Chapter 13 King, have I interpreted Your will correctly?

[There is still time left before the demons come.
——7 hours, 27 minutes and 18 seconds]

Hercule's big body was extremely erect, and there was no hint of joking on his serious face.

He was not like the other apostles.

The Great Demon admired force, and after being conquered by Liao Yu with absolute power, Hercule was willing to believe everything Liao Yu had to say, even the most absurd ideas.

After all, nothing is impossible in the face of absolute power.

Hercule believed that the new demon king's terrifying and devastating power could clear any obstacles for them.

The big devil's vote in favor not only made Elena very angry, but also made the evil demon Groddan very angry, feeling that Hercule had robbed him of his role.

And the second person who voted for Liao Yu's "ridiculous" decision was Alice the Rotten Demon.

"War. Hee hee, the war will begin soon."

"There will be corpses. Alice's favorite corpse. Lots and lots of corpses. Endless corpses."

"I like it. I like it. Alice likes Wang Alice. Also. Can't wait. Hee hee"

The rot demon on the seat waved the blood-stained butcher knife in his hand.

This should be used to express joy for Liao Yu.

Her big belly, made of rotten flesh and corpses, trembled with Alice's excited movements.

Her patched-up face looked like it was spliced ​​together from various pieces of meat. She grinned "hehe" at Liao Yu. Look at her innocent and cute look, as if she was told by her parents that she was going to leave tonight. Happy little girl at amusement park.

A little girl weighing hundreds of kilograms.

"Alice, shut up! This is not your willful place!" Elena immediately scolded the rot demon below.

The succubus should be considered the leader among the female apostles.

Especially after the arrival of the Demon King,
Elena's status will also rise accordingly.

Therefore, the rot demon who was included in the "female apostle" couldn't help shrinking his head and muttered aggrievedly: "Elena is fierce and evil. It's scary."

But after only murmuring a few words, he honestly stopped talking.

"King, even if we have enough void passages, these new passages have not been reinforced by Dadaya. The risk of rushing through them rashly is very high. The space turbulence inside will cause a very high loss rate to our army. These The loss is completely avoidable! You, you have to understand Ulala! It is not easy to breed demons to breed these armies!"

Seeing that there are already three votes in favor, Elena is even more anxious.

She is different from the evil demon Grodan.

In order to protect themselves and to please, the evil demon is brainlessly flattering Liao Yu, but the succubus is sincerely treating Liao Yu well, and is considering the entire demon clan, so when it is time to dissuade, it must still be dissuaded.

"Wang, what Elena said makes sense." Jumo Dadaya spoke, and he gave Liao Yu further detailed data.

"I estimate that the shuttle loss rate of these original passages will fluctuate around 15%. If the army is allowed to pass through tonight, we will lose 10,000+ troops before we confront humans."

"This number is replaced by time, which is the number of demons that can be produced in Ulala's delivery room for decades."

After the magic words were said, Ulala, who was also a member of the "Female Apostle", under the suggestion of the succubus Elena, immediately waved her tentacles and screamed "Ula, Ula, Ula," to Liao Yu. to take a stand.

Yumo, the delivery room of the demons, is a production type of arms.

So for Ulala, even the low-level demons were just like her children. She lost 10,000+ children in one go. Ulala was very distressed and reluctant to give up.

But at this time, the evil demon, Gu Luodan, who had never found a chance to speak, finally regained his energy.

"King, we, the demon clan, are willing to sacrifice ourselves in exchange for assisting the magic demons to greatly speed up the solid passage!"

The demon's proposal creates a new twist.

Dadaya always discusses the matter as it stands.

After Gu Luodan's words, he pondered for a while, as if he was calculating, he nodded quickly and said in affirmation:
"If you use the demon's essence as an auxiliary, well, we should be able to complete the reinforcement tonight and reduce the army's shuttle loss rate to less than 3%, but"

Essence can only be produced after the death of evil spirits, and the yield rate is very low.

Glordan understood what the magician meant, and he gritted his teeth and said loudly: "It is an honor for our demon clan to be able to pave the way for the king's plan!"

Now even the last problem is solved.

After tonight, millions of demonic armies will come to the world and return to the mainland from the Chaos Rift where they were exiled. It seems to be a foregone conclusion.

Seeing this, Sword Demon Arpad was no longer silent. He stood up and expressed his stance:

"King, if you are determined, please allow me to lead the team and use the last seven high-level sword demons of the sword demon clan as the vanguard of our clan to assassinate the strong men, dignitaries, and military officers among humans in advance, so that we can It greatly avoids our clan’s battle losses and lays the foundation for the victory of the king and my clan.”

Sword Devil Squad.

Liao Yu is very familiar with it.

In the first episode of the game, the sword demon clan has made great achievements in battle. I don't know how many human commanders, heaven's favored sons, and even the kings of a country all died at the blade of the sword demon.

Liao Yu didn't expect that thousands of years had passed, and there were still seven high-level sword demons left in the sword demon clan.

You know, a high-level sword demon is equivalent to a human being, at least one who has lit up the fate of "five plastics" and above. The senior commander of a legion-level unit.

This is not over yet.

After Dao Mo said, Hercule shook his head.

The big devil stood up with a burly body and made a strong voice to Liao Yu.

"King, the responsibility of the vanguard army should be left to our clan. Although there are only three high-level demons left in the Great Demon Legion, our clan still retains more than fifty mid-level demons."

"Under the surprise attack, the Great Devil Legion can help our clan to win the most city battle results for the king as quickly as possible before the human beings come back to their senses."

Liao Yu knew very well that Hercule's words were not bragging at all.

The Sword Demon Team above is the nightmare of all human beings.

The current Great Demon Legion is the nightmare of all human soldiers.

Among all the races of the Demon Race, the Great Demon has the undisputed number one in combat power alone.

Even the lowest level Great Demon is level 50.

As a comparison.

The "Warrior Captain" among humans is about level 40.

The "Archbishop" of the Radiant Sacred Church is around level 55.

And even if both parties are at the same level, unless they are the peerless geniuses among humans, the great demons usually have 1.5-2 times higher attribute values ​​than humans, especially in terms of physique.

It can be said that the Archdemon is a pure war machine.

It's like a modern tank in an agricultural society.

There are three high-levels, and more than fifty middle-levels. Compared with the great demon clan in the era of Zhou Mu, they have indeed shrunk a lot.

But no matter how skinny a camel is, it is still bigger than a horse. This is still a terrifying force that can sweep across any small or medium-sized human country.

That's right.

Hercule also said conservatively here.

Where is it to occupy a few more human cities for Liao Yu.

It should be said that it is right to occupy a few more countries.

Arpad and Hercule, who are in charge of the military, are already discussing the order of the troops to go to battle and are ready to count the troops.

Afterwards, not to be outdone, the rot demon Alice also showed the plague she created to Liao Yu at the meeting, while the demon Dadaya took out many magic scrolls that were extremely lethal to humans.

On the throne, Liao Yu didn't speak, nor did he stop the apostles, but just listened silently, so as to quickly understand the remaining strength of the demons after a thousand years.

No matter it is a million demon army.

Is it the group of sword demons proposed by Arpad to assassinate political dignitaries, or is it the vanguard army of great demons prepared by Hercule to break through violently?
Was it the corpse poison plague that the rotting demon could destroy several fortified fortresses without seeing the blood blade, or the even more terrifying and exquisite special attack magic against humans after thousands of years of research by the sorcerer.
The strength of the demons after a thousand years is very different from what he had imagined before. Although they are abject, they are not at the point where the sun is fading, and they still have the power to fight.

I really have to leave the chaotic rift, and the sooner the better, because in this way I can have a chance to develop, but Liao Yu doesn't want the demon army to leave with him.

This demon power is certainly powerful, but when he has not fully grown up and has absolute control over the military, Liao Yu thinks that it is better to keep them in the chaotic crack.

It's not easy.

Although Liao Yu has thought about how to persuade these apostles in his heart, he can't start this head, and needs to be replaced, no, the devil.

The demon apostle who can "comprehend" himself,

Liao Yu finally set his sights on Zhimo, who was also the only apostle who remained silent among the apostles below who were discussing the counterattack.

Feeling Liao Yu's gaze, Leon seemed to confirm something.

I saw him nodding towards Liao Yu.

It seems that although there is no words between them, they already have a tacit understanding.

Afterwards, the wise demon stood up from his seat, and Leon broke the council's discussion with a loud voice.

"Everyone, stop it."

"No matter how much we discuss in the wrong direction, it will just be a waste of energy and useless efforts. I think... you have all misunderstood the king."

If the succubus is the leader of the female apostles.

That Zhimo should be the one with the most powerful voice among all the apostles.

As soon as Leon opened his mouth, the other apostles all consciously quieted down, waiting for the next words from Zhimo with puzzled expressions.

"First of all, I also agree with Wang's decision to leave the Chaos Rift tonight."

Wisdom made a statement first.

But then, he continued: "However, I don't think the king's departure here is meant to formally start a war with human beings with great fanfare."

"On the contrary, when we leave, we must disappear without a trace, keep a low profile, and keep the movement of us from the chaotic rift as low as possible."

The first person to retort after Leon's words was Hercule.

As the commander of the army, the big demon said bluntly: "Leon, I don't understand. Not all demons can be as invisible as the sword demon and shadow demon. Your idea is too difficult and impossible to realize."


"So our action tonight will not bring any demon army with us." Leon did not refute, but nodded, and made the point clearly.

As soon as these words came out, many apostles frowned, looking incomprehensible.

For the demons, they are used to push all the way, this attack method inherited from their ancestors.

Without an army
What is it called a counterattack?What did you counterattack?
Only Zhi Mo turned his attention back to Liao Yu on the throne.

Although Liao Yu was happy inside.

Zhimo did not disappoint him.

But on the bright side, he still has to maintain the image of the cold and cold devil king, so that he can easily implement his strategy. If he speaks too much, he will lose. He should try to speak as little as possible and let his subordinates speak more.

"go on."

Three simple words.

Liao Yu just nodded slightly.

But for Leon, this is already the best encouragement and affirmation from the Demon King.

The next Zhi Mo's voice was a bit more confident and calm.

"Everyone, since the failure a thousand years ago, I have been reflecting on it and trying to draw lessons from our failure. Finally, I came to a conclusion."

"Arrogant, we demons are too arrogant."

"We think that we can destroy everything destructively, and think that the resistance of human beings is nothing more than scratching an itch. In front of our demon army, any tricks are useless."

"However, it turns out that we were wrong, and it is precisely because of our success that we have lost the most important thing, and we have lost the ability to strategy."

Zhimo showed regret and sighed.

"Just imagine, if we, thousands of years ago, were able to capture a few humans for the rotting demons to study before attacking, and have the current plague in advance, would those human fortresses that gave us headaches back then be destroyed on their own?" ?”

"If we can secretly capture a group of human mages and give them to the sorcerer before attacking, will the human magic that caused us heavy damage be solved?"

"Even if we can grasp the information about the Son of Destiny before the invasion, and send the Shadow Demon and the Sword Demon to kill him before he grows up, then humanity, which has lost its savior, will have no choice but to compete with us. Capital? Will it still threaten the late king? "

Wisdom Demon's words are extremely sharp.

The words made many apostles bow their heads.

Especially at the end about Destiny Child.

Eileen's reaction was the biggest, she pursed her lips and clenched her hands tightly.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Leon finally took a deep breath and slowly concluded:
"Everyone, today we are no longer the glory of the past. We need to admit the decline of the demons. Because of this, we can't be reckless, we can't be reckless, and we can't blindly follow the traditional way."

"We need information. We need to find out first. After that war, how far has humanity recovered and developed after thousands of years?"

"What countries and powerful people need our attention? Will there be another child of destiny?"

"Before we understand this, I don't agree with any form of attack. We are in the dark. Human beings don't know or even forget about our existence. This is our greatest advantage. A premature attack will only destroy us." It’s wasted.”

Liao Yu on the throne couldn't stop nodding his head when he heard Zhimo's words.

If it were him, he would also cut in from this angle.

Leon's speech came to an end.

The wise demon finally explained and concluded to the other apostles: "So I think the king's will is that tonight, only I and a group of apostles will travel through the passage to the human continent."

"This is a long-term latent plan. We need to take root in the human country, infiltrate human society with all our strength, collect human intelligence, and launch a formal attack after we truly control all of human beings. Crushing human beings, this is the real way to make up for the hatred of thousands of years and reproduce the glory of our race!"

The more Leon said to the end, the more firm and conclusive his voice became.

as proof.

The last Wisdom Demon turned around and respectfully said to Liao Yu, who was facing the throne above: "My lord, may I have a correct interpretation of your will?"

(End of this chapter)

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