Chapter 166 Origin of insect eggs

At the Blood Moon Trial, Liao Yu turned his attention to the first judge to accept the "trial".

Because of their belief in the fate of "Judgment", the appearance and temperament of each senior member of the Tribunal have also been quietly affected. Their faces are as sharp as a knife, with an iron face without any emotion, and they seem to be full of impartiality, selflessness, and uprightness.

Just like now, even though the court suddenly changed and the prisoners broke free and became the guests, even if the "Devil King" was the first to name him, Judge Serge's expression remained unchanged. He stood up straight, as if he would never give in to evil.

"Are you guilty?"

Liao Yu gave Judge Serge a chance to speak proactively.

But obviously, the other party was not as cooperative as he was before. Instead, he looked at Liao Yu coldly and continued to scold Liao Yu in a judge's tone:

"The court is a sacred place that cannot be profaned. Your sins today will be judged by Him!"

"Really? I don't think so. If He really still exists, you hypocritical believers should be the first to be liquidated by Him, right?"

Liao Yu's words were projected through the magic of the Tower of Justice and fell into the ears of everyone in the Tribunal who were "watching" the Blood Moon Trial.

The vast majority of people are angry in their hearts. After all, these judges are the face of the tribunal and representatives of what they claim to be fairness and justice. Now they are called hypocritical believers by a prisoner. This is simply a denial. Their entire Inquisition.

But at the next moment, the new action of the young demon king in the magic projection made the people of the Tribunal who were originally filled with righteous indignation come to an abrupt halt, and the indignation on their faces quickly turned into confusion and confusion.

I saw Liao Yu giving a gesture, and the subsequent trial knight captain, who was also the biggest contributor to the capture of the "Devil King" this time, Captain Lan, came to the judge holding the Holy Sword of Oath.

"Lan, what are you doing! Wake up quickly! Don't be controlled by evil!"

Judge Serge thought that Lan was controlled by Liao Yu and was trying to wake up his companions, but Kelan was not moved at all.

The female attendant of the second prince had an expressionless face and raised the holy sword of oath in her hand towards the judge's position.

The next moment, the Holy Sword of Oath seemed to be stimulated by something. The originally ordinary sword body suddenly flashed with a surging holy light above the judge's head. Its light was so thick that anyone watching the projection could clearly see it. visible.

The Holy Sword reacted to the judge...?

Previously, they had already understood the origin of this holy sword through the evidence statement against the Demon King. It was a sacred object given to the seventh prince by the emperor.

This sacred object usually remains invisible, and will only exert its power when encountering a vicious person.

In other words
The stronger the Holy Sword's reaction to a certain object, the more serious the sin on the other person.

But now.
what happened?

Judge! ?
In the ears of the confused and confused Tribunal people, the voice from the "Devil King" continued to ring.

"Serge, now you still don't admit that you are guilty?"

"It's a boring trick. Don't think that just because you use magic to control a sacred object, you can confuse others."

It has to be said that the people in the Tribunal are really heartbroken. Even at this time, they can still keep their expressions unchanged and still wear that hypocritical mask.

In this case, Liao Yu had to use a simpler and more crude method.

Under the control of Liao Yu, the spiritual thread of the flag of command flew towards Judge Serge.

The judge had no time to dodge before he was already connected. As he was forced to "team up" by Liao Yu, the mental memory in the judge's mind was also exposed to Liao Yu and in front of all the people in the court.
The picture in my memory is of being in a certain academy of arts.

An extremely talented instructor and four or five students who are equally talented and interested in magic are studying together in the laboratory.

They seemed to have made great progress, and they had discovered the secret of magic that was blocked by the empire, a secret manual for practicing magic.

The instructors and students embraced each other with excitement. They regarded it as a great discovery that transcended the times. Once this method of cultivating magic is implemented, perhaps everyone in the Tribunal can become a magic apprentice, and in the future, third- and fourth-level magic It will no longer be a dream, and even the legendary sixth and seventh level spells are no longer out of reach.

However, that night, before their results could be released, the knights and judges of the Tribunal came to their door. Under the leadership of Serge, they connected the mentor to five students and brutally murdered them all.

Due to lack of strength, the students were killed unconsciously while sleeping late at night. However, the instructor was lucky enough to find out and escaped for a short time, but was eventually surrounded by the Judgment Knights.

Before being stabbed to death by a random sword, the mentor asked heartbreaking questions.

What crime did he commit?
Why do you treat him like this?And Serge's answer was even colder, and for the mentor, it was more hurtful than a sword.

"Because you are trying to bring knowledge to the ignorant people."

The screen ends.

Serge, who had been separated from his memory, was sweating profusely. He was breathing heavily as if he had experienced some kind of fear. His original calmness and seriousness had all disappeared, and what was left on his straight face was a look of shock. chaos.

The people of the Tribunal who were watching the projection were not much better at the moment, especially the magic students.

They also have memories of the incident.

The magic master and his students encountered the Syndicate villain, who wanted to steal the research results. They were all slaughtered by the cruel villain overnight.

This extremely heinous incident can be said to have caused a sensation in the court at the time.

Subsequently, a large amount of manpower and material resources were deployed, and it took a week to successfully arrest the criminal. The next day, a trial was held at the Tower of Justice, and he was sent to Stillwater Prison, which was a satisfying and revengeful crime.

But now.
It can be clearly seen from Serge's memory images that there are syndicate villains somewhere. All of this is clearly directed and performed by the Judgment Knights?What made the people in the trial court even more chilly were Judge Serge's last words.

Are you trying to bring knowledge to ignorant people?

The reason for the imperial magic blockade is that ordinary humans cannot bear too much magic power. Only a very few people can tolerate magic power. Moreover, the further you practice, the magic power will not only bring strength, but also some irreversible changes in your character. , making people even more crazy and sinking into it, unable to extricate themselves.

Therefore, no matter how envious the people of the three major countries are for the various magical effects of magic, under such publicity, most of them are still shunned by magic and magic. No one has ever said that they will take the initiative to practice or practice secretly. mean.

But judging from the tutor’s research and the judge’s conversations, it seems that the truth is not like this at all?

"Do you have anything else to say in your defence, Judge Serge?"

"It's not you! You tampered with my memory! Yes! This is all false! It's you! I want to kill you, this heretic!"

After being unmasked, the judge seemed to be completely crazy, with a ferocious face, and lost his mind, trying to kill Liao Yu desperately.

Liao Yu shook his head. For such an ugly appearance, the best destination is
Before the judge could even move a few times, spider web-like cracks appeared in the blood moon barrier under his feet, and in the next second, it completely broke.

And Judge Serge, after losing his support, immediately fell away, towards the abyss below, towards the still water prison under the high tower.

"No, no. Ah."

The sound seemed to fall into an abyss, getting smaller and smaller until it completely disappeared. The dark still water prison below swallowed up the judge's figure.

The first prisoner completed his exile.

Then the next one.
When Liao Yu's eyes turned to the new judge, he seemed to have learned from the previous one's mistakes and immediately resisted directly, thinking that he would never fall into the devil's evil spell, but unfortunately he was still a step too late.

The spiritual thread of the Flag of Command is still connected to him, and his memory has been made public.

A new picture is generated.

And this time, the people in the Tribunal were even more shocked.

It was the largest and most famous hospital clinic in the Inquisition.

The most respected medical director, who has the title of "Herbal Sage", is now using an extremely anxious and frightened look, as if he is explaining something to the judge.

There is a lavender reagent in the dean's hand. All the tension in front of the dean comes from this reagent.

"Scam! This is an empire's scam! There is no disease resistance in this potion at all. It brings another, more terrifying one. It is alive! You understand, your honor, it is alive. Yes! It’s an egg!”

"I don't know what the Empire is going to do, but we must not inject such a potion or vaccine into the people of our Inquisition, your honor., your honor?"

The herb sage's answer was an awl that pierced his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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