Chapter 170 The Great Demon Clan

Skaven, the rat man, saw that Liao Yu was unmoved after what he said. If he had to say it, he had a weird look on his face and looked at it with strange eyes, so he was very dissatisfied.

But this is normal. After all, humans in this world are very ignorant and have never even seen other worlds outside.

He was probably frightened when he saw his "rat-man" appearance, and he didn't even listen to the many identities he carefully arranged behind him.

This will not work.

Maybe it was some kind of vanity at work, or maybe he just wanted to show Liao Yu that his background was powerful so that he could ask for more tributes from Liao Yu in the future.

I saw Skaven using its rodents to make a sharp sound like "Jie Jie Jie". This is one of the best ways he has researched to induce fear in humans. Then it opened its mane and claws, He took another step closer to Liao Yu.

"Why, don't you believe what I say? Newcomer? Zhizhi. Poor humans have been deceived and deceived by your emperor for thousands of years. They are like frogs at the bottom of a well and birds in cages. They have been living in your world."

"But don't worry. As a reward for your ability to arrive here and meet the Rat King, Skaven will bring you enlightenment and the truth."

"Your human world is just a part of the material plane. There are many more worlds like this, and countless races have been born. In addition to the greatest ratmen, orcs, naga, dwarfs, goblins, and so on There are sweet elves.”

Skaven was teaching Liao Yu about "foreign races".

The rat man wearing a tattered cloak said as he circled Liao Yu and started pacing.

"The level of civilization among these alien races ranges from high to low. There are crude and savage inferior creatures like orcs, murlocs, and dwarf goblins. There are also advanced races like ratmen, dragons, and elves. There are also some like the legendary ones. Like the star spirit species, close to His existence."

"As for you humans, you are only in the middle class. Among the many powerful alien races, you are not worth mentioning."


Skaven suddenly stopped speaking, then raised his voice much higher, and stopped pacing, right in front of Liao Yu.

Next, a look of fanaticism appeared on the rat man's face, and his narrow eyes were full of awe. He opened his arms to Liao Yu like a believer.

"However, above all these races, there is one greatest existence, and that is the demon race!"

"In front of the demons, all living beings are equal, and there is no distinction between high and low for any alien race. Do you know why? Zhizhi, because they all have only one ending, and that is...destruction!"

"Squeak, humans, you simply can't imagine such a scene. Wherever the demons go, one civilization after another is wiped out. No matter how powerful the race is, their world will also come to an end."

"For this material plane, the demons are the doomsday, and the doomsday is the demons."

"Whenever the demons come, the only thing the aliens in this world can do is to kneel on the ground, crouch and tremble, ushering in their end."

"Now, human, do you understand how noble I, Lord Skaven, am as the tenth apostle of the demon clan?"

As he talked, it seemed that Skaven was no longer explaining to Liao Yu.

But immersed in some kind of self-world,
The rat man's words became more and more excited, and his voice became louder and louder.

"I fought on the battlefield with the great demon Hercule, witnessing the hellish flames that devoured all those who resisted. I also planned an aggressive war with the wise demon Leon, and watched one after another, alien civilizations in our hands. To be toyed with.”

"Magic Demon Dadaya and I are mutual teachers, exploring the mysteries of super-level magic together. And my best friend, my best friend, oh, Zhizhi! That is of course the rot demon Alice. After every battle, , we will share a delicious rotten meal together." Seeing that the rat man in front of him seemed to want to continue talking, Liao Yu was not in a hurry to expose it, but found it quite interesting.

After all, other alien races basically had bitter hatred towards the demons. Now they suddenly encountered one who believed in the demons and even imagined that they were also a member of the demons. Liao Yu was very curious.

"You say you are a rat and a demon at the same time. Why, do you still have a dual identity?"

Skaven was a little annoyed when Liao Yu abruptly interrupted "Fantasy Time". It was even more angry that Liao Yu called it the wrong race.

"Magic rat! It's the devil rat!"

"After the demons come, they will absorb valuable aliens! And I was valued by the Demon King at that time. The Demon King personally crowned me! Zhi! He promoted me to the new tenth apostle. , and even the entire rat race was sublimated and became the new demon rat race!"

It can be heard from Skaven's suddenly guilty and stuttering words that this was completely made up by him.

In fact, Skaven also knows that throughout the history of the demon clan, there has never been any precedent for "absorbing foreign races", but... hum, humans are all old haters anyway, and it is more than enough to deceive them.

Liao Yu searched the Demon King's inheritance in his mind and found the rat world.

However, the demons did not come to this world at all. It was a world that was too low-level. When the magic demon found out, he led his army of demons and passed by.

Now it seems that just passing through this world has a great influence on the rat world, and even creates belief in it?

"You said that the demons are the greatest supreme beings, but from your description, the demons only bring destruction. Is this considered noble?"

Hearing that Liao Yu dared to speak ill of the demons made Skaven even angrier than just calling him a rat.

It almost jumped up as if its tail had been stepped on, and said to Liao Yu fiercely: "What do you know about humans! If there were no demons, wouldn't the various races in the entire material plane be at war with each other? Wouldn't it be like this? Won’t they destroy each other?”

"It is precisely because of the great demons that all races in the material plane stopped fighting and expanding outwards. They behaved themselves and lived in their own world peacefully to form a balance."

"What the demons bring is not destruction, but order! Those who are destroyed by the demons are never the weak aliens, but those who are self-righteous, ignorant, and extremely arrogant, who try to challenge the order, and even claim to be "him" to expand outward. Aliens! The Star Spirits are the best example!"

It turned out to be the case.

Liao Yu nodded, he somewhat understood Skaven's fanaticism towards the demons.

According to the inheritance records at that time, the demons passed by the rat world just to invade the star spirit world, and the star spirit species were unprecedentedly powerful at the time. As the rat man said, they were a little over-expanded, and they once wanted to be in the world. She is called a god in the universe. This can also be seen from the Queen of Celestial Spirits in front of her.

With the expansion of power, it is inevitable that ambition will also expand.

As a neighbor of the Protoss World, like the Skaven World, those that are inferior and dirty must be cleaned up.

Therefore, by accident, the demons destroyed the star spirits, which is equivalent to saving the life of the rat world.

This is how the emergence of the present, such as Skaven, against the demons
New philosophy?
Liao Yu couldn't help but think of the words in the hidden handbook of the Great Guardian Melvin: Demons are the salvation.

(End of this chapter)

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