Chapter 11 Demon King Council
Devil Palace.

main hall.

Liao Yu sat on a throne made of chaotic black rock and bones.

A step below the throne, Succubus Elena stood there dignifiedly and gracefully.

This is the privilege that previous succubus apostles had.

Can be the closest to the devil.

Further down is the long table of the council. Now the remaining eight apostles are sitting on both sides of the long table. In fact, it should be said that six are sitting upright.

There are two remaining ones. Urala, the Yumo, doesn't need a chair because her body is a big octopus, while Alice, the Rotten Demon, is too fat with her rotten flesh and big belly, so she can only stand.

Being summoned by Liao Yu, the new devil king, to come to a meeting so quickly, the faces of the eight apostles below showed no sign of irritability, and even a few of them took their seats a lot earlier.

For example, in order to apologize to Liao Yu, the evil demon consumed a lot of original power and gave the soul stone.

Gu Luodan was really feeling unwell this time, but he was still the first to arrive.

This is the effect of Liao Yu's standing in front of him.

The topic to be discussed in the Demon King's Council is to counterattack, to return to the mainland from the chaotic rift, and to conquer the world, which Elena has already told them.

And this is undoubtedly the biggest goal that the demons have endured for thousands of years.

It is the expectation of all demons.

Therefore, every apostle now has more or less excitement in his heart, and there are also many suggestions about "counterattack", and he wants to propose to Liao Yu the plan of "fighting against mankind".

Before Liao Yu spoke, none of the eight apostles dared to speak.

No matter how anxious they are, they still have to hold it in.

at last.

"How is the situation of the Void Passage now?" Liao Yu took the lead in asking the most critical question.

Chaos rifts roam outside the continent.

Also known as the Abandoned Land, the corner forgotten and abandoned by the world.

And the void channel is the only way to travel between the chaotic rift and the continent.

This is also the prerequisite for leaving here.

In the game, Zhoumu, as the savior, completely destroyed the void passage connecting the chaotic rift to the mainland world, in order to completely block the demons in it.

At that time, all human beings also believed that with the desolate environment of the chaotic rift, it would not take long for the demons to die.

But now it seems that the demons' vitality and will to survive are far stronger than imagined.

The one who answered Liao Yu's question was Shadow Demon Hill.

The demon, whose whole body was shrouded in the shadow of a cloak, stood up from his seat and said:
"King, after the Shadow Demon Clan's unremitting search, 300 years ago, we finally discovered a weak point in the Chaos Rift. Later, through the efforts of the Clan, we have successfully established a new passage."

Shadow Demon, the Eye of the Demon Clan, is the scout troop of the Demon Clan.

The shadow demon in the game once brought great troubles to Liao Yu and human beings.

With their excellent reconnaissance capabilities and shadow-like ability to hide and hide, the Shadow Demons once made any human secrets and any troop formation plans open and transparent in front of the demons.

Demons know everything.

This was the shadow of despair that enveloped all human soldiers, officials, generals, and even the king at that time, and it was a heavy boulder.

Such a bad situation continued until the middle of the game. As a player, Liao Yu, the Son of Destiny, joined forces with the Radiant Saintess to develop a regional continuous anti-reconnaissance lighting magic called "Bright Shining", which made the lurking The shadow demons in the shadows have nowhere to hide, and this can be regarded as curbing the shadow demons and bringing back a great victory for mankind.

It's a little emotional.

Liao Yu pulled back his wandering thoughts.

His eyes returned to Hill.

The shadow apostle who once made all the intelligence agencies of the mainland countries disgraced and trembled, but now, he is focused and serious in reporting information to himself.

I saw Hill spreading a shadow from under the cloak that covered her whole body.

The shadow soon appeared on the main hall in front of Liao Yu, showing a scene.

In the picture, there is a gray and turbid sky, and in the cracked world full of desolate and scorched earth, a crack channel has been dug out that leads directly to the earth's veins, and void energy is beating inside.

And looking from the opposite side where this void passage is connected.
Liao Yu, as well as all the demon apostles present, could vaguely see the blue sky.

See the green shade.

see the sun.

See fertile ground.

See the fresh and clean air.

See another completely different world, full of vitality and richness.

"The original carrying capacity of this new passage, according to Dadaya's calculations, is that it will take at least several years to move all our people out."

Speaking of this, the Shadow Demon paused.

Immediately afterwards, a new shadow picture extended from under her cloak.

"However, just an hour ago, we discovered many new void passages. Their scale and width are far greater than the previous passages. I think the formation of these new passages has something to do with the king's summoning ceremony. There’s a big connection.”

No one would question Shadow Demon's speculation.

After all, during the summoning ceremony, the blazing flames that devoured the altar and the black pillar of light rising into the sky seemed to still be before our eyes.

The arrival of the king made the entire space of the chaotic rift tremble violently, thus creating these new passages that can connect the outer continent world.

Only at this time did Liao Yu know that when he came down, he was so forceful that even the chaotic cracks were "shattered".

Back to the topic.

"What is the strength of these new channels?" Liao Yu asked immediately.

This time the answerer was not Shadow Demon.

The sorcerer wearing a crow mask got up from his seat.

The division of labor among the Demon Race has always been clear.

Like a gentleman, Dadaya first touched his chest with one hand gracefully, bowed to Liao Yu and saluted, and then began his report:

"Wang, although I have only conducted a preliminary survey, there is no doubt that these brand new, huge new passages only need to be reinforced a little bit."

"It is enough to transfer all our compatriots within a week."

After Dadaya spoke, the apostles in the hall were in an uproar.

An uproar from surprise.

After all, the time for their arrival has been reduced from the original "several years" to the current "week".

Such great news cheered every apostle.

Even at this time, the demon Gu Luodan got up directly and sang to Liao Yu on the throne:
"The so-called savior, the son of human destiny thousands of years ago, would never have thought that the seal that he spent all his efforts and efforts to destroy with my demon clan would be worth mentioning in front of our new king. Hit! So ridiculous!”

"I am very honored and excited for all the fellow demons. When our demons live and die, we can welcome a great new king like you!"

"Under the leadership of our king, the demons will rise again, conquer the world, and regain the glory of our clan!"

Gu Luodan's voice was impassioned and his expression was excited, which showed his admiration for Liao Yu. If he didn't know, he thought he was also a staunch fan of the devil.

Even Eileen, who was on the high steps, couldn't help casting disgusting glances at Grodan.

But the demon didn't care.

Gu Luodan even worked harder and continued to work harder. He bluntly proposed to Liao Yu: "King, with such a good opportunity, I think it is better to go all out and launch a general attack directly in three days!"

"And I, Old Luodan, am willing to lead the demon clan and fight for the king!"

(End of this chapter)

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