The hero who saves the world in the first eye, and the devil king in the second eye

Chapter 171: Help me get out of trouble, and help you become a member of the demon clan in the futur

Chapter 171 Help me get out of trouble, and help you become a member of the demon clan in the future!
"Okay humans, after understanding the greatness of Skaven, go and find me a tribute! I want ten soul lotuses!"

After saying so much in front of Liao Yu, in addition to satisfying his fantasy desire, the rat man did not forget the topic and urged him quickly.

This made Liao Yu laugh.

"Since you, the tenth apostle of the demon clan, are so powerful, how come you are still in a place like this? Being locked up in a human prison and becoming a prisoner?"

"What do you know! Your despicable emperor used forbidden magic to communicate with the evil outside the material plane and murdered our demon king! That's why we demons had to temporarily hide and lie dormant!"

The rat man gritted his teeth, and those who didn't know better thought they were real demons.

And what he said next made Liao Yu even more stunned.

"As for me Zhi Zhi! Do you think I am really a prisoner? Zhi Zhi! How is that possible! I am a key part of the great revival of the demon clan. I have a key mission given to me by the devil. I just pretend to be captured, but in fact Just taking the opportunity to sneak in."

"We are accumulating strength, Zhi! The demons will come back soon, and then the hypocritical and dirty emperor will usher in his end! And so will you humans!"

"However, if you serve me now, follow me, become my subordinate, and help us regain our strength, then when our army returns and tramples the human land, I can intercede with the king on your behalf and allow you to serve as a demon servant. Become a member of our demon clan!"

At the end of the sentence, Skaven straightened up, and the originally hunched back of the rat straightened up a bit.

He waved his rat paw, which really seemed to be a commander-in-chief. Of course, if you could ignore its ragged clothes at the moment and the mud on its paws that was full of dirt because it had not been cleaned for a long time.

Liao Yu: "So what you're saying is that you are the apostle of the demons and you are trapped in the dungeon. As long as I give you ten soul lotuses, you can regain your strength and bring the demons back to fight. I will be rewarded then?" "

"Squeak! Human! Very good! You understand it correctly!" Skaven didn't pay much attention to the strange "V" syllable.

"How about fifty flowers?"

"Fifty to fifty!?" The rat man was startled by Liao Yu's big opening.

Although he was very happy that Liao Yu could be so enlightened, he still had to explain to Liao Yu what this soul lotus was and the concept of each one.

"Human, Lord Skaven has felt your piety. If you can really bring fifty flowers, then I. I will apply to the king in the future to promote you from a demon servant to a demon envoy! Second only to our top ten Apostles exist!”

"But do you really know what the soul lotus is? Since you can come here, when you passed through the exile area, you must have seen that kind of flower with light blue light, right? That is the soul lotus. .”

"Each soul lotus requires the vitality of at least five death row prisoners to bloom. It is extremely difficult to pick. It will only be born in the exile area. We foreigners in the shadow area cannot intervene."

Liao Yu: "So you mean, I have to go back and kill fifty human prisoners for you?"

"Squeak! That's right! For the sake of your piety, Lord Skaven will make an exception and reveal more information to you. The offerings you gave me are also good for you! Did you see the shadow opposite?"

The rat man stepped aside and pointed to Liao Yu. On the other side of the thin line, was the thick shadow that shrouded the land of Jingshui Prison.

Just by seeing these looming gray mist, you can feel the strong ominous atmosphere exuding from them.

"If there is no protection, from the moment you step into the shadow zone, the shadow will be like a curse, attached to your body, eroding your flesh and blood every minute, twisting your mind, and eventually making you Reduced to a squirming lump of flesh, like a shadowy monster in a deeper forbidden zone!”

"And as long as you offer me the soul lotus, the Demon Rat King will temporarily grant you the supreme right to wander in the shadows, huh!?"

Before Skaven finished speaking, he realized that the human in front of him was gone.

When he turned around, the rat man's eyes widened, full of disbelief.

Because just when he was explaining to Liao Yu how terrifying the shadow was, Liao Yu had already crossed the dividing line.

And it was true as he said, as soon as Liao Yu came in, the surging shadow seemed to have discovered prey and began to pounce on Liao Yu.But at this time, a jade core on Liao Yu's waist began to shine.

The dark green fluorescence was like a protective shield, protecting Liao Yu within it, blocking out any shadows that wanted to get closer.

"The Emperor's lantern!?"

"How could you have this! Who the hell are you!?"

After a brief period of sluggishness, the rat man jumped up in real situ this time. He didn't even care about the image of the demon apostle he had just created, and directly used the claws of his hands and feet to catch up to Liao Yu's position.

After Skaven crossed the dividing line, the shadows also corroded its body, but the ratman seemed to have tolerated it for a long time. In addition, with the one in his arms, the light blue petals began to shine. It was the Soul Lotus mentioned earlier that somewhat offset the influence of the shadow for him, allowing him to move.

But if you compare it with Liao Yu's jade core, you can see that there are too many differences. One can completely isolate the shadow, while the other can only offset the shadow slightly, but still cause a small amount of damage to the body.

That's why the Rat Man was so shocked.

"Wait a minute, the second prince's beacon flickered before, so you, you are the second prince's person, right!"

Skaven's mind was moving very quickly.

He guessed Liao Yu's identity right away, and at least part of it was correct.

Liao Yu didn't walk fast on purpose. It would be a good idea for him to find a local guide here. The Rat Man looked like he was a seasoned man. Liao Yu then said slowly:

"What? The tenth apostle of the demon clan shouldn't take the second prince seriously, right?"

At this point, Skaven was still in the mood to pretend. After a jade core confirmed Liao Yu's identity, his attitude towards Liao Yu turned 180 degrees.

"Sir! Do you have any mission? Skaven is willing to serve you! I am most familiar with the shadow zone! You know, the dark zone is what we ratmen are best at! With excellent dark vision, you No matter where you want to go, I can help you!”

"Please, take the poor Skaven with you. I've had enough of this place. The shadows here are driving me crazy!"

"I'm willing to do anything for you, Zhi! I just ask you, can you say a few more words to the second prince, and beg the second prince to release me from Stillwater Prison! No, no, no, as long as I can enter the shelter Life is good!”

The rat man is able to bend and stretch, and he seems to be very aware of current affairs. Liao Yu also admires this. One moment he is the devil rat king, and the next second he is lying in front of him pretending to be pitiful.

"The shelter you are talking about refers to the humans protected by the Second Prince?"

"Yes! That's right! That's right there! There is also the Emperor's Lantern there. As long as you are in the shelter, you can be protected from the torment of the shadow. Are you going there? Skaven will show you the way!"

It's true that the rat people know the current affairs.

But another characteristic is also cunning.

Skaven said that he would lead the way for Liao Yu and acted very loyal, but in fact, Liao Yu could see clearly through the map. Under the guidance of the rat man, he followed the position marked by the second prince in the lighthouse. Quite the opposite, a huge deviation.

Liao Yu didn't expose it, so he continued walking silently.

After a while, a dilapidated village-like place appeared opposite him.

while there
One after another, the same kind of Skaven appeared.

Not only that, there are also many other races, such as Nagas holding tridents, goblin dwarves wearing faded red hats, whose skin has been mutated into gray-brown, murlocs with strange bloating, and tieflings with devil-shaped horns. The half-elf.
These alien races, who were somewhat alienated from other worlds, formed a circle and quickly surrounded Liao Yu in the center.

(End of this chapter)

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