Chapter 168 Still Water Prison
The area of ​​Jingshui Prison is much larger than Liao Yu imagined.

This place is more like a small underground world than a prison.

After walking out of the portal, perhaps because he took the "internal passage", Liao Yu appeared directly on a higher cliff.

There are no criminals here, no meat monsters like in Qajar’s diary.

Everything was quiet, very quiet.

Liao Yu came to the edge of the cliff and looked down. Perhaps that was the real still water prison, a dark land shrouded in thick "shadow".

The shadow exudes an ominous aura, and there seems to be signs of activity inside. If you look carefully, you can still see the shadows of trees and vegetation.

Unfortunately, because the distance was too far and the shadow blocked most of the line of sight, Liao Yu could not obtain any more information just by looking at it.

As for the cliff where he is now, the reason why it is not covered by the shadow is because there is a simple lighthouse located on the cliff not far away, a hundred meters away, emitting dark green light.

The light on the top of the tower isolates and disperses all the shadows that want to spread over.

This dark green light is almost exactly the same as the "jade core" of the second prince. Obviously, this lighthouse should also belong to the empire's "internal facilities" category.

Liao Yu retracted his gaze towards the cliff and started walking towards the lighthouse.

The iron door at the entrance of the lighthouse was locked, and there was a complicated magic seal on it. It would take a lot of effort to open it violently, but fortunately, Liao Yu quickly found an embedded door next to the iron door. Concealed socket.

The shape of the socket exactly matched the jade core of the Second Prince in his hand. After putting the jade core in, the entire lighthouse seemed to be awakened from its original standby state with the flickering light.

The dark green light on the top of the tower was overwhelming, and began to rotate rhythmically. Immediately afterwards, all the seals on the door in front of him were also lifted, and they actively opened to both sides, as if to welcome Liao Yu.

The interior of the lighthouse is divided into three floors: upper and lower.

The first floor seems to be the room where the second prince spends most time.

Many bookshelves are displayed here. Liao Yu browsed through the classics placed on the shelves. Most of them were Danye's experience in using "synthesis" and various formulas.

In addition to the bookshelf, a note on the desk in the center of the room quickly attracted Liao Yu's attention.

The second prince probably never thought that anyone else would come here, so he didn't take any confidentiality measures, and the notes were spread out on the table.

The notes are like a memoir, and most of them were written by Danye. Before he became the emperor's elect, the "second prince", as a commoner, he and Lan experienced poverty and ordinary things, but they were very ordinary. Every bit of warmth and happiness.

It can be seen that he is different from other princes.

Danye works for the emperor and infects humans all over the world with insect eggs purely for his own childhood.

Because of this, he did not have any enthusiasm for the emperor. On the contrary, Liao Yu could see from Danye's memoirs that the second prince's doubts about the emperor had actually been there since very early.

The cause was the same as his own, and Dan Ye didn't understand why the emperor did this and what was the purpose of infecting humans with insect eggs.

But from the emperor's subsequent improvement requirements for the "worm eggs", Danye seemed to have figured out something.

The insect eggs that parasitize the human body today have gone through three versions.

The first version was the memory scene seen in the court before. The insect eggs just coexisted with humans.

As for the second generation version, it was mentioned in the notes that the emperor took the initiative to summon Danye and asked Danye to conduct experiments and use "synthesis" to continuously optimize the insect eggs until the eggs could absorb the host's magic power without causing death. Degree.

It was also during this period that the Empire's support for the "Treaty Prohibiting the Proliferation of Magic" reached its peak.

Dan Ye judged from this that the emperor might have used this method to maintain the dominance of the empire, so he formed a monopoly on magic talents, so that from now on, other countries would no longer be able to produce strong people.

The third version that followed confirmed half of what Danye had guessed.This time, the emperor summoned Danye and asked Danye to apply the Zerg's "pheromone" ability to humans through synthesis.

The so-called pheromone is actually equivalent to a monitor.

The eggs in front can contain magic power, but they cannot contain human intelligence and desire to explore.

Especially after the parasite eggs parasitized, it brought unprecedented population expansion to mankind. After the war between humans and demons, the population of mankind dropped by two-thirds. In just a few years, not only did mankind recover as before, but it also recovered very quickly. A go-ahead was achieved.

With a huge base, there will always be some people who can discover something, or make a breakthrough or new technology in another field.

For example, when Liao Yu read the memories of those judges earlier, the instructor who developed a new type of magic cultivation technique, or the herbal sage who discovered insect eggs, etc.

The "pheromone" requested by the Emperor is aimed at such people.

Whenever a major breakthrough occurs, or an outstanding discovery is made in a certain field, which may lead to revolutionary progress, the eggs in such key human bodies will release special pheromones, which are captured by the "mother body".

Then the Inquisition was dispatched.

Hunt these core talents around the world.

Seeing this, Liao Yu realized that no wonder mankind would regress so much in a thousand years, and civilization would make no progress.

It means that every genius has been accurately positioned, and the genius has been nipped in the cradle in a true sense.

This is undoubtedly anti-human.

And it's wasteful.

The second prince in the notes thought that he understood the emperor's intentions and suggested to the emperor many times that there was no need to hunt these talents and that they could be absorbed into the empire.

After all, the purpose of hunting talents is to hinder the development of other countries or forces, thereby consolidating the empire's highest status.

So if we could instigate these talents and let them serve the empire, wouldn't it help the empire accelerate its development and open an unbridgeable gap with other countries?

Even later, the second prince took the initiative to propose to the emperor that they could develop insect eggs that could control talents. In this way, the emperor would not have to worry about the loyalty of these talents who jumped to the empire.

However, this time, the answer given by the Emperor was, no.

And there is no room for discussion.

It seems that in the eyes of the emperor, those scholars and geniuses who can bring progress to human civilization are not elites, but cancers and scourges.

Once such people appear, they will be killed without mercy.

The Emperor does this to other nations and powers.

This is true even within the empire.

At this time, the second prince in the note seemed to realize that in the eyes of the emperor, even the empire did not matter. What the emperor wanted was him as an individual, the "strongest".

For this reason, the Emperor did not hesitate to use any means, even if it brought the entire human civilization to a standstill, he would not allow any challenger to appear that could threaten his status and threaten the "strongest man".

After realizing the true face of the emperor, the second prince quickly thought deeply about it.

If the Emperor is really such a powerful dictator and an extreme individualist, then could the Emperor give up his position to these "princes" who are not related by blood?

Even if we boldly speculate, is it possible that the so-called "emperor change" has been a lie since ancient times, and that the emperor in each term is actually the same person, the first emperor?

(End of this chapter)

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