Chapter 15 Wang, do you have any clues?


Still the old way.

Regarding Succubus' current petty emotions, Liao Yu walked over directly and hugged Elena from behind.

The body of the succubus is very soft.

The slender waist is separated by thin clothes, and the slippery feeling is hard to put down.

Was suddenly attacked by Liao Yu.

Elena was obviously caught off guard.

The breath of the devil king who was close at hand made her heart beat faster, and the temperature of the king's palm coming from her waist made her whole body hot.

With just a hug and a gentle caress, Elena softened and lay completely on her chest, as if surrendering.

Those who disarmed and surrendered together were not only the body of the succubus, but also the little emotions that Eileen had just had, which also disappeared.


Elena made a silly sound, tilted her neck, and leaned her head on Liao Yu's shoulder.

The swan-like white neck of the succubus makes people drool, and the sexy collarbone goes down to the bottomless gully between the plump twin peaks, like an abyss of seductive and depraved desire.

Elena's affectionate hands also caressed towards Liao Yu.


Liao Yu had already made preparations. He took a step ahead and grabbed both of the succubus's hands. He continued to stare at Elena affectionately on the bright face, hung his head by the succubus' ear, and said softly:
"Eileen, remember what I said, you are the only apostle I trust, I need you to help me guard the rear."

"I understand the king, just just"

"Believe me, Elena, it won't be too long, as long as we stabilize, I will let you come back to me as soon as possible."

The heat of Liao Yu's words hit Elena's earlobe.

No matter how much reluctance the succubus had, it ended with a "hmm" in the end.

Elena didn't say any more.

She curled up in Liao Yu's arms, choosing to greedily enjoy this happy time.

In fact, the main reason why the succubus still has emotions is that after thousands of years of hard work, she finally found the king of the demon clan, and he was her king. However, after only getting along with him for less than a day, the king wanted to leave her again. And went.

This scene, in Elena's memory, still vaguely existed for a while.

That was when she was still young.

There were also other demons who said this to her and asked her to stay behind.

That is
Her mother.

But in the end, what Elena waited for was the bad news of the queen mother and the devil king, the corpses of the parents strangled by the son of destiny.

Liao Yu didn't know what the succubus in his arms was thinking.

But he could feel the strong reluctance towards him from Eileen's body.

In order to change the subject a bit, Liao Yu quickly pointed to a very strange thing in the luggage that Elena packed for herself.

Like a kebab.

It's just that the meat on it is curved, and if you look carefully, there are many small suckers.

"Speaking of which, Elena, I've always cared about it. What is that? Why does it look... so similar to Ulala's tentacles?"

Liao Yu felt right.

The succubus in her arms looked at Liao Yu's fingers, then nodded and said: "Wang, that's Ulala's tentacles, it's dried meat that has been processed and weathered by us, and I gave it to Wang just in case. emergency food."

Seeing that Wang was still puzzled, Elena calmed down and explained the origin of "octopus jerky" to Liao Yu.

"Thousands of years ago, when we were just driven into the chaotic rift by the man of destiny, the barren environment here was barren and there was no food at all. If it weren't for the dried meat from Ulala, we might have perished, starved to death."

Liao Yu remembered that the BOSS characteristic of the demon-nurturing apostle in the game was the powerful self-healing ability.

So, could it be said.
Elena's next words confirmed Liao Yu's guess.

"Even if Ulala doesn't take the initiative to eat, she can still absorb energy from the outside world. Although the chaotic fissure is barren, it is not completely devoid of material energy. Based on this, Ulala allows her tentacles to proliferate infinitely, and then keeps her tentacles Cutting it up and giving it to us as food got us through the hardest first 100 years."

"After that, Alice created rotting grass crops that can grow on the barren and barren scorched soil, which greatly helped Urala alleviate the food predicament. Later, Dadaya and I successfully remodeled the delivery room together. At the cost of reducing the quality of the group, in exchange for a stronger ability to adapt to the environment, our demons have been pulled back from the brink of genocide, and we have begun to reproduce slowly."

Although Eileen's words were simple, everyone could tell that the real history of the Demon Race must have been extremely difficult and rough.

And this can be regarded as solving Liao Yu's confusion all the time.

That's how he survived.

Among them, what surprised Liao Yu the most was that it was not Ulala who committed suicide to dedicate herself to the tribe.
It's the rotten grass crops that Elena mentioned later, which was researched by the rotting devil.

The demons can grow food!
This was beyond Liao Yu's expectations.

After all, the demons in the game are set to come from outside the domain, and before invading their world, they have already invaded an unknown number of worlds.

However, just because the demons can only plunder and destroy, after consuming the resources of one world, there is nothing left to do. In order to survive, they must invade the next one immediately.

The result was unexpected.
The demons were sealed in the chaotic rift for thousands of years by themselves. Under the desperate situation, their potential was really stimulated, and a technology tree that this race had never had before was revealed.

This is undoubtedly good news for Liao Yu.

It means that there are indeed more possibilities for the demons.

People are greedy.

The balance in Liao Yu's heart is not completely tilted toward human beings. He also thought about whether he can find another way for the demons since he crossed over to become a demon king and has this ability.

Because of this, Liao Yu will try his best to avoid premature contact between demons and humans.

This is not only for the benefit of humans, but also for the benefit of the demons.

Liao Yu has not forgotten that the original game questionnaire had three questions.

The first two are all about the player, about the protagonist, which is himself.

But the last question.
It's about the "Holy Maiden".

In the questionnaire, he asked himself to evaluate his strength against the Radiant Saintess, and what he filled out was also—[very simple]

Then follow the rules that happen to you.

Thousands of years later, the new glorious saintess of this class of human beings, my great-great-great-granddaughter of countless generations, may be terrifyingly powerful, and even become a savior like him back then, the new Son of Destiny.

And based on his understanding of the settings of the Radiant Saintess, it is very easy for this junior to accept the ancestors from thousands of years ago.

All in all, this goal is too far and very difficult.

The premise of everything is to become stronger first.

"Don't worry, Elena, the demons will never go hungry again, and they don't need to eat the flesh and blood of our compatriots anymore."

"Just tonight, after we return to the mainland, I will immediately order Dadaya to build a teleportation array between the mainland and the chaotic rift. At that time, there will be a steady stream of human supplies, which will be transported to the chaotic rift and become the foundation for our demons to grow stronger." nutrient."

Liao Yu is not painting big cakes.

For private, this will help him consolidate his prestige among the bottom demons. For public, he will be stable when he is full. The demons will no longer be hungry, and human beings will be stable.

Win-win-win strategy.

"Well, I believe in the king, and Elena also replaces millions of compatriots, thank you for the favor of the king."

Seeing that the time was almost up, Liao Yu was ready to let go of the succubus, and then find any excuse to let Elena out quickly.

However, Elena seemed to have expected it a long time ago. She took a step ahead and hugged Liao Yu with her hands, not getting off Liao Yu's body.

Liao Yu originally wanted to move out of the previous set and talk to the succubus about the revival of the demon clan and the righteousness of the race.

As a result, Elena blocked everything Liao Yu wanted to say in her next sentence.

"Wang, since a few minutes ago, Elena has always felt like she was being touched by something."

"That's strange, Wang, do you have any idea about this?"

(End of this chapter)

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