The hero who saves the world in the first eye, and the devil king in the second eye

Chapter 175 Louise: Let me see which miscellaneous fish dares to call himself the devil?

Chapter 175 Louise: Let me see which miscellaneous fish dares to call himself the devil?
Ska was deeply in love, and after shouting twice, the aliens below were suddenly inspired, and they all took blood samples again, full of energy.

It can be seen that the previous Skaven was a one-man show.

But now that I have my own "Devil King", I am even more comfortable and my acting is even more enjoyable.

It doesn't look like an act.

Satisfied with everyone's loyalty to the demons, and full of fighting spirit, the Skaven raised its rat paw to signal the other aliens to calm down first.

After that, he bent down and bowed, half-kneeling in front of Liao Yu, showing the appearance of a subordinate of the "Tenth Apostle", and asked Liao Yu for instructions:
"Lord Demon King, please give us instructions!"

And the alien prisoners also imitated the rat-men, and they all knelt down and bowed their heads in a decent manner, waiting for Liao Yu to send them to serve the devil.

"Didn't the Second Prince raise a group of humans here? Take me there."

In fact, Skaven also guessed Liao Yu's instruction. After all, Liao Yu asked him to lead the way to that place in the first place.

Perhaps in order to make up for the dark history of "trailing" Liao Yu, Skaven was particularly proactive.

This time, he took the lead, leading a mighty number of alien warriors, numbering [-], towards another gathering place in Jingshui Prison.

Because there was no shadow, they were marching very fast, and within ten minutes they could see the appearance of a small town in the distance.

However, when it was almost approaching, Skaven quietly came to Liao Yu and reminded:
"Lord Demon King, although the humans in this gathering place are very weak, they are protected by the vampires. These vampires have reached a deal with the second prince. They provide security, and the second prince brings them fresh food from outside. Blood supply.”

"So this group of vampires have preserved their strength better than us, especially the princess among them! Zhi!"

Speaking of the Skaven here, the rat man's narrow eyes showed resentment, and he could tell that he had suffered a lot at the hands of the vampire princess.

"It is said that the blood princess was in the eighth level in the past. Although she has regressed a bit now, she should not be underestimated. Lord Demon King, I am afraid that when a fight breaks out, our demon warriors will suffer at the hands of that blood princess."

"And I, although I am the tenth apostle, Zhi! But my strength has not been fully restored. I am afraid that when the time comes to play, I will lose the face of the Demon King, so you think about it."

Liao Yu glanced at the rat man who was rubbing his hands, looking a little timid and embarrassed. Skaven estimated that all his skill points were focused on the magic stick and he knew nothing about fighting.

Liao Yu didn't care about this. He didn't expect to rely on this "demon army" to push through Jingshui Prison.

"Tell your men to just guard the perimeter when they get there. Those humans are useful to me. Don't kill them indiscriminately. As for the vampires, well, I understand, I will deal with it."

"Yes! King Wu! Zhizhi!"

When Skaven heard this, he realized that Liao Yu was going to challenge the entire vampire gathering place without them having to take action, so he was naturally very happy.

He had no doubt about Liao Yu's strength. After all, he was a terrifying power who could even break curses.

Now that Liao Yu kicked him away, he didn't even want to leave. What he, the "Tenth Apostle", lacked was a "Devil King" like Liao Yu with incredible combat power to act with him!

Thinking of this, Skaven couldn't help but whisper again, correcting the mistake in Liao Yu's words just now:

"King, they are our men, not mine! What's mine is yours!"

After that, the rat man ran out quickly and told all the foreign prisoners of Liao Yu's instructions. He was now more confident because Liao Yu was the one holding him back.

When he arrived at the vampire gathering place and asked the foreign warriors to stand by, Skaven walked to the door of someone else's house alone.

"Second Prince's lackeys! You bloody bastards! Come out to Lord Skaven! Squeak! Your good days are over!"

From the appearance, the vampire gathering place is obviously much better than the dilapidated village brought by the alien prisoners before.

There are regular wooden houses, straw huts, stoves for cooking, and various traces of human life.

But now, the vampire gathering place is actually quite chaotic.

Not because of Skaven's words.

It was a shadow, and the shadow disappeared.

Many vampires in the gathering place, as well as the humans protected by the second prince, have now walked outside. They all looked around in confusion and panic. The air had become much purer after losing the shadow.Yes.

What Liao Yu saw in the expressions of these prison residents was not excitement and excitement that the curse was gone, but panic.

Even a small number of vampires showed signs of... on their already pale faces.
A trace of fear.

Liao Yu concentrated his attention and listened carefully, and could faintly hear the uneasiness and embarrassment in the anxious discussions of the anthropologists.

"How could it be possible? Where's the shadow? This is impossible!"

"Without the shadow's protection, their magic power will begin to grow again, once it exceeds that threshold."

"Is there something wrong with the emperor? Quick, contact the second prince!"

"I knew that after losing the demons, the entire plane would eventually have this day. None of us can escape. Monsters and everything will become flesh and blood monsters and become the descendants of the evil god. Haha, hahaha!"

"No, I don't want to be dominated. Yes, I must end myself before being transformed! Knife, where's the knife! Give me the knife!"

The shadow that is regarded as a "curse" by the Skaven alien prisoners seems to be like a blessing or even more important protection here at the gathering place of the vampires?
As a result the protection is now gone.

The entire vampire gathering place was filled with whispers of despair and helpless madness. For a while, even the Skaven shouting outside and the alien warriors who came over were completely ignored.

Finally, in the chaotic gathering place, a red-haired girl stood up.

She seems to be the leader here.

The girl bit off her finger and faced the gathering place filled with sadness after losing the "shadow". The blood on her fingertips dripped down and turned into a strange blood spell.

A large scarlet formation appeared at the girl's feet, and bursts of red mist floated out from the girl's hands and filled the entire gathering place.

The vampires and anthropologists who had inhaled the red mist slowly regained their composure after a brief convulsion, and their emotions stabilized.

Although many of them still have very pessimistic expressions, at least they no longer have the urge to commit suicide.

The internal turmoil was temporarily calmed.

At this time, Louise, who was upset and actually very confused inside, finally found her energy and floated to the gate of the gathering place to deal with Skaven, the rat-man.

The way is also very simple.

"Get lost." Louise said coldly.

The scarlet eyes of the girl who came from a high-level vampire race just stared at Skaven, and the rat man felt the hairs on his body stand up and his legs were trembling, which showed that he was afraid.

At any other time it might have run away.

But now. No!

At this moment, the rat man seemed to be really possessed by the "Tenth Apostle". He had to straighten his back when facing the vampire princess, and the rat voice continued to shout desperately:

"How bold! Squeak! Louise, don't think that I left these human lackeys alone in the past, just because I was afraid of you, wrong!"

"Now our king is back!"

"Squeak! Lord Demon King asked me to bring you a message! As long as you surrender, hand over the humans of the Second Prince, and submit to the Demon Clan, the Demon King will guarantee that your lives will be safe, and he will even take you out of here together!"

Louise was already extremely irritable.

The current vampire princess frowned immediately when she heard that this inferior rat man who always used the banner of "devil" had new tricks, so she didn't want to get out of here, and even the "devil king" came out. I can't hold it in any longer.

"Demon King, right? Okay!"

"Come on, call him out and let me see who is more shameless than a filthy rat-man like you. It's not enough to be an apostle. How dare you call yourself the Demon King?"

(End of this chapter)

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