Chapter 178 So, the devil blew the horn

Louise has used the tragedy of the entire vampire clan to explain the current situation of "pollution" to Liao Yu.

Liao Yu could feel a deep sense of powerlessness from this female ancestor.

All races in the plane universe are absorbing magic power and cultivating themselves in order to continuously strengthen their power and develop civilization. This step-by-step path has been the path to "ascension" that has been agreed upon by everyone for tens of thousands of years.

As a result, in the end, the end of practice is not ascending to the gods, but...

Is it magic pollution?
He is the kind of monster that has lost himself and is full of evil.

So what is the purpose of all their efforts and hard work on the road of "evolution"?

What makes Louise even more horrified is that in their eyes, flesh and blood monsters are pollution and full of evil. But is it possible that the so-called "gods" are really like this?

Those beautiful, elegant, charming, and glorious images of gods are nothing more than their own imagination.

A huge monster composed of pieces of flesh and blood that continuously accumulates and expands. Is this the true appearance of a god, the pinnacle of biological evolution, and the destination of everything?

Louise felt a chill run through her body just at the thought of herself becoming like that, and she quickly shook her head to drive this weird thought out of her mind.

Because at the very least, there are two strong proofs, or hopes, that can negate the above view of "flesh and blood gods".

The first is the demon clan.

The strength of each of the nine apostles of the demon race is almost comparable to that of the kings of other races, and they are at the ninth level.

According to the "pollution" theory, these apostles with powerful magical powers should have mutated long ago, but the fact is that they have not. On the contrary, they can use their magic power arbitrarily, launch wars, and fight feverishly without any scruples.

As for the Demon King, although Louise has never seen it, judging from the many worlds destroyed by the Demon Race, the Demon King's strength is most likely the legendary tenth level, which is the end of evolution and an ascended god.

Therefore, the existence of the Demon King proves that gods can be normal creatures with independent self-awareness.

The only doubt is that the king of the demon clan does not seem to be eternal.

Or even the exact opposite.

In order to avoid the coming of the demons, the vampires have done a lot of research, so Louise is more or less aware of the internal structure of the demons, such as
The Demon King is not "born" naturally from within the Demon Clan.

The demon clan follows a "summoning" system.

After confirming the next world to come, the first thing the demons did before launching a war was to gather the power of the nine apostles to summon the demon king.

Louise suspected that the demons relied on this technique to allow their king to avoid the harm of "pollution".

But this creates new problems.

Under this summoning system, where did the last "old king" of the demon clan go?

Or as the cornerstone of the new king's summons?
Or something else?
This kind of information about the Demon King's inheritance is probably a secret within the Demon Clan, and Louise doesn't know about it.

If you really have to ask, perhaps only the Demon King himself knows.

So thinking of this, Louise shook her head in her heart.

Not to mention how low the probability that the Demon King would be willing to discuss this issue with her.

She probably wouldn't even get a chance to "meet" the Demon King.

Even though she is a princess in the vampire gathering place, she is the ancestor whom everyone trusts and admires, and she can also be regarded as the overlord in Stillwater Prison.

But Louise knew it all too well.

At her level, she can only reach the eighth level. Among the demons, if she works hard, she can probably become a maid next to the demon king, which is the most humble kind of foot-washing.

So let alone meeting the Demon King, she would probably have a hard time meeting the nine apostles.

What's more, the demons are basically all one-minded and only know how to destroy. If you ever have the patience to listen to her explain the plane crisis, the pollution of the universe, etc., when she comes to the door, [-]% of the time she will be directly captured by the demons, brainwashed, and transformed into Demon servant.

This is why Louise despises Skaven.

Any foreigner who wants to join the demon clan is extremely stupid.

The only thing that meets them is the path of "brainwashing" by the devil.

Without exception.

Therefore, Louise can only place her hope on the second possibility - the brave man

The girl Ancestor, who had her thoughts here, returned her attention to Liao Yu, the human being who had established a "connection" with them.Louise vaguely guessed the source of this sense of connection.

"If I'm not wrong, you should have a hero's relic on you, right? And it should belong to the eldest prince." The girl closed her eyes and felt it carefully before finally confirming.

"Don't be surprised."

"While protecting the second prince's anthropologists, I also absorbed a lot of knowledge about your species, social structure and history from these scholars."

Louise predicted Liao Yu in advance and gave an explanation. At the same time, she lifted the legs that were folded up and down on the other side. Although such a superior sitting posture was a bit incompatible with her young body shape.

But as the ancestor of the blood clan and a girl with noble blood, she has long been accustomed to such a condescending attitude. Although Liao Yu saved them and showed good strength, this is obviously not enough to say that Louis Si lowered her attitude towards Liao Yu and so on.

Just like she would admit before that she was the dignified ancestor, and that she would just wash her feet before being put into the demon clan.

In Louise's eyes, she could give this human being the right to sit on an equal footing with herself and have equal dialogue, which was her greatest way of expressing kindness.

After that, the girl Ancestor continued to say calmly to Liao Yu:

"Throughout the entire history of the plane universe, there are only two accidents that can avoid pollution. The demons are one of them, and the "brave" who defeated the demons a thousand years ago is the second."

"Very similar to the Demon King's apostles, the brave men from thousands of years ago also had many partners. Although their strength is not as strong as the apostles, each of them is at least at the eighth level similar to mine, or even higher."

"But from what I can see from history, these brave companions have never had any pollution. Each of them has a very stable mind, and there has never been any tendency to "mutate" mentally and physically."

"I don't think those partners alone can do it. There is no doubt that there must be some kind of power from the brave, which isolates and pollutes them to achieve a sheltering effect."

Louise, who was talking eloquently, suddenly sighed when she said this, and regret and regret appeared on the girl's ancestor's face.

"If I could talk to the brave man from thousands of years ago, maybe I could know more, but this is no longer possible."

"In any case, the relic in your hand and everything that just happened have proven that my guess is correct. Sure enough, even if the brave man is gone, using his relic can still have a similar resistance to pollution. Effect."

The girl's ancestor seemed to be talking to Liao Yu, but in fact, her eyes were lowered, her hands were folded between her legs in a contemplative manner, and she continued to reason and analyze, until finally, she raised her fair face again, the red pair of vampires He stared straight at Liao Yu.

"Every prince attaches more importance to the relics of the brave than their lives. In other words, if this relic is in your hands, it means that the eldest prince is dead, right?"

"That's right." Liao Yu nodded.

Despite her psychological expectations, Louise still frowned after getting the exact answer from Liao Yu, and her beautiful face was now covered with messy and sad thoughts.

"The eldest prince is really dead. He controls the entire Demonic Kingdom. How can a person of this level die? Has the human race on the ground been reshuffled in these years? Who did it? The seventh prince? No, Since you can appear in Jingshui Prison, it means you are the second prince's person, so...hehe, I really underestimated that guy Danye."

"So what is the purpose of Danye sending you down? Wait, could it be that the second prince had anticipated the disappearance of the shadow, so he asked you to help us?"

Looking at Louise who was minding her own speculation, Liao Yu shook his head this time.

"Unfortunately, there was a riot in the Tribunal, and the second prince died in the turmoil. But you are right, one of the purposes of my coming to Stillwater Prison is to help you get out of trouble, leave here, and return to the surface."

After Liao Yu spoke, before Louise could be shocked, the other anthropologists who had been eavesdropping outside couldn't help it anymore.

The door to the conference room was pushed open, and many scholars who rushed in seemed to be greatly stimulated. They looked at Liao Yu in disbelief.

"You, what did you say! His Highness Danye is dead! No, this is not true! How is it possible!"

It wasn't until Liao Yu took out the jade core that the second prince had given him that many scholars, including Louise, recognized it at a glance as a token that only belonged to the second prince, and then they believed Liao Yu's words. .

Despair immediately appeared on the faces of many scholars.

It felt like the sky was falling all of a sudden.

"Why. Damn it! I have obviously developed a way to remove insect eggs! Why is this happening! All our efforts are in vain! We, we can never get out again!!"

The discouraged and depressed scholar sitting in the corner caught the attention of Liao Yu, who immediately asked: "Remove the eggs?"

"This is the task assigned to me by the second prince. If we want to resist the emperor one day in the future, we must take out the eggs that the emperor planted on all human beings. Obviously my experiments have been successful. In the still water like us, All the insect eggs have been removed from the prisoners, but... damn! What's the use of it?"

"After we get out, we won't have the protection of the second prince. We are just lambs to be slaughtered. The emperor will not let us go. The empire will not let us go. It's over. It's over."

Other scholars were more or less assigned similar tasks by the second prince, such as writing the truth, exposing the emperor's atrocities, studying magic, retrieving all the knowledge blocked by the empire, and many more.

Although these are not as significant as "eliminating insect eggs", they are all methods used for revolutionary rebellion and against the emperor.

It was also the second prince who united this group of scholars and made them work sincerely to ensure that everything was to overthrow the imperial rule and restore human society.

As a result, now, without the protective umbrella of the second prince, the empire is absolutely overwhelming. They can't think of a second force in this world that can compete with them and protect them, so the current group The scholar was so desperate that he rushed in in shock when he heard that the second prince was dead.

(End of this chapter)

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