Chapter 173 I am the Demon King

Skaven was so excited that he almost spilled the beans.

It seems that the rat man's greed is not that he is greedy for treasure and wants to keep it for himself, but that he wants to offer it to the demon clan, so that he can really not be a fool, but have a real hope of joining the demon clan. .

It is not difficult to see that he really loves the demons so much.

Perhaps the highest level of deception is to deceive oneself.

Beside them, there were already some alien warriors who were above, but they didn't notice the flaw in Skaven's words.

As soon as they gritted their teeth, it seemed that they wanted to become a glorious demon clan, and even heard that they could be awarded a medal by the big demon. Their blood boiled even more. They were no longer afraid of the Holy Slash, regained their strength, and continued to rush towards Liao Yu. , which means risking one’s life.

"I told you earlier." Liao Yu shook his head.

If he had said that the shadow was this, he wouldn't have used the jade core.

After a slight vibration, the dark green barrier that was originally wrapped and protected outside Liao Yu's body and replaced Liao Yu's shadow suddenly disappeared.

The reason is also very simple.

Liao Yu put away the jade core.

This scene made all the foreign warriors stunned again and stopped abruptly, even the rat-man Skaven.

What does this feel like.

It was as if the brave man holding the holy sword suddenly lost the holy sword.

In the eyes of these alien prisoners in Stillwater Prison, the "jade core" that can isolate shadows is similar to a holy sword, a supreme treasure, but now.
What the hell?

Is that human brain broken?
No, this is just crazy, right?

After the barrier of the jade core was gone, as expected, at the next moment, the surging shadow swept towards Liao Yu, forcing many foreign warriors to retreat as if they were running away. No one wanted to be contaminated by the shadow. .

As for Liao Yu, in their opinion, this stupid human was finished, and Skaven, the rat man, stamped his feet angrily.

Because after being overly corroded by the shadow, the body will turn into a meat monster. That kind of monster is simply a disaster and will emit strong pollution. They can't even think about taking the jade core treasure on Liao Yu.

But soon, the Rat Man was the first to notice something was wrong, because were there too many shadows swarming towards him?

I saw Liao Yu as the center of the circle. In less than two or three seconds, a terrifying shadow storm formed, first ten meters, then 20 meters, 50 meters, and 100 meters.
In the blink of an eye, the rat people and aliens were surprised to find that the prison air around them had become clean and clear, and all the shadows that were originally mixed in it disappeared.

No, to be precise, they were all "drained" and flowed towards the humans in the center.

This is simply.
It's not like the shadow is eroding the other party, but the other party is siphoning the shadow! ?
That's right.

When Liao Yu heard that the components of the shadows were a collection of sinful thoughts, it was not so troublesome. After removing the jade core, the moment those unknown shadows invaded his body, it was as if they were attracted by another greater sinful thought. Submerged.

With a sin level of hundreds of millions, Liao Yu's body was like a bottomless abyss, a huge black hole.

At first, the shadows followed their instincts and wanted to erode him, but soon, the shadows wanted to run away. They discovered that Liao Yu was not a normal creature, but he was clearly a larger collection of evil thoughts, or he, the evil spirit. Him.

But the previous Queen of Star Spirits has confirmed that in Liao Yu's body, people can come and go whenever they want.

Instead of running away, Shadow was drawn into a larger siphon vortex.

This vortex is getting bigger and bigger.

Until the end, the shadow area covering the entire Jingshui Prison made the small world here tremble with "rumbling".

The rat people and aliens in the center feel it most clearly.

The gravel beneath their feet was beating wildly, and the trembling earth seemed to be screaming, causing them to sway from side to side, unable to stand at all.




The space in Stillwater Prison seemed to be torn apart, and it was dark and dangerous. It looked like the end of the world. The rat-man was so frightened that he ran away hiding under a huge rock and shivering.

Fortunately, this abnormality did not last long, and after about two or three minutes, he finally calmed down.

The trembling cage floor stabilized.

The space above my head also became gray again, and there were no longer any signs of tearing.

The only difference is that.
Where's the shadow?
What about the shadows filling the air?
The most terrifying curse of the Stillwater Prison, which sealed the magic power and eroded their evil shadow all the time, why is it gone! ?
It's Skaven who has the brightest mind.

He quickly looked towards Liao Yu's previous position.Soon Skaven captured Liao Yu's figure, and Liao Yu's movement almost made the rat man's legs weak.


Liao Yu hiccupped with unfinished meaning.

[You absorbed the "Curse of the Evil God" and gained 283 experience points.]

[You absorbed the "Curse of the Evil God" and gained 227 experience points.]


[Your level has been upgraded to Lv71→Lv82]

[You have absorbed the curse of the evil god, and your sin value has been increased. Current: 105439302 (+5783921)]

The curse of the evil god refers to the shadow.

This was the first time that Liao Yu officially saw the word "evil god" on the panel.

Sure enough, does this concept really exist?
However, he can absorb the "curse" and turn it into power. No, judging from Youying's attitude, he has been resisting, so his absorption is more like "stealing".

And another point that concerns Liao Yu is that not only the experience value has increased, but the guilt value has also increased.

Although it's not much, just 500 million, which is incomparable to my own hundreds of millions, but does this also explain certain arguments, such as the fact that the sin value is indeed the most important attribute of the concept of "evil god"?
After withdrawing his thoughts first, Liao Yu returned his attention to the present.

There are no shadows in the Stillwater Prison now.

Yes, the reason why the rat people and those alien races came to attack him earlier was for the jade core, and the jade core was obtained simply to "evade the shadows."

But now... gone.

Totally gone.

The centuries-old curse in the prison just disappeared like an illusion.

This should have been the most exciting and happy day for all the alien prisoners locked inside.

But it is obvious that at least the "demon army" under Skaven are not happy now.

Liao Yu stepped forward and walked step by step towards the rat man hiding behind the boulder.

The foreign warriors on the road were all trembling and lowered their heads, not even daring to look at Liao Yu. As for the "apostle" who protected them?
You must survive before you can join the demon clan. They still understand this principle.

Finally, Liao Yu came to Skaven.

The Rat Man was quite straightforward.

He knelt directly in front of Liao Yu.

"My lord! Actually, I have lied to you before. I, I am not a demon apostle at all. Yes! In fact, I am loyal to the emperor wholeheartedly. I fight for humanity. I do all this for, That’s right! I want to break into the demon clan!”

Liao Yu: "Really?"

When Skaven saw that there was something going on, he kowtowed excitedly.

Although there was some struggle in his eyes, after all, it was against his beliefs to say such things.

Skaven believes that Lord Demon King’s soul is still in the sky. If he really discovers it, he will definitely forgive him. These are all compromises!It’s temporary forbearance!It’s to survive!right!Only by surviving and reaching the ground can you join the demon clan!
He just pretended to deceive this human being, but secretly, he must escape and give this huge information to the Demon King!

The value of such information is definitely not cheap. In this case, his great contribution may really make him a glorious member of the demon clan! !

He no longer hesitated to be the rat man here, and even got a little excited, and immediately said: "It's absolutely true!"

In fact, Liao Yu clearly understood the mental activities of the Rat Man through the spiritual connection of the "Flag of Command". He did not expect that at this time, what Skaven was thinking about was how to use himself to join the Demon Clan. He wanted to spread the information about his "big enemy" to the demon clan.

He was really, Liao Yu was a little touched.

So after thinking about it, Liao Yu said deliberately: "That's it, but why don't you confirm my identity first before answering?"

Skaven didn't quite understand, and was a little confused. He didn't know what the human in front of him meant. Wasn't he the second prince, or a member of the emperor?
But no matter what, he had to cater to it.

So the rat man quickly and cautiously asked Liao Yu: "Then you, who are you?"

And the next five words from Liao Yu completely turned the rat man into stone.

"I am the Demon King."

(End of this chapter)

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