Chapter 177 The sick plane
Liao Yu, who saved the vampire market town, was no longer opposed and became a guest of honor.


It might be more appropriate to describe it as the "focus" of the entire Vampire Town.

After cleaning up the mess, almost all the vampires, as well as the second prince's anthropologists, are whispering to each other, all talking about Liao Yu's previous actions.

Some of them were red-faced, some seemed like they still couldn't believe it, and some members of the vampire clan were so exaggerated that they actually worshiped the conference room where Liao Yu was sitting like a god.

The root of all this is that
conference room.

Sitting upright, Louise took a deep breath. She stared directly at the young man opposite and asked solemnly:

"Before I answer your question, can you tell me something first?"

Liao Yu: "Say."

"who are you?"

"Demon King."

Louise was obviously very serious and solemn, but after hearing the words of the young man opposite, she almost fainted on the spot. If Liao Yu hadn't saved their camp and showed that magical power, with her explosive temper, she would have been...
The female ancestor took a few more deep breaths, but unfortunately her flat chest did not rise much.

Then she began to answer Liao Yu's initial question.

What are the descendants of the evil god?Why can't you use magic?What is that transformation?
Louise's answer was: "This plane has been contaminated."


"Yes, if you compare the plane to a living thing, it is currently suffering from a serious disease."

"What disease?"

"It loses its immunity."

At this point, Louise changed her words and suddenly asked Liao Yu: "You are a new face, you are not a local prisoner in Stillwater Prison, right? Do you know how those aliens, including Skaven, got here? ?”

"They said it was the emperor's deception, and in the name of preventing the demon clan's alliance, they murdered the kings of all their clans."

"That's right." Louise nodded.

What the girl ancestor said next surprised Liao Yu.

"But you know, our vampire clan is different from other clans. We came here voluntarily."


Louise: "The ancestors of the vampire race thousands of years ago happened to miss the emperor's message because they fell into a long sleep. When they woke up, they no longer had the intention to cater to the emperor and mankind. At that time, for all races, It is an era full of opportunities and development, because the demons are no longer there, and we no longer need to hide in XZ, nor do we need to be afraid of anything."

"The ancestors at that time even regarded human beings as the second threat, so at the princes' meeting, they unanimously approved the decision to expand the ethnic group. From then on, the vampires began their crazy invasion of the surrounding world." "As we occupy more and more worlds, we gain more and more resources. Thanks to the innate abilities of our vampire family, the strength of all members has increased in a terrifying way in just a dozen years. The speed is increasing steadily.”

"Maybe you can't imagine that in the golden age of the Vampire Clan, before the defeat of the Demon Clan, our Vampire Clan only had two ninth-level ancestors, nine eighth-level princes, and more than a hundred seventh-level elders. That was the "Great Expansion" "after."

"The number of ninth-level ancestors is as high as eighteen, which is nine times more than before, and the number of eighth-level princes is 130, which is more than ten times. As for the seventh-level elders, they can no longer be counted at that time. , can’t be ranked at all.”

"All the vampires at that time reveled in this unprecedented prosperity. Everyone began to become more and more greedy. Their pursuit of magic and the growth of power reached a morbid level. At first, no one cared about this disaster. Until the first "Fallen One" is born."

Speaking of this, Louise showed fear in her eyes.

Even though they were separated by thousands of years, when she recalled the experience at that time, it was still a shadow.

"That day should have been the most joyful day for the whole Vampire Clan. Our ninth-level king will wake up from his slumber. At that time, the king will break through the ninth level and reach the legendary position of "god", and serve for our entire Vampire Clan. , to create a new destiny.”

"However, during the coffin unveiling ceremony, there was a violent sound from the king's wooden coffin, as if something was beating on the inner wall. Every inch of cracks spread across the king's wooden coffin. And the next moment, what was lifted out of the coffin was a head. .Yes, flesh and blood monster."

"The king's whole body was bloated, and the pieces of meat proliferated crazily. They piled up and swelled into a mountain of flesh bigger than the palace. And all the vampire members present, as long as they took a look at such a mountain of meat monster, would be instantly contaminated and corroded. The same mutation occurs.”

"And this is far from over. Some vampires who were lucky enough to escape found that the magic power in their bodies began to be out of control. Even if they did not practice or eat, they would continue to grow, and their strength began to become stronger and stronger. Strong, but on the contrary, their spirits are getting weaker and weaker, becoming hesitant, confused, whispering until the final madness."

"From that moment on, all the vampires began to fear magic and their own strength. They were thinking about how to weaken themselves and lose their power, but everything was in vain. It was as if they had been targeted and the transformation had begun. , all the struggle is nothing more than the difference between fast and slow.”

"And in the end, it was the Emperor who saved us who were on the verge of collapse and gave us salvation. It was this still water prison."

"Those foreign prisoners are afraid of the shadow and think it is a curse that makes them lose their magic power. But only those of us who have personally experienced that kind of horror know that it is the power of this shadow that protects us and contains us. In order to increase the magic power in the body, we will not be transformed."

After listening to Louise's description of the vampire experience, Liao Yu seemed to understand the behavior of many previous emperors.

After thinking for a while, he concluded to Louise:
"So what you're saying is that the stronger you are and the further you practice your magic power, the closer you will be to degeneration? Will you lose yourself and eventually become that kind of flesh and blood monster?"

"Yes, I am very sure that when I reached the seventh level, I could vaguely feel that the magic power in my body was mixed with some kind of strange external will. When I reached the eighth level, this feeling became even stronger. It seems to be a magnet. The stronger my power, the easier it is to lead me into the abyss. Fortunately, I stopped in time and restrained the temptation, but others"

Louise shook her head.

This is not only a matter of willpower, she also mentioned before that even if other vampire members do not practice or even want to give up their magic power, the magic power will continue to grow on its own.

"I guess this kind of pollution is definitely not a coincidence. Perhaps it has existed in the plane since a long time ago. However, due to the existence of demons, the development of all other races has been greatly curbed. Even if there are powerful races, , when it is about to approach the threshold of pollution mutation, it will soon be destroyed by the demons."

"However, after the demons disappeared," Louise made it clear without further explanation.

"I think the human emperor must have discovered this, so he used such extreme means to gather the kings of all races to kill them."

"I will also use such extreme measures to treat you humans."

(End of this chapter)

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