The hero who saves the world in the first eye, and the devil king in the second eye

Chapter 174 The devil is coming, we are saved!The devil is here, and there is hope!

Chapter 174 The devil is coming, we are saved!The devil is here, and there is hope!
The Rat Man's reaction afterwards was quite special.

After a brief moment of sluggishness, Skaven's eyes suddenly lit up.

He was not afraid of Liao Yu, let alone questioned Liao Yu. Instead, he seemed to quickly accept Liao Yu's "I am the devil" setting.

Yes, setting.

Liao Yu felt that the rat man was looking at him like he was looking at "the same kind".

It’s like I’m a magic stick.

It turned out that the fuss had been going on for a long time
You too!
We are one family!

The only difference is that he, a little magician, only dares to pretend to be the "tenth apostle" of the demon clan to deceive other foreigners.

But Liao Yu dared to call himself "Devil King" directly.

This directly made Skaven stand in awe.

"Demon King! So you are the Demon King!!" It took the rat man less than half a second to burst into tears, and he knelt down in front of Liao Yu with a plop, just like a loyal veteran who was drifting away.

After that, he stood up, turned around quickly, and raised his arms and shouted loudly to the aliens who were still a little confused and didn't understand what was going on.

"Did you hear it! Zhi! Did everyone hear it? It's the king! Our king is here!!"

"I told you a long time ago, Zhi! The demon clan has never died! The defeat a thousand years ago was only temporary. The reason why we have never received news about the demon clan's activities is just like our lurking rear, it is all for the purpose of raising food. It’s just a matter of recharging your energy! To endure!”

"Nowadays, human beings are content with enjoying themselves, slacking off and being tired, but we demons are working hard for revenge day and night. A well-trained army of millions of demons is ready, ready to crush the human city at any time, and our Demon King, His Highness, He also arrived in front of his most loyal subordinate!"

"The golden age of mankind has ended. Now, it's time to open a glorious chapter of the revival of the demon race, Zhizhi!"

The Rat Man became more and more excited as he talked, his whole body trembling with excitement.

As for the aliens imprisoned in Jingshui Prison below, their emotions were also aroused.

Although Liao Yu's appearance is a bit different from the ferocious "Devil King" they imagined, he looks similar to a human being.

But the scene of Liao Yu's siphon shadow in front of him, who single-handedly wiped out the most terrifying "curse" of Jingshui Prison, is still vivid in front of his eyes.

They couldn't figure out how Liao Yu did it before.

But after hearing that it was the "Devil King".

There was no need for Liao Yu to explain anything, it all seemed to make sense at once.

In their eyes, the devil should have boundless power.

The demon king should have been able to handle the curse of the Stillwater Prison of mere humans.



"Overthrow mankind! Trample mankind!"

"Uh-huh (murloc language)"

"Uh-huh-huh-huh-huh! (Urbear language)"

For a time, various foreign cheers sounded one after another, although to Liao Yu's ears it sounded almost like the howling of ghosts and wolves.

Liao Yu also saw that even the dragon-born warrior in front of him, who was chopped half to death by his "Holy Slash", was now extremely fanatical and worshipful of him. He even vomited blood and had to raise his weapon to show off. Loyalty, no hint of resentment.

This effect is even better than the previous one where Liao Yusi absorbed the entire Still Water Prison shadow, which is even better.If there was a favorable impression, Liao Yu estimated that he would not be able to fully max out all these alien races directly. This would be thanks to the persistence of the rat man in front of him, who had deceived these alien races for many years.

Liao Yu: "."

Although it feels a bit weird.

But at least from the results point of view, it is similar to what I want to achieve.

This group of alien warriors in Jingshui Prison, although they look dull as if they have been fooled, the actual strength of each of them cannot be underestimated.

To be able to survive under that corrosive shadow curse, one can imagine how hard their bodies have been tempered.

Since they were imprisoned by the emperor, captured from other worlds, resented the emperor, and even defected to the demons because of this, and were willing to be loyal to the demons, Liao Yu was also willing to accept this power.

Liao Yu was a little confused. From the previous orcs, to the protoss, to these alien races, why did the emperor, as the ruler of mankind, frequently do such "enemies"?

Liao Yu felt that if he were the emperor, assuming it was to prevent demons, he must unite with other races, instead of trapping different races like this?
"Okay, answer me a few questions first and tell me how you got in."

When Liao Yu mentioned this, many aliens in the prison gritted their teeth, their expressions full of resentment towards humans.

The more straightforward Dragonborn warrior took a step forward and said to Liao Yu:

"After humans defeated the demons back then, the glorious saint, the first emperor, used magic to send the results of the victory to the entire universe, and sent us a message saying that she hoped we could all come The human world forms an alliance together to prevent the evil demons from reappearing."

When Skaven heard this, he thought, what kind of evil demon! ?He was about to glare and scold the dragonborn for talking, but Liao Yu raised his hand and interrupted the rat man, so that the rat man had to swallow it back and continue to listen quietly.

The next elder of the Dragonborn tribe showed angry memories in his cloudy eyes, and his voice became gritty.

"At that time, the king of our clan, after receiving the communication from humans, did not have any doubts. He immediately brought the top experts of our clan and many precious treasures to the human world. He wanted to show his goodwill to humans and express his support for the annihilation of humans. We didn’t expect the congratulations and thanks from the demons.”

"What greets us is not what humans call an alliance at all, but here! It's Stillwater Prison! After the emperor tricked us into here, under the shadow curse, all our magic power was sealed. By the time we found out, it was already too late. , we who have lost our magic power are no match for the Emperor!"

"We can only watch helplessly as the emperor kills the king of our clan, pulls away the king's soul, and slaughters all the king's guards and the rest of the strong men of this clan. I was not killed by the emperor because of my poor strength. He was taken seriously and survived, but he was just imprisoned here.”

The other aliens who followed also showed similar expressions.

The experiences they mentioned were basically the same as the large-scale investigations the Dragonborn tribe suffered. They were deceived and killed by the Emperor on the grounds of "alliance".

The "essence" of the kings of these races was taken away by the emperor. The "essence" here, Liao Yu, probably means that the fate of this race is similar to that of the "devil king".

This means that this race will no longer be able to give birth to strong men in the future. No matter how hard it tries, it will be deprived of the control of the Emperor from its roots.

No wonder these aliens hate humans so much and are so angry at the emperor that they even turn to the demons.

The demons were destroyed cleanly.

What the Emperor did was more like emasculating the tribe.

The king is dead, but the soul of the clan is still gone. When the misfortune of the past is mentioned, the foreign prisoners clenched their fists and lowered their heads. Some of them may have had disgusting eyes, feeling aggrieved and dejected. Their mood was extremely low for a while.

At this time, the Skaven couldn't stand it any longer, and Skaven immediately stood up and shouted again:
"So now everyone knows who is our real enemy! Who can we rely on! If we want to defeat humans and avenge our clan, only the demons can do it!"

"Squeak! We must turn grief into strength. What's more, we don't need to be depressed now! Because..."

"The Demon King is here! Stillwater Prison can no longer trap us!"

"The devil is here! There is hope for us to escape!"

(End of this chapter)

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