the next day that it started to get dark, and he gradually started to feel like falling asleep.

As a result, before Danye could sleep for a few minutes, a burst of rapid footsteps woke him up.

"Your Highness! Your Highness! Lan is back!"

So fast?
The second prince suddenly lost all sleep. He sat up from the bed. He was extremely surprised. How long had it passed and one day had come back?

Before the second prince could get dressed, the next two news from his subordinates outside the door made Danye rush out in his pajamas.

The first news is that the eldest prince is confirmed to be dead.

News two.
Lan led the Judgment Knights to capture the murderer of the eldest prince, a thug from the Syndicate, and the most wanted criminal in the Sorcerous Kingdom at one time - the Demon King.

(End of this chapter)

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