Chapter 169 The tenth apostle of the demon clan!

The strongest proof is that no one has ever seen the Emperor take off his armor or mask, never.

Even in front of the elect princes like them, the emperor always looked the same and never got up from the "throne" once.

Since then, in the notes, Danye, who had a grudge against the emperor because of "Lan", immediately planned a small move in private.

He still wants to run for the emperor and kill other competitors. This is to build momentum for himself.

And secretly, he began to shelter and protect those human elites who should have been executed.

As for the method, it is actually in the "Blood Moon Trial" that Liao Yu experienced in the previous scene.

The original human elite was directly assassinated by the Inquisition.

But later, the second prince built buildings like the "Tower of Justice", installed court projections, and conducted universal trials.

The reason for going through so much trouble is not for anything else, but to save these human elites.

Danye told the emperor that if he kept assassinating, he would always arouse suspicion.

It would be better to find a legitimate reason, accuse these people of false accusations, and then execute them reasonably and legally.

But in fact, Dan Ye set up a shelter in Jingshui Prison.

He will secretly manipulate the eggs in their bodies for those human elites who are useful to him. In this way, although they will fall into the still water prison after trial, they will soon be eliminated by Danye. The "internal agents" in the prison picked up the anthropologists and put them in a safe location.

These human elites who were saved by him were Danye's accumulated strength to fight against the emperor, and they were also his last trump card.

However, in order not to be exposed or discovered by the Emperor, they could only live in the still water prison without daylight until the day of the final battle.

Liao Yu shook his head and closed the notes. The later the notes were recorded, the longer the interval. The last time was half a year ago.

It can be seen that the emperor is putting more and more pressure on Danye, and Danye no longer dares to secretly go to Jingshui Prison.

As for why Dan Ye gave this "jade core" to himself before he died, the meaning is also obvious.

If you really want to find someone in the world who can deal with the emperor, then I am afraid that he, the "descendant of the brave", should be the most likely one.

This lighthouse is Danye's secret stronghold in Jingshui Prison.

Liao Yu walked up the stairs and found a teleportation room on the second floor.

There is a large map hanging on the wall opposite.

It was the second prince who drew the map of the entire Jingshui Prison.

Through the map, Liao Yu saw that Jingshui Prison looked like a downward spiral cone.

The whole area is divided into four areas.

The Exile Zone, the Shadow Zone, the Forbidden Zone, and the gray unknown areas that seemed to have never been visited by even the second prince and had no text labels or terrain drawings.

The higher the area, the safer it is.

The current lighthouse stronghold of the second prince is located at the junction of the "Exile Area" and the "Shadow Area".

There is also a small specially marked area at the location of the "Shadow Zone" on the map.

Liao Yu speculated that this should be the shelter created by Danye for the exiled human elites.

It is also my next destination.

Danye asked these scholars to study the emperor carefully in order to prepare for future revenge. Liao Yu wanted to meet these surviving anthropologists. He believed that he would be able to get more information from them.Through the teleportation array in the room, he can reach the entrances to the other three areas except the deepest "unknown area".

But Liao Yu was not in a hurry to leave.

The second prince's lighthouse stronghold is still one level away from being explored. For a mature player, it is very rude not to visit every corner of other people's homes.

The space on the third floor of the lighthouse is very small.

This is like the "alchemy synthesis" room of the alchemy industry.

The shelves in the room were filled with various containers and cans filled with liquids.

In these cans, you can see the soaked "biological" parts one by one.

Among them are various human organs and internal organs.

But this is only a small part.

Liao Yu also discovered that it was obviously one size larger than humans and had furry ears, which was obviously from the orc species.

In addition, the white and pointed ears and wings soaked in the can next to it should be from the elven species.

Not to mention the various Zerg limbs.

What surprised Liao Yu the most was that, a few steps away, he could still see a huge abnormal angle, and the word "Tiefling" was marked on the bottom of the container.

There are also organs that are significantly smaller than humans, and the word "dwarf" is marked under the can.

There are also some that can be identified as aliens without reading the words, such as the gills of the murloc, the nose of the goblin, the palm of the giant, and the scaly tail of the Naga Siren.
Liao Yu even saw that even if he was soaked in the jar, he could still feel the red dragon scales that were as hot as fire during his lifetime! ?
In the original notes, the second prince once mentioned that the "synthetic" raw materials given to him by the emperor were referring to these?
Sure enough, in addition to the elves, half-orcs, and star spirits he met, there were many other alien races who also came to the human world.

And the reason why the human world generally knows nothing about this is because all these alien races have already sent it?

Who stipulates that Stillwater Prison can only hold humans?
Liao Yu looked at the "synthetic materials" in these cans. Many of them didn't look like old antiques, but looked very fresh.

After carefully exploring the top and bottom of the lighthouse stronghold, and confirming that there were no hidden rooms, Liao Yu returned to the teleportation array after gathering almost all the information.

Stepping into the formation, he still used the jade core to activate it. As the light flickered, Liao Yu's figure disappeared from the lighthouse. The next moment, he came to the entrance of the shadow area on the map.

Here, the visibility immediately dropped to maybe only seven or eight meters. This is only the entrance. The density of weird shadows inside the real shadow area is much greater than that at the entrance.

Liao Yu continued to move forward. This time, before he had taken a few steps, he spotted a looming figure with sinister features and stern eyes at the edge of the entrance.

The "thief eyebrows and rat eyes" here is not a metaphor.

"Zhi is not bad, it seems that the newcomers who have been exiled this time have good strength, Zhi, they can reach the shadow area so quickly, Zhi"

This figure also spotted Liao Yu and immediately came closer.

After getting closer, he could see the other person's appearance more clearly. He was a man two or three meters tall, somewhat hunched over, with two large and sharp front teeth exposed. His whole body was covered with hair and he was wearing a tattered cloak.
A rat-man.

The rat man who came to Liao Yu kept sniffing Liao Yu with his big brown-black nose full of sweat glands. He seemed to be very satisfied with Liao Yu's smell. His narrow eyes kept looking up and down at Liao Yu, as if Restraining some desire to eat.

It swallowed, probably holding it back successfully, and continued to say to Liao Yu in a sinister tone:

"Newcomer, no matter what crime you committed outside, when you get here, you must abide by the rules of Jingshui Prison."

"If you don't understand, of course you don't understand. That's why I'm here to teach you newcomers. Believe me, you humans here are just the bottom of the food chain. Those other alien races imprisoned in Jingshui Prison, Their evil and power are far beyond your imagination and will completely subvert your understanding."

"So, squeak, listen up. If you want to survive here, the first step you have to take is to turn to me, the greatest ratman and the most loyal envoy of Blood Moon. I am the one who destroys thousands of people." The tenth apostle of the demon clan in the world, Skaven, the King of Demon Rats, offer your tribute! Squeak!"

(End of this chapter)

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