Chapter 179 So, the devil blew the horn

Only Louise was calmer.

She quickly realized something was wrong.

"Wait a minute, the eldest prince is dead, and the second prince is also dead. There are only four successors to the emperor in total. The fourth princess has already chosen the position of the Radiant Saint, so it is impossible. Well, then the fight between the princes will end in Did the Seventh Prince win?"

"How could Alba be him? No, it is indeed possible. The seventh prince's relic is the Holy Sword, which is the most powerful among many relics. If he really finds a way to exert the power of the Holy Sword, killing It is not impossible to kill other princes."

"But that idiot only wants to inherit the throne. He is simply an idiot. Lun's strategy is incomparable to the other two princes. Is it possible that such a prince wins because of the emperor's plan?"

Louise herself didn't even realize that after becoming so confused, the grace of the ancestor of the blood clan in front of her completely disappeared.

At this moment, the girl was biting her fingernails, her beautiful eyebrows were almost wrinkled, as if she was quickly speculating on the course of the incident, and what kind of intricate power relations could lead to such a bizarre result.

Liao Yu: "Alba is also dead."




Louise was like a machine running at high speed. She was suddenly hit by something, and her brain was completely confused. She saw the young ancestor suddenly "soared" and jumped up from her seat, feeling a little annoyed. asked:
"What did you say? The seventh prince is dead too? OK, OK! All the princes are dead, right? Tell me, there is only the last prince left, who can kill Alba? Could it be that he committed suicide? "

"In a sense, well, sort of."

Liao Yu recalled the process of Alba's death. The seventh prince did die because he attacked him with the holy sword and suffered the backlash of the oath he had given up.

All right.

Liao Yu was actually hesitant before, but after discovering the strategic value of these scholars, he made up his mind.

Without saying anything else, Liao Yu directly took out the Sword of Oath. This holy sword shone brightly in his hand, instantly attracting the attention of Louise and all anthropologists.

It was the girl ancestor who reacted the fastest.

I saw that Louise's round lips were now open in an O shape, and her big eyes seemed to have just realized everything.

"Yes, it's you!?"

"it's me."

"The one who killed the eldest prince was also you!?"

"it's me."

"The Inquisition Riot"

"it's me."

Liao Yu made Louise petrified by saying "It's me" three times in a row. At any other time, he wouldn't have believed her even if he killed her. He was absolutely crazy. Who could kill all three princes who have the relics of a brave man in a row? die?
But now, the three relics surrounding Liao Yu's hands are the best evidence, and Louise has to believe it.


Indeed there is.

"You, you are a descendant of the brave!??" Louise could only think of this possibility.

But soon after the shock wore off, she became furious again.

Because she thought of another extremely terrible consequence.

"Wait a minute, all the princes are really dead, that means there is no one to manage Stillwater Prison now!??"

The girl's ancestor looked anxious, with a rare look of panic on her face.

The other anthropologists seemed to be reminded at this moment, and they all came to their senses, and immediately understood what Louise was referring to.

"No wonder, no wonder the shadow disappeared!"

"It's over! We can't stay here anymore! Leave quickly! The Stillwater Prison has lost its administrator, and those guys from the "forbidden area" are coming out!!"

That's when Louise finished speaking.

The next moment, there was a faint tremor on the ground beneath the gathering place.There were also bursts of commotion coming from outside.

Among them were many screams of terror from the "Tenth Apostle" Skaven.

"King! Lord Demon King! Oh no! Monsters! They are all monsters! From the direction of the forbidden area!"

Wait for Liao Yu to go out and look at the sky.

That scene was really disappointing.

I saw lumps of flesh and blood squirming on the ground, forming various weird shapes.

There are giant suspended eyes, crawlers with seven arms like centipedes, bloated giants like mountains of flesh, and headless wanderers who have lost their heads.
All the flesh and blood monsters, like twisted locusts, began to sweep across the entire Stillwater Prison.

"Those are the monsters that have been accumulated in the Stillwater Prison for thousands of years. They are all the monsters that have been corrupted and mutated into the descendants of the evil god! They should have been unable to come out of the seal in the forbidden area, but now damn it! It's too late! It's too late!"

Under such a tide of monsters, Louise was desperate and helpless. They moved very fast. In just a few breaths, there were less than 500 meters left. She might be able to break through by herself, but what about the other vampires?

Even if she escapes, so what? Will she be the only ancestor left in the world?

At this time, Louise could only focus her hopes on Liao Yu. Can this "descendant of the brave" turn the tide and unleash some powerful force to isolate the monsters and delay their escape.

It is a pity.

The descendant of the brave obviously can't do it.

"Miss Louise, are you willing to lead the vampire clan and obey the rule of our demon clan?" Liao Yu asked suddenly and abruptly.

Louise: ".?"

The girl's ancestor looked puzzled. She couldn't understand how Liao Yu could still play the game of playing house with the demons at this time.

"Miss Louise, if you slow down, it will be too late. If you accept it, the demons will protect you and your vampires."

"Obey! Let alone rule, I can be your slave! Where is your demon army? Take it out! Hurry!"

Louise broke the jar and almost screamed when she saw the flesh-and-blood monster approaching within a hundred meters, turning that despair into anger towards Liao Yu who was still joking now.

"as you wish."

In fact, Liao Yu had already arranged the map's teleportation anchor point at the vampire gathering place.

As his words fell, a star crystal full of spiritual energy was taken out from Liao Yu's arms, turned into a stream of light, and floated over the camp.

And next.

The twinkling star crystal bursts into brilliant fluorescence.

The crystal-clear teleportation anchor point appears from the void.

Apparition after apparition surrounded the market town.

Among them is a big demon with a ferocious head and horns, and the blood in his body seems to be flowing with lava. He walked out of purgatory.

Among them is the sword demon who has specialized limbs and transformed his entire body into a weapon, the most ruthless killing weapon.

There are shadow demons who are shrouded in shadows and seem to follow them everywhere, and there are also rows of magic demons wearing robes and crow masks that emit strong magic waves.

There is a pot-bellied rot demon that spits out strong corrosive mist and looks no less than a "monster". There is also a wise demon with the body of a snake and the face of a snake who is responsible for commanding and planning the battle. He has countless buff halos surrounding the army.

Five seconds ago, Louise was afraid of the flesh and blood monsters rushing out from the forbidden area.

And just five seconds later.

Louise, the Vampires, all anthropologists, and even the "Tenth Apostle" Skaven and the aliens are no longer afraid of flesh and blood monsters.

Because compared to the flesh and blood monster, the other is the real source of fear.

That is
The demons who are descending on Jingshui Prison are coming in a steady stream, becoming more and more intense, and are almost crazy.

There is no doubt about that.

(End of this chapter)

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