Chapter 176 The Transformation of Heirs
Louise is the 610th and third-generation prince of the blood clan. Even though she looks like a young girl, she is actually very scary in appearance.

The Shadow Curse still exists, and during the period when the magic power was sealed, the Vampires dominated the Stillwater Prison by relying only on their tyrannical bodies. But now that the Shadows have disappeared and the spells have been unlocked, the Vampire Princess has become even more powerful.

The current Skaven, just standing opposite Louise, already felt that the blood in his body seemed to be out of control. It began to slowly solidify and became viscous, which made the rat man extremely panicked. He wanted to escape but his body refused to obey him. , my hands and feet are getting colder and numb.

Fortunately, at this time, another strange stream of clear water from the outside world pulled its body back from the stiffness. Skaven shivered and then woke up. After taking back control of the body, the rat man quickly followed Louise. Keep your distance and look scared.

On the other side, seeing that Skaven had escaped her blood suppression, Louise raised her eyebrows, showing a bit of surprise, and the expression on her face finally became a bit more serious.

Louise knew very well how much the rat man weighed, and it was impossible for such a trash fish to escape the suppression independently, so the vampire princess immediately looked away and quickly found the target.

Indeed, Liao Yu, a human being, stood out too much among so many foreign races.

"Humph, is this your Demon King?" When Louise spoke, the sharp fangs on both sides of her mouth were looming.

To distinguish a vampire's strength and bloodline, just look at their fangs. The more animal-like the fangs are, rough and abrupt, it means the lower the bloodline level, and they can only be called vampires.

And people like Louise now, although they also have fangs for sucking blood, are very regular and small, like fine ceramics. When they speak, they still have a sense of beauty and elegance, and they are orthodox vampires.

"I don't know if you are really bad or stupid to play this kind of house game with a bastard like Skaven, pretending to be a demon. In any case, I will warn you again, with you People, leave the territory of our vampire clan, now!"

"In addition, considering that we are all in this prison together and have been together for so many years, I will give you a piece of advice."

"Don't think that the disappearance of the shadow is a good thing. I advise you to reduce all unnecessary activities from now until the shadow comes back again, stay in your own nest honestly, and strictly prohibit the use of any magic power! "

Louise was particularly serious when she spoke the last half of the sentence, her voice rising a lot.

Liao Yu could also find out from the previous chaos in the vampire gathering place that the people here seemed to have more inside secrets, as if there was some connection between shadows, magic and monsters.

"Thanks for reminding me, but may I know why?"

"There is no reason, you don't have to listen, it's just that when the time comes, all of you will become the kind of meat monsters in the forbidden area."

Before Louise could finish her words, bursts of exclamations suddenly came from the market town below.

Everyone's eyes were drawn to it, and they saw that there, a former vampire elder began to wail, fell to his knees, and scratched his skin crazily.

More and more powerful magic power swelled and condensed on the body of the vampire elder, as if it was about to squeeze his blood vessels and tear his skin. He twitched, lost consciousness, and began to speak wildly.

"Magic. Give me more no no. Uh ah ah. I hear. He is calling me. Yes. Give me more I want more!!"

The body of the vampire elder is like a balloon, and there seems to be some invisible power and will that is constantly blowing into the balloon, and the surge in magic power is reflected.

Strangely, the magic did not burst the balloon, but the balloon began to cater to the magic.

Amidst the screams of the crowd, one of the vampire elder's arms, the flesh and blood on it seemed to have its own consciousness, started to squirm on its own, and began to proliferate crazily.

In just a few blinks, the arm transformed into the shape of a baby, growing a monster face of its own.

However, before the strange baby's arm could attack others around him, a bloody blade flew over, and it was Louise who took action.

With just a "puff" sound, the blood blade cut him off from the vampire elder's body.

"Uh-huh!" The vampire elder roared after his arm was broken. It seemed that even Louise didn't recognize him. What was even more terrifying was that the arm of the strange baby that had left the mother's body not only did not die, but was still on the ground. , after jumping around for a few times, continued to squirm, as if it had become a new individual.

"Quick! Quickly kill him!"

"The heir! It's the heir of the evil god! The transformation has begun!"

"Lawrence is hopeless!"

"It's not us. Without the protection of the shadow, we will all be transformed, haha. Hahaha!"

The gathering place that Louise had just managed to calm down with the help of her essence and blood now seemed to be in a collective riot because it was contaminated by this mutant elder.

I saw several more vampire elders, who were in a similar situation to the first one. The magic power on them surged at an abnormal speed, and their entire thinking was falling into madness and chaos.

Seeing this situation, Louise gritted her teeth and could no longer hesitate. She had no choice but to summon the blood blade, this time aiming directly at the vital part of the original mutant and her uncle.

The blood blade slashed towards the skull mutant's head, but the scene of flesh and blood exploding did not appear. At some point, a young man's figure appeared next to her uncle, and her blood blade was blocked by the young man with one hand. Down.

Louise immediately became furious and reacted subconsciously, thinking that Liao Yu was here to take advantage of the chaos. At this time, she couldn't bear it anymore, so she rushed over and kicked Liao Yu away with a kick.

Unfortunately, the next moment, she felt a huge force coming from her. The young man held her ankle as she was throwing away her leg with one hand, like an iron pliers. Louise could not move at all.

Louise, who was restricted by Liao Yu, seemed to have lost her mind. This was indeed the case. From the time she used the "Blood Blade" technique, there was an external emotion that began to continuously affect her.

And this emotion seemed to be seamless. It took advantage of Louise's current anxiety about the chaotic scene and began to penetrate the pollution. For a moment, the ancestral princess lost herself. The magic power in her body increased steadily, and she began to go berserk. It was completely... There are also signs of "mutations" trends.

A strange sense of connection flooded into Louise's mind. Not only the vampire princess, but also all the members in the gathering place had a similar feeling at this moment.

Before, they were like small boats in the magic ocean, about to be submerged into the abyss by the violent storm.

And it was this "sense of connection" that pulled them back from sinking, making them suddenly wake up, and the magic power in their bodies went wild and declined at an extremely fast speed.

When Louise came back to consciousness, she realized that she was sitting on her knees on the ground, soaked in cold sweat.

This scene is also what many other members of the vampire clan look like in gathering places.

Uncle, how is uncle!

When Louise looked over hurriedly, she found that the vampire elder at the beginning had also returned to his original state, except that he had a broken arm and was relatively weak.

As for the severed arm, it was no longer a self-conscious wriggling flesh and blood. It completely turned into a pool of blood, which soon soaked into the surface and disappeared.

Seeing that everything had calmed down, Louise breathed a sigh of relief, and finally turned her complex eyes towards the only young man still standing, the source of their "sense of connection".

This is exactly the effect of the "Flag of Command". After Liao Yu incorporated all the vampires into his own team, the mutant magic power did not disappear out of thin air, but was absorbed by him like the shadow in the past and turned into sin. value.

Looking at the girl on the ground, Liao Yu stretched out his hand and said seriously: "Can we sit down and have a good talk now, Miss Louise?"

(End of this chapter)

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