Chapter 10 Future Planning
you can!

This is very demonic!

If this star plastic effect is placed on the player, either the modifier is turned on, or it is definitely a major bug.

Can be placed on BOSS
Still as the biggest villain BOSS in the game.


Liao Yu thinks it is very reasonable!

Now Liao Yu is very excited, but he also noticed that the reward for the improvement of Star Plastic I here is just a one-hundred-fold increase in the "basic reward".

In the game, basic rewards refer to the experience points, development materials and card drawing resources obtained from tasks.

For example, props, equipment, prestige, or other special items belong to special rewards and are not included in the category of "basic rewards".

But even so, the effect of this Star Plastic I is completely abnormal.

Complete a task and get a hundred times the experience points and development materials!

Isn't this enough?
With this effect, Liao Yu believes that his level will rise as fast as a rocket.

The only pity is that.
Liao Yu sighed, and looked at his pitiful condition, which was all "1" initial basic attribute values.

The initial attribute value in "The Fallen" also determines the attribute value that can be increased for each level in the future. The term in the game is called - attribute growth.

In layman's terms, the higher the white value of the initial attributes, the stronger the character's potential talent limit.

For example, if everyone is at level 30, your total attributes may only be 50 points, while someone with a higher attribute growth may have [-] points at the same level, and the gap will become larger the further you go.

As a comparison, Liao Yu's protagonist in the first week of the game, the initial attributes should add up to about 15 at the time, and now he has an initial white value of 1. Putting it in the game, he is a standard ordinary human template.

It fits the [very simple] option he filled out in the original questionnaire regarding the protagonist's talent.

Don't be afraid!
Talent is not enough, add cheats!
Even if your attribute growth is low, so what, if you can't do it at the same level, then you will leapfrog!Use twice or twice the level of others to make up for the disadvantages in attributes.

Liao Yu looked at his experience column.

Currently he is level one.

The experience value progress to the next level is [0/50]

His destiny is to be a demon king, but his race is still human. Correspondingly, the experience template he inherited is naturally that of ordinary humans!

You must know that the human race is inferior to the demons in terms of attributes, but the strength of humans is that no matter whether it is to upgrade or learn skills, the experience points required are much less than the demons.

Just like now, from the first level to the second level, I only need 50 experience points, but the demons probably need 500 points.

This is also the effect of the Demon King's Fate, why would it give such a terrifying base reward bonus?

After all, the demons do have a large appetite and demand.

Liao Yu made this calculation in his heart. Compared with a normal demon king, his experience point requirements are ten times less, and if compared with a normal human being, the experience value gained is a hundred times more!
Good guy.

It means that all the benefits are taken by yourself.

With such an exaggerated increase, Liao Yu felt that his attribute growth was a bit useless, which could be completely ignored.

The main attack is a powerful brick flying.

What's more, Liao Yu opened his eyes and withdrew from the sea of ​​consciousness of Destiny to check the system functions in another game of his.

Its name is——[Marriage]

In "The Fallen", besides doing tasks and spawning monsters, the other way to gain experience points is [partner dispatch].

Let up to four partners go out to perform tasks instead of yourself, and all the rewards you get will belong to you. The rewards here are all basic rewards, and you can also eat the "devil king"'s fate bonus.

As for the amount of dispatch rewards, it is related to the "level" and "training level" of the partner.

Said for a long time.

How to get the most important [partner]
This is the system interface Liao Yu opened now.


A virtual scroll slowly spread out in front of Liao Yu's eyes, which was a world map.

It is the continent of "The Fallen".

However, all the world sections on the map were covered by clouds and fog, and only vague outlines could be seen. This was the fog of war, and he had to go to the corresponding location to unlock it.

As the Son of Destiny, the hero who defeats the Demon King must have a partner.

The so-called [Fate] is to form a fate, help yourself to actively collect partners around the world.


It's a card system.

There are two types of bonding: [random bonding] and [directed bonding].

Random Bonding—Consume 60 starlight to search for a partner once in the region, and spend 500 starlight to search for ten times.

Orientation bonding does not need to consume starlight, it is the relationship between the player's favorability with other NPCs in missions or events, and after reaching a certain level, you can make them become partners.

As for the currency here [Starlight], it is the card drawing prop included in the "Basic Reward" that Liao Yu mentioned before.

However, due to its particularity, "Starlight" can only be obtained from "Daily Entrustment", and there are no other ways.

Daily entrustment is equivalent to the player's daily life.

There are four every day.

It is used to help players upgrade quickly in the early stage, and it is characterized by low difficulty and high reward base.

Because "The Fallen" is a stand-alone game.

So the "daily" here is not the real time, but when all the action points are consumed in the game, it will be automatically refreshed after the next day.

The four daily commissions, whether they are used to help players level up quickly in the early stage, or used to earn reputation, earn stars, and draw partners in the later stage, are all very worth investing in action points.

Liao Yu clicked on his [Daily Commission] task bar.

It is a pity.

The top is empty.

The prompt is.
[The player's current region, did not search for "Adventurer's Association"]


The daily commissions in the game are all obtained by players from the association. After all, players are set as children of destiny, which means they have to do good deeds and behave like a savior every day.

And I am currently in a Chaos Rift, a deserted place, filled with only demons. Naturally, there are no human commissions, so I can't complete it and get rewards.

So far, Liao Yu sorted out all the game system and his own attributes.

And the follow-up planning is naturally clear.

Hurry up and leave the Chaos Rift.

Really come to the world and go to the human city.

Find any adventurer's association anywhere, and go to receive the daily entrusted tasks. After completing the tasks, rely on [-] times the basic rewards to quickly level up, and also rely on [-] times the starlight rewards to draw cards fiercely and find partners!
After gathering four high-quality partners as soon as possible, quickly send them all out to work for me, and there will be one more channel to get experience points!

After that, depending on the situation, I will light up the star sculptures of the remaining three demon kings' fates to continue to increase my own strength.

After he is strong enough, he will go to his great-great-granddaughter, who is an unknown generation, and discuss the follow-up of the demon clan with the Holy Lady of Radiance.

This is probably Liao Yu's plan for the future.

It sounds not difficult, very simple.

But in fact, just this first step, leaving the chaotic rift, is
dong dong dong.
There was a knock on the door from outside the house.

After getting Liao Yu's permission, Elina appeared at the door.

The succubus apostle bowed slightly to Liao Yu, and reported respectfully: "My lord, the eight apostles have assembled and are waiting in the main hall."

"The Demon King's Council. Start now?"

Liao Yu withdrew his thoughts and closed the game panel.

After tidying up his clothes a little, he walked out in the direction of Elena outside the door.

"let's start."

(End of this chapter)

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