Chapter 172 The demon army in Stillwater Prison

"Squeak! Stupid human! You were deceived by Skaven so easily! Squeak! Skaven is the tenth apostle of the demon clan. Do you really think I will be afraid of you, the second prince's lackey? Ridiculous!"

The Rat Man, who had led Liao Yu in a humble manner all the way, saw that Liao Yu had successfully entered the trap, all escape routes were locked, and the overall situation had been decided, he immediately jumped out and changed his face.

His narrow rat eyes were looking at Liao Yu proudly at this moment, and the arrogant tone in his mouth showed his arrogant attitude of being arrogant in front and respectful in back.

"So. Is this your demon army?" Liao Yu looked around, and there were more than a dozen different alien races that he could see.

Combined with the containers and cans containing various alien parts that he found in the second prince's lighthouse, it seems that the main function of the Stillwater Prison is really much more than just imprisoning humans.

At the same time, on the opposite side, although Skaven was a little dissatisfied with Liao Yu's current attitude, he was not too panicked even though he was surrounded, and he still had time to chat with him.

But I have to say that when Liao Yu mentioned the words "demon army", the rat man was so excited that he even put down the siege.

He held his head high and proudly showed off to Liao Yu:
"Squeak! That's right! Skaven has told you a long time ago that the mission given to me by the Demon King is to lurk behind the human race and accumulate strength for our tribe's counterattack!"

"Under Skaven's lobbying, 28 races in this still water prison have fallen into the arms of our demons! As long as I, as the tenth apostle, give an order, every one of them can become a demon for the demons. The clan fought with blood and sacrificed their lives as demons!”

It's not enough to brag to Liao Yu.

The Rat Man said, spreading his arms, hoping to get a response from his "army" to prove it.

It's a pity that the aliens who surrounded Liao Yu were not very cooperative. Some of them had bad tempers, such as dwarves and dwarfs. They even grinned at the rat-men on the stone, as if they were dissatisfied with Skaven." "Sacrifice one's life as a demon".

It was a bit disastrous, especially in front of Liao Yu, which made the rat man very angry. He turned around and scolded these aliens.

"Squeak! What are you doing! Have you forgotten what I said! I tell you! In the past few days, I have felt the call of the Demon King! The great Demon King sent me a message that the demons on the ground are already taking action! The horn of counterattack will soon sound!"

"When the time comes. Zhizhi! When the Demon King comes down to rescue us, I will truthfully report your performance to the Demon King! Every move you make now will become the assessment standard for whether you can successfully join the Demon Clan in the future!"

After the rat man's show of force, the aliens finally looked more honest.

Especially when they heard that Skaven actually got a message from the Demon King, their eyes showed both fear and yearning.

Liao Yu finally understood.

The dozen or so alien races who obeyed the orders of the Skaven did not mean to obey the Skaven at all. Their obedience came entirely from the fear of the demons. It was precisely this point that the Skaven sat on. took the position of leader.

Under the encouragement of Skaven, dozens of warriors of different races raised their weapons one after another and began to respond to the Skaven, shouting in the direction of Skaven, wanting to show their loyalty so that Skaven In the future, when the demon army comes, help them say more good things and give them "demon" status.

It seems that they really believe that Skaven is Qin Shi, no, the demon apostle.

At this time, the Rat Man really looked a bit like an apostle, at least he looked like a little demon leader.

Taking advantage of this mobilization momentum, Skaven gathered his strength, waved his rat paw towards Liao Yu, and ordered:

"Squeak! Now, I can feel the mark of the Demon King from this human being. Yes, it is him. Yes, he must be the opportunity given to us by the Demon King!"

With Skaven's talk, there's no need to draft anything when it comes to deception.

As soon as they heard that Liao Yu had the mark of the Demon King on his body, which was a gift given to them by the Demon King, the aliens suddenly became jealous.

"Come together! Kill him! Take the Emperor's Jade Core away from him. In this way, we will no longer be afraid of the shadows and can walk around the Stillwater Prison at will. We will be able to find the way out and the ground on the ground. The demon army gathers together! Then flatten the human world and destroy the evil emperor!"

"Come on!" "Roar!"

Although Skaven shouted so passionately, the rat man himself did not move at all, hiding behind and letting other aliens fight with Liao Yu.

The strength of these alien warriors who rushed over should not be underestimated. The lowest level ones were around level 69. Some of them were powerful. For example, the Dragonborn warrior who roared the loudest and was covered in scale armor was actually as high as level [-]. The seventh level is just one step away.

In fact, this is the level that a normal racial civilization should have. The strong humans of thousands of years ago were basically around the sixth or seventh level.

What's a little strange is that although these aliens are very powerful physically, the way they attack is very clumsy, which is the most primitive way of slashing with knives and scissors. Not to mention the magic, they don't even use any fighting skills. They are just like ordinary people. People do that.

Even so, Liao Yu did not relax. He directly took out the Sword of Oath and struck the red dragonborn who was the first to kill with a friendly "Holy Slash".

For aliens other than humans, who are still prisoners, this is the specialty of the Sword of Oath. The ordinary sword body immediately shines brightly, and the brilliance of the Holy Sword even covers the shadows for a while, turning into a radiant sword. The attack hit the Dragonborn's chest hard.


After the screams, the one who had just rushed towards me was as fierce as the one who was now being beaten away by the Holy Slash.

I saw that the thick dragon scales on the chest of the Dragonborn had long been torn apart, revealing a bloody mess under the deep sword marks. It means that the body was so strong that it could barely hold on with one breath. If it were any other race, it would have been dead. Thoroughly.

Liao Yu's blow was like a bucket of cold water, instantly stopping the other aliens who were still trying to rush over to show their loyalty to the demons.

The way they looked at Liao Yu was secondary to fear, but mainly shock and surprise, as if Liao Yu had done something extremely incredible.


Even the "Tenth Apostle" Skaven was startled when the light of the Holy Slash flashed. Now his hair is all covered with hair, and he said to Liao Yu in disbelief:
"Momo. Magic!? Squeak! How is this possible! Magic!? Why can you use magic??"

The rat man rubbed his eyes, but the Dragonborn moaning in pain lying not far away was the best proof. There was still the glorious magic power of the Holy Slash in his wound, and this was not an illusion.

"No, no, no! This is impossible! In the Stillwater Prison, all magic power should be sealed!"

"Why is this happening? Why doesn't the shadow react to you! No. Even if you can isolate the shadow, you who can use magic power should be discovered by the blood moon in an instant. The evil power of the blood moon will pour into your body and will You should tear it to pieces! Why."

Blood Moon is a collection of evil thoughts in Stillwater Prison.

It is the existence that all prisoners fear the most.

For the Tribunal, "Blood Moon Trial" is also used to express the highest verdict.

Among the previous self-titles of the Rat Man, there was also the term "His Follower of the Blood Moon", which shows the status of the Blood Moon in the hearts of the prisoners.

"Could it be an emperor's jade core? It must be like this! This is a higher grade jade core than the second prince's! Can it even escape the blood moon? Such a treasure"

Skaven muttered to himself, his eyes soon filled with greed.

"Quick! Don't be afraid! Come up here! Even if he can use magic power, it won't be too much. If he uses it a little, he won't be able to do anything!"

"By then, those of you who have captured the treasure, I, I, I will personally negotiate with Hercule and ask the Great Demon General to award medals to the most heroic warriors!"

"As long as we can present such a treasure to the Demon King, we can truly become a demon! The Demon King has spotted him!!"

(End of this chapter)

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