Chapter 14 Elena is not unhappy

Completely correct!

If Liao Yu is asked to give Zhimo a score, then Liao Yu will definitely give a good score of 99 points.

Zhimo really did not live up to his expectations.

With only a few words of his own, he figured out his thoughts well.

As for the remaining point.

The only fly in the ointment is that.
"Very well said, Leon."

"But one thing, Leon, you're wrong."

Wisdom Demon immediately said humbly: "Please advise the king."

"As I said, we are the ones going to the human city tonight."


Liao Yu emphasized this word.

Leon understood immediately.

But Zhimo immediately tried to retort: ​​"Your Majesty, no! As the leader of our clan, how can you be so reckless?"

Before Leon finished speaking, Liao Yu raised his hand and directly stopped Zhimo with his movements.

"There is no need for further discussion on this matter."

"As a demon king, I will not only let my subordinates be on the front line, not to mention, as you said just now, Leon, arrogance was the biggest reason for the failure of our demons thousands of years ago, so this time, I will personally contact humans .”

"It's not just me, I'll ask you, you, every apostle of the Demon Race to come into contact with humans. Only in this way can you understand humans and our enemies better."

Liao Yu was blunt, clearly paving the way for his future self.

In the past, Liao Yu believed that if the demon king dared to say such a thing, he would be looked down upon by the entire demon clan and would be kicked out of power.

After all, contact with humans is a shame for the demons, who are completely disdainful, just like why should they come into contact with insects?
I am afraid that only the demons are keen on and like it.

But now Liao Yu knows it very well.

The pride of the demon race has been dealt a severe blow in the fiasco of the human-devil war thousands of years ago.

He was completely shattered by himself as the "savior".

Therefore, Liao Yu, who said such a dangerous speech, looked around.

Not surprisingly.

There was no apostle to refute, even Eileen, who hated humans the most.

This more or less proves that in a certain sense, the demons also recognize the human opponent in their hearts, and recognize that human beings are strong, not inferior to their demons.

The trend of the general direction, just like the successful realization of your own plan
All that's left is the specific details.

Liao Yu quickly changed his voice and said:

"But considering that we are still in the early stages, I will only take the three apostles with me for the first coming tonight."


The nine apostles in the meeting were all speculating about the three mentioned by Liao Yu.

With such an important and critical position, who will Wang choose among them?

First, Liao Yu pointed to Zhimo.

This is no accident, Leon himself has already made preparations.

"As you command, my king." Zhimo's calm snake eyes flashed with determination.

The next thing Liao Yu pointed to was the magician, Dadaya.

This can be regarded as expected by the apostles.

The magician under the crow mask bowed deeply to Liao Yu like a gentleman: "This is your honor, King."

It is not difficult to see that the ones chosen by Liao Yu are all similar to humans in size and appearance. This is normal. After all, they are going to lurk and gather information.

In fact, the first two apostles have been selected, and everyone already knows who the third is by default.

Elena adjusted her clothes and was ready to half-kneel down to receive the order.


Liao Yu's fingers were not pointing in the direction of the succubus, but towards another place.

It was a demon apostle wearing a cloak.

Shadow Fiend, Hill.

[There is still time left before the demons come.
——4 hours, 18 minutes and 07 seconds]

Devil Palace.

inner hall.

In Liao Yu's dormitory, Elena was like a wife packing for her husband for a long trip.

"Wang, I have let the servant demon wash and dry the clothes of these human nobles. It has been a long time and the color has faded a little. I have selected the most suitable ones according to the king's physique."

"Wang, there are about ten gold coins here. Even these coins will no longer be circulated by humans after a thousand years. There are still some agate ornaments and precious metals here. These hard currencies can also be exchanged for a large amount of money for the king by going to human pawn shops. funds."

"Wang, the location of the Void Passage is uncontrollable, so I also put this mainland map in it. Although it has been a thousand years, I don't know if it will still work, but at least it can help the king to distinguish the approximate location."


Liao Yu couldn't help but be curious as he watched the succubus show him items from human society and introduce their uses.

After all, demons have always looked down upon humans.

What's more, it has been sealed for thousands of years.

"Elena, where did you get these?"

"My lord, this is not mine. It was sent by Leon not long ago from the wise demons. It should have been collected and preserved by them during the war thousands of years ago."

Having said that, Elena shook her head, as if sighing.

"It seems that Leon did exactly what Wang thought a long time ago. He was preparing to hide in human society, so he deliberately collected these."

After storing all the common basic items, the succubus became more serious and explained to Liao Yu carefully:

"King, these are the ghoul potions I asked for from Alice. Sprinkling them on any corpse can summon high-level ghouls to serve the king. Some manual labor and chores can be handed over to They will handle it. If the king is in crisis, they can also cause the ghoul corpses to explode and produce a large poisonous fog, delaying the king's retreat."

"There is also this crown ring. King, I got this from Dadaya. The king must wear it all the time. It can help the king to be immune to curses, confusion, poisoning and many other negative spells and effects. I I know that the king is powerful, but humans are extremely cunning and are best at using insidious moves. With this ring, I can feel more at ease."

"As for weapons. Because I don't know which type the king likes, so I took all the best weapons from Arpad and Hercule, the best weapons of our demons. Take a look, Wang, which one of these is suitable for you?"

Elena really covers everything.

Like a female secretary.

Although the role of the succubus is to be in charge of the internal affairs of the devil, but Liao Yu saw that Elena was so concerned about it now, and ran almost every apostle for himself, scoured them all, and brought the best for himself , Liao Yu said that he was not moved, it must be false.

"Thank you, Elena."

Liao Yu thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

The succubus was very happy at first, she could feel Liao Yu's sincerity.

But soon, Elena's head drooped again, and she continued to pack Liao Yu's luggage silently.

Of course Liao Yu knew the reason why the succubus looked so depressed now.

after all
"Eileen, are you still upset about the meeting?"

The succubus didn't look up.

Continue to put props on Liao Yu, and at the same time reply: "No."

But after an interval of about a second or two.

Succubus emphasized again:
"Elena is not unhappy because the king doesn't take me."

 The next chapter is reviewed

(End of this chapter)

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