Chapter 12

Liao Yu, who was on the throne, now looked at the demon below, and he was really happy in his heart for such an exaggerated behavior in order to flatter himself.

Evil, the soul of the demons.

It sounds like a lot.

But actually let Liao Yu evaluate it, the demon is a unit of the demon clan that was born specifically for disgusting people.

In terms of individual combat power alone, demons are probably the worst besides cultivating demons.

On the battlefield, the main purpose of demons is to be in charge of harassment. They hide behind the army and release some negative mental states to the enemy, such as fear, blindness, confusion and so on.

After clarifying the position of the demon, it is not difficult to understand why Liao Yu is so happy about Gu Luodan's bold words.

Are you willing to lead the demon clan to take the lead for yourself?

Rush in front and kill someone, right?
By analogy, it is equivalent to letting a group of counselors, no, saying that counselors are a bit of a compliment, it should be said to let a group of gangsters be the vanguard.

Everyone knows this is impossible.

So did Glordan, of course.

So to put it bluntly, the evil spirit is just to cater to him.

Trying to redeem the previous bad image.

Be a fool.

Just please yourself.

Demons don't have as many intrigues as humans do.

The vast majority of demons are so pure that humans find it unbelievable. If it were an ordinary new demon king, he might really fall for Gu Luodan's tricks.

Liao Yu is not.

Not only is he not, but he also has a week of experience, as the son of destiny, as the savior, he has witnessed many crimes committed by demons.

For Liao Yu, what attracted him to the game "Falling Devil" was not the novel gameplay and unique settings, but what really attracted Liao Yu was the plot of the game, a tragic and passionate heroic epic .

In the game plot, the demon can be said to contribute great emotional value to the players and the game.

The reason why demons can become one of the nine major races of the demons is not because of their performance on the battlefield.

Their performance outside the battlefield.

That's right.

The real horror of demons is reflected in those occupied areas that have been captured by the demons.

Liao Yu mentioned it at the beginning.

Demons really don't fight against the wind.

But in terms of tailwinds, no one can compare to the devil.

In the game plot, the demon is the first to advocate not to kill all human beings, not to kill excessively.

But don't overthink it.

This is not to say that evil spirits pity human beings. On the contrary, evil spirits are here to enslave human beings and to better destroy human beings, not physically, but mentally.

Whenever a human city is captured, the demon will gather all the civilians in the city in the square, give each of them a knife, and then tell these civilians that they must kill if they want to survive.

Let civilians kill each other?

The devil is underestimated.

What the demons let these civilians use their knives to stab those fellow human beings who once guarded the city and fought bravely against the demons on the front line, and the resistance prisoners of war.

The guardian, died by the sword of the protected person.

The soldiers on the front line died at the hands of the civilians behind.

This is what the devil wants.

At the beginning, Liao Yu, as the savior, lurked in the occupied areas to plan liberation. When he witnessed this scene, it can be said that it brought great devastation to his soul, and made him so angry that he couldn't add it.

This is just the tip of the evil iceberg.

There are more shocking and extremely sinful behaviors to follow.

For example, establishing cults in human society, brainwashing and propagating doctrines such as "the supremacy of the demons" and "the demons will bring salvation", and cultivating and forming a large number of treacherous troops dedicated to serving the demons.

For example, civilians in occupied areas were used as human shields when capturing other cities.

For example, after capturing a human hero and legend, torture him day after day, exhaust the other party's soul and will, and make him become a puppet of demons.
Too much is too much.

If I didn't pay attention, I fell into those bad memories in the game again.

Liao Yu came back to his senses and released the palms he had unconsciously clenched.

In the game, what Liao Yu hates most is undoubtedly the demon.

If possible, Liao Yu really wanted to see, what would Gu Luodan's expression look like if he really agreed to the demon's foolishness and let Gu Luodan and his demon clan take the lead and rush to the front line.

But reason stopped Liao Yu.

I can't do this by myself.

At least not for now.

The other apostles would certainly not agree to be one.

After all, from the perspective of humans, demons are extremely evil, but from the perspective of demons, even if they are disliked by other apostles, it cannot be denied that demons do have a lot of benefits to demons.

Especially still, now that the demons are on the decline, they finally won a wave of praise from the violent soldiers, let alone send them to death.

As for the second.

Also the most critical.

Liao Yu already had a better strategy.

Finally, after Gu Luodan spoke, Liao Yu on the throne spoke after a short silence.

It's just that Liao Yu's next words
All the apostles present were shocked.

Liao Yu rejected Gu Luodan.

Anyone can guess this.

Gulordan himself has long been convinced that the king will never respond to his silly words.

"Three days?"

Liao Yu on the throne shook his head.

After that, he said flatly: "Three days, it's too long."


"Tonight we will travel through the passage and descend into the world."



There was still silence in the Demon King's Palace.

Shocked, Grodan opened his mouth.

The demon even doubted his ears.

Did he hear it right?
Wang just said...tonight! ?
It means that in a few hours, the king will lead an army to directly invade the world, capture the mainland, and start the second war between humans and demons! ?

Gu Luodan thought that Liao Yu must be anxious to counterattack and must be crazy.

But they never expected that their new demon king would be so anxious and crazy!

This is not crazy.

This is absolutely crazy!It's even more childish than what he said before!

There is no way Wang's proposal will pass in Parliament.

No, even the true most pro-Prince faction, Elena, was shocked. After coming back to her senses, the succubus immediately said nervously to Liao Yu:

"My lord, I understand your urgency to revive the demons, and so do we, but...can...the matter is very important, we can't be so hasty!"

"Although our demons have been dormant for thousands of years, our overall strength is still far from the peak period. We can't afford a second failure. Wang, at least give us more time to prepare!"

After Elena persuaded Liao Yu on the throne, she immediately cast an anxious look at Hercule below, asking the great devil as the commander to come and persuade the king.

Hercule did rise.

But what came out of the big devil's mouth was completely opposite to what Elena had hoped for.

"My lord, Elena is right. Doing so is extremely risky. Our army is not yet fully prepared for the battle."


"If the king is aware of the current situation and still wants to make this decision, then I...will follow in the footsteps of the king! I also believe that the millions of compatriots who have witnessed the power of the king under the altar will do the same!"

(End of this chapter)

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