Chapter 9 Fate Track - Demon King
For, why! ?

Elena's face was full of doubts.

She didn't think that Liao Yu was on the human side at all.

Just puzzled.

In this regard, Liao Yu naturally couldn't use his true inner thoughts. He had to change his perspective to convince the succubus.

Still the old way.

There is no better way for a succubus than love.

"Eileen, as I said earlier, you are mine, the only one, and my lover."

"So I don't allow my beloved to charm or seduce other people of the opposite sex! Even if it's just for strategy!"

Liao Yu's speech is too domineering for humans, but it is just right for succubi, which is also in line with the devil king.

Elena mentioned business before, and when it comes to human beings, she is indeed bitter and hateful, insidious and vicious.

But after switching to He Liao Yu's side.

The succubus immediately turned back into that docile little sheep.

Being so pampered and cherished by the Demon King, Elena felt that it was a lie in her heart that she was not warm, and her face turned red.

After all, throughout the history of the demon clan, there has never been a demon king who asked the succubus to give up its strongest "charm" ability.


Elena just wanted to refute something, but Liao Yu seemed to have expected it, and immediately said again: "The charm spell without physical contact will not work!"

Seeing Liao Yu's serious expression, Eileen lowered her antelope horns a little in grievance, feeling rather pitiful.

Elena rationally wanted to refuse.

After all, this is the meaning of their succubus existence, to destroy the enemy's interior.

But in the end, sensibility prevailed.

after all
What succubus doesn't like such a dedicated and domineering Lord Demon King?
"Elena, the task I give you is to keep an eye on the rear for me, that's all."

"You don't need to worry about things on the frontal battlefield, and you are not allowed to secretly have contact with any human beings of the opposite sex behind my back!"

"Then, what about the same sex as humans?"

Elena struggled tentatively again.

After all, the succubus's ability to seduce does not necessarily have to be for people of the opposite sex. It can still be effective for people of the same sex, or even be more effective.


What Elena got was a glare from Liao Yu.


Not being able to perform the initial ceremony with Liao Yu, and now being rejected by Liao Yu to go to the front line, although Elena knew that these were the expressions of Lord Demon King's love and concern for her, she still had some small emotions.

Seeing the unhappy look on the succubus' lips, Liao Yu also felt that he had to give him a little benefit.

After a short hesitation, Liao Yu made a promise to Elena.

"I will capture some human nobles later to compensate you and let you have some entertainment. That's all."

Of course there are good and bad people among humans.

Especially in the nobility.

Like Liao Yu before, loving king couples are very few.

In the first episode of the plot, Liao Yu also encountered many, many of them, which were no darker than the demons, and even more evil. Liao Yu wished he could travel back to the game in person and punish the disgusting nobles severely.

For example, in the normal start of the first episode, the eldest lady of the earl's family who bullied the protagonist and came to regret the marriage.

It is completely acceptable for Liao Yu to give these evil people with human face and animal heart to Elena for entertainment, and it is also the punishment that should be given to those extremely evil people.

On the opposite side, after receiving Liao Yu's promise, Elena was like a little girl who had received a gift, and she was so happy.

The succubus stepped forward and hugged Liao Yu directly, with fiery red lips, he kissed Liao Yu's cheek hard.


Be sure to hold on!
Liao Yu was afraid that Elena would stay for a while longer, and he couldn't hold on any longer, so while the succubus was satisfied, he asked Elena to retreat first, and rested alone for a while.

He also told Elena that after almost an hour, he would notify the other eight apostles to come to the Demon King's Palace. He was going to hold a formal meeting. The topic of the meeting was what he and Elena had just talked about - let the demons return to the Demon King's Palace. Return to the world

After receiving the order, the excited Elena exited the room.

at last.

With himself alone in the Demon King's chamber, Liao Yu took a long breath and fell into bed with relief.

But I didn’t dare to relax too much.

After all, he couldn't always rely on Hercule's domain to show off his power.

After returning to the human world, it is impossible for him to recognize relatives directly with the attribute value of three ones, otherwise his "ancestor" would be too shameful.

Really strengthening yourself is Liao Yu's current top priority.

Soon Liao Yu sat up again and hurried to study his golden finger.

That's right.

Destiny - Demon King

The so-called "fate path" is actually similar to a career.

And his "devil king" fate track is not in the game, it belongs to one of the few directions that Liao Yu is completely unknown to.

Liao Yu closed his eyes and concentrated his mental power. He soon felt that his soul seemed to have come to another dimension, and there was a hazy trajectory in the sea of ​​​​his consciousness.

The shape of the trajectory is indeterminate.

Where the end of the trajectory leads is also unknown.

The only thing that is certain is that he is standing at the starting point of the trajectory at this moment, and there is a twinkling star here, constantly revolving around him.

Liao Yu is no stranger to this scene.

It is exactly the same as the "Fate Track" development interface in "The Fallen".

As someone who has inherited the game system, I don’t need to fumble around. I can immediately see the relevant instructions after putting my awareness on it.

[Fate: Demon King]

[Number of stars currently lit: 1]


[Star Plastic I - Birth of the King] (Activated)
[Lighting condition: Complete the summoning ceremony and successfully descend to the world]

[Activation effect:
Demon King, born to plunder - all basic rewards you receive are increased by 10000%]


[Star Sculpture II - Wang Zhili] (not activated)
[Lighting condition: Own a "stronghold level" demon territory, and obtain the "loyalty" favorability of at least one apostle]

[Territory: None - not achieved]

[The current number of apostle’s “die loyal” favorability points: (2/1) – Achieved]

[Activation effect:
Demon King, stand proud of everything - you ignore the "learning/use" conditions of any "skills/props"]


[Star Plastic III——The Power of the King] (inactive)
[Lighting conditions: Own a "castle-level" demon territory, and obtain the "loyalty" favorability of at least three apostles]

[Territory: None - not achieved]

[Current number of apostles' "loyalty" favorability: (2/3) - not achieved]

[Activation effect:
Demon King, invincible - your own attribute value is increased by 100%, the hit of your spell effect is increased by 100%, your attack must be a critical strike, you will ignore any control effect, and any "instant death" spells or attacks will not take effect on you 】


【Star Plastic IV——? ? ? 】

[Xingsu V——? ? ? 】

【Star plastic.】

There are seven star sculptures in total, except for the first three, the subsequent star sculptures are all question marks.

But it doesn't matter.

The activation effect of the first three star sculptures alone is enough to make Liao Yu dumbfounded.

No, don’t talk about the first three.

As far as the effect of the first star plastic is concerned, is it serious?Isn't it really the value filled in by the foot! ?
Liao Yu repeatedly confirmed that he had counted correctly.

Four zeros.

Ten thousand percent!
Equivalent to all the basic rewards you get, it will be increased by one hundred times! ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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