Chapter 167 The Emperor’s Mission

The herbal sage himself was also a fifth-level priest and should not have been killed so easily.

But from his shock and disbelief, and later, as if he understood something, and turned into despair, it can be seen that he realized that behind this potion, there was a larger conspiracy that enveloped the world.

The screen stopped abruptly.

But that's enough.

Death of the Herbal Sage.

This was also a quite sensational and vicious event in the Inquisition.

The truth is that he was also harmed by the Judgment Knight?
And the last words of the herbal sage?

Ordinary people, although they don't understand what eggs the herbal sages are talking about, they recognize the reagent.

That's the blessing potion.

All newborns in the Tribunal, or rather around the world, must be injected with this medicine. This medicine can help them resist diseases and help them develop resistance to plague when they are young.

Under this medicine, the world's population indeed began to rise.

Neonatal mortality rates have dropped significantly.

Everyone accepted it as gospel.

It is precisely because of this that he has infinite respect for the Empire and deserves to be the leader of the world.

What do you mean?
Words from the herbal sage?
Is there something wrong with the blessing potion?
A huge conspiracy planned by the empire that has shrouded the world for thousands of years seems to be gradually unraveling with Liao Yu's trial of these trial judges.


Before Liao Yu can go to trial the next judge.

These judges suddenly bleed from all their orifices, and black blood flowed out from all over their bodies. A disgusting smell of rotting internal organs quickly spread. They seemed to have taken poison and died on the spot.

No, it should be said that someone forced them to take poison.

"That's enough, Demon King."

The second prince spoke. His Highness Dan Ye seemed to have aged ten years. It was he who activated the insect eggs in the judges' bodies and killed them all to prevent Liao Yu from prying into their memories.

Not only that.

The people in the Tribunal who were still "watching the trial" also experienced abnormalities. Waves of exclamations sounded from the people, mixed with what seemed to be the roars of monsters.

Liao Yu looked down and could see the now chaotic trial court.

I saw that many people's bodies were abnormal. They squatted on the ground and began to twitch and vomit blood. Then their bodies began to mutate. Insect monsters similar to those of the Seventh Prince's army seemed to break out of their cocoons and began to appear in the ground. There was wanton killing in the streets.

The appearance of such monsters made the people of the Tribunal no longer interested in seeing any projections, and had no choice but to flee in confusion.

The second prince used this method to prevent Liao Yu from leaking information anymore and cut off the projection.

He seemed to have figured out Liao Yu's true identity to some extent.


Carefully recall the journey of this remnant from the past.

And finally, the relics surrounding this "Devil King", such as the Holy Sword and the Flag of Command, can still be controlled by this Demon King with evil magic, but Lan
The second prince looked at his female attendant. He clenched his fists, but then relaxed them. He took a deep breath and changed his name for Liao Yu.

"It's hard for me to imagine what the original emperor did to make a descendant of a brave man call himself the Demon King."

"Descendant of the Brave, don't you want to be judged? Come on, you might as well let the Sword of Oath try me."

After His Highness Danye spoke, Lan took the initiative and walked over. Liao Yu saw this and did not stop him.

The female attendant raised the holy sword high towards her former master. But this time, even Liao Yu was a little surprised. The sword of oath did not react to the second prince, which proved that the other prince was not a bad person mentally, or rather
Liao Yu directly used the spiritual thread to pierce the second prince's sea of ​​consciousness, but Danye did not resist, as if he had given up long ago and allowed Liao Yu to watch his memories.

Belongs to him. Painful memory.

All the scenes are the ones that remain fresh in the minds of those involved.

As for the second prince, the most indelible memory that he can remember for a lifetime is naturally the time when he was selected by the emperor and transformed from a poor man to the noble "second prince".

Dan Ye and Lan appear on the screen.

They were still very young at this time.

With green faces and very simple and simple clothes, they fought through the layers of selection and finally came before the emperor.

The Dan industry was extremely exciting, and as a childhood sweetheart, Lan was also very happy that her bamboo horse could become famous and become successful.

Each prince will be given a relic and a mission by the emperor.

The relic that Danye was given by the emperor was precisely.

This relic has no body, but is more like an ability. The alchemy in the memory image is obviously confused and does not understand what this "synthesis" means.

The emperor stretched out his finger and nodded at Lan on the side. When Dan Ye turned around again, he was stunned.

He saw Lan's arms, Lan's torso, Lan's legs, Lan's ears, and Lan's head.

After a brief period of mental blankness, Dan Ye went crazy.

Lan is the most important person in his life.

He would participate in the emperor's selection just to live a better life with Lan and to give Lan happiness.But now Lan has become one piece after another.

The tall shadow sitting on the emperor's throne was still cold, like an emotionless machine.

Even in front of Danye, he still looked the same when he cut the body of a cherished person into pieces.

He didn't care about Danye's anger and hatred towards him.

Instead, he threw a bottle at the angry Danye.

What was in the bottle was an ugly and twisted larva.

A powerful spiritual force suppressed Danye. According to Danye's memory image, the emperor's pressure was like the boundless black sea.

Dan Ye was out of control and could only put the larvae in the bottle onto his green plum body, and then activated the ability to "synthesize" the relics.

Then a miracle happened, the insect's life really began to merge with Lan's body.

The flesh and blood that had been divided by the Emperor began to splice and reorganize themselves under the powerful power of the larvae and "synthesis".

In just a few breaths, Lan came back again.

She was lying on the ground, her chest rising and falling, which seemed to indicate the return of life, but her breath was very weak, like a candle in the wind, as if it would be extinguished if she blew it.

The emperor's hollow voice continued to sound, telling Dan Ye that the larva synthesized with Lan was the protozoal larvae of the "Queen" of the Zerg tribe.

If protozoa want to grow, they must rely on the supply of offspring.

In other words, more protozoa need to go into other people's bodies in order to continuously provide the protozoa with theories and allow the larvae to grow.

When the larvae grow up, Lan's body will also be repaired.

In this way, as long as the larvae grows to a sufficient stage, Lan will naturally wake up like an ordinary person, and even gain more powerful power.

Therefore, for the sake of Lan, the subsequent elixir industry can only embark on this path of no return.

He began to continuously study the synthesis of "eggs" and humans.

The "egg" parasites are given to more and more people.

The Emperor indeed did not lie to him.

After he parasitized all the people in the Tribunal, Lan woke up and regained consciousness.

After he had parasitized all three major kingdoms, Lan completely recovered his original memories and emotions. And when his parasitism expanded to the whole world, Lan would now become the Judge Knight Commander with such powerful power. .

The picture gradually blurred.

Dan Ye's memory explains the origin of the insect demon. All this is not dominated by the insect race. Instead, it seems that the insect race is also a victim, and the emperor is still behind the scenes.

It's not a good feeling to be watched and remembered by others, especially such painful memories.

His Highness Dan Ye gasped for breath. The second prince had long lost his original elegance. Everyone was wearing a mask of hypocrisy, and he was not the same.

"As a descendant of the brave man, can I ask you one last favor?"

"Help me. Liberate Lan."

The second prince thought that Liao Yu, as a descendant of the brave, had the power to control the relics, so Lan would rebel. The gap in strength also made Danye no longer struggle, but in fact, Liao Yu shook his head at him.

Danye was stunned at first, and then he seemed to understand something. Lan had never been controlled. All of this was Lan's own consciousness. It was the man who dreamed of changing the world with him, making the world a better place, and hoping to get better. A female knight who makes more and more people happy.

Lan said nothing.

She swung the holy sword and pierced the second prince's chest. It was the heart, but it was also the place where the bugs that Dan Ye put into his body were living.

After doing all this, Lan did not leave, but hugged Dan Ye. The two figures both fell into the abyss below, and the darkness of Still Water Prison swallowed them up.

In the end, only the Sword of Oath returned to Liao Yu with two items.

A relic of the second prince, which came from his brave "synthetic" ability, now turned into soul fragments due to the combination with Lan.

The other one was a token given to Danye before he died, as if he was thanking him for his liberation, or for revenge.

To put it simply, it was a pass given by the emperor to the second prince.

Passport to Stillwater Prison - an emerald-like jade core

Why did the Emperor infect all of humanity with bugs?

Where did the Emperor's protozoan larvae come from?

The second prince told Liao Yu that all the answers were in this jade core, and they were buried in the still water prison below.

The jade core rotated in Liao Yu's hand.

Emit a dark green light.

Like the wick of a lantern in the hand of the warden.

As the magic power on the jade core was activated, a unique teleportation array flashed around Liao Yu, and a door that seemed to lead to the netherworld slowly opened. It was the entrance to Still Water Prison.

It is more direct, can go straight to the depths, and explore the real entrance to the secret.

(End of this chapter)

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