Chapter 180 Invincible

dong dong!

The devil's hoofs trample the earth, and every step seems to shake the soul.

The Great Demon Legion, which was the first to complete the anchor point teleportation, faced the forbidden monsters that were attacking the Blood Tribe Town not far away, without any hesitation or cowardice. After letting out a muffled roar, they rushed directly to the front.

Among the offspring monsters, the ones that sprint the fastest and move the fastest are the twisting flesh crawlers.

They look like humans with their heads cut off, leaving only the torso, but with many extra arms and legs for crawling.

With such a strange appearance, ordinary soldiers might have their hands trembling just by seeing it.

In Louise's vampire town, the most members died of crawlers. These monsters are the most numerous and wander around the edge of the forbidden area all year round. Not only do they move very fast, but they also have extremely sharp mouthparts that can easily kill a person. The sixth-level vampire was bitten in half.

However, in front of the powerful bodies of the big demons, which are several meters tall, these crawlers are like earthworms and loaches, and their high mobility seems to be a joke.

The big demons, with blood as hot as lava flowing in their bodies, don't care how scary or weird you look. The big demons only need to charge forward arrogantly and trample all the crawlers in the way into pulp.

Some of the crawlers began to dodge dexterously, changed their thinking, used their multiple arms to exert force, jumped up like locusts, and pounced directly on the big demon.

A mouthpart full of sharp teeth was exposed from the crawler's abdomen. It was this pair of mouthparts that killed countless physically powerful prisoners in Stillwater Prison. The crawler used its most familiar method to attack the big demon's body. A hard bite.

But obviously this time they have hit a "hard nut". .

Not only did the crawler's bite fail to hurt the big demon, it didn't even bite off a layer of skin, leaving only a very shallow mark. On the contrary, their own mouthparts were burned. The traces turned out to be burns caused by the high-temperature skin on the big demon's body.

Before they could recover, the claws of the big devil were approaching in the next moment. With a precise grasp, they directly captured the crawlers that jumped on them. No matter how hard they struggled and resisted, they could not escape from the claws of the devil.

Part of it was directly crushed into pulp by the big devil's claws, and the other part was thrown into the distance with a "puff" sound, and it was also turned into a pile of pulp on the spot.

Seeing the defeat of the Creeper Legion, another forbidden descendant among the flesh and blood monsters immediately roared and wanted to go forward and have a head-on confrontation with the big devil.

Different from the crawlers, the new offspring that rushed forward this time were huge in size, somewhat similar to the big devil. They were both four or five meters tall, but they did not have the explosive power of the big devil with thick muscles.

On the contrary, their whole bodies were covered with bloated flesh and blood, as if they were parasitized by fungi and spores. Dense flesh-and-blood bacteria grew from various parts of their bodies, like a giant fleshy mushroom.

The appearance of the fleshy mushroom giant directly caused many vampires and anthropologists to subconsciously recall the original shadow. It was a fleshy mushroom giant that ran out of the forbidden area and cost the entire gathering place more than 20 lives. , and barely drove it away.

This kind of giant descendant of the evil god not only has great power, but also has extremely terrifying regeneration power. It is almost impossible to kill?
While the local prisoners in Stillwater Prison were still trembling in fear at the giant flesh mushrooms, the big demons told them through their actions that it was not that the monsters were strong, but that you were too weak.

Taking advantage of a few crawlers, they picked out a big demon and started jumping on it. When it was attracting attention, the spore-covered arm of the mushroom giant, like a bulging hammer, fiercely aimed at the big demon from behind. It waved away, causing a roaring wind.

Relying on a sneak attack, this blow hit the big devil's back completely, causing the big devil's body to stagger a few steps.


Just a few staggering steps.

The big demon who was attacked on the back seemed to be enraged. He didn't even care about the crawler hanging on his body. He turned around, clenched the demon's claws into a fist, and punched the fungus giant in return.

The big devil's punch directly penetrated the fleshy mushroom giant, and the flesh and blood on its head were shattered. The headless fleshy giant stumbled and fell down with a thump.

But soon, the strange resilience manifested itself in the neck of the giant flesh mushroom. In just a few breaths, a new bunch of flesh and blood spores actually grew out to serve as the head.

Seeing the big demon soldier under this scene, he rushed over directly before the newly grown mushroom giant could stand up again, and stepped on the giant's chest with the hoof of the big demon.

"Uh-huh. Uh-huh." The fungus giant who was trampled by the devil's hooves let out a painful cry.

If you look closely, you will find that the big devil not only gradually increases the strength, but also ignites flames on the devil's hooves. The hell flames, which are special effects of the big devil, directly make the surface of the fleshy mushroom giant turn red, and are burned by the scorching heat. shrouded.

Those sarcopodia spores seemed to be unable to withstand the extreme heat and began to melt one after another. The great demon soldier was still dissatisfied and began to dance crazily towards the giant at his feet with his claws.In an instant, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the huge body of the flesh mushroom giant was torn to pieces by the big demon in almost the blink of an eye, turning all of it into minced meat and dregs. These offal mixture mixed with blood and water, scattered on the battlefield, and it seemed that it would never be resurrected. .

The big demon bathed in blood seemed to be more motivated to fight. After roaring angrily, he turned around and continued to join other battlefields.

Similar scenes occurred all over the battlefield.

Such a scene directly shocked the aliens hiding in the Vampire Town.

The demons have disappeared for thousands of years.

Therefore, many foreign races have actually forgotten about the demons, and their fear only stems from the past.

But now, the great demon's fierce fighting style and unparalleled power.
This legion alone seemed to have already blocked the Evil God's descendants legion, which was still overwhelming and overwhelming just now. The flesh and blood monsters not only blocked it, but also forced them back, pushing back the front line.

This. Is this, the demon clan?
The descendants of the evil god that they feared as "taboo" seemed to be just toys in front of the demons?
Different from many trembling aliens who took refuge.

There was a foreigner among them. After the initial shock, he was now the only one who was extremely excited.

That's right.

It is the "Tenth Apostle" Skaven.

Because of the evacuation, the rat men who were originally ordered by Liao Yu to take charge outside the town now come to stay close to Liao Yu and the vampires.

At this moment, Skaven's face was flushed. The other vampires were so frightened by the great demon army that their legs were weak, but he... He was actually shivering in his calves. This was a physiological reaction when facing a high-ranking race, but this was not the case. Not to hinder, Skaven is now in high spirits.

"Lord Demon King! It's a big demon! The strongest war weapon among the demons!" The rat man who has always admired the demons has now seen the real demons. He must find someone to share his feelings, and as a "comrade" "Liao Yu is undoubtedly the best candidate.

"It is said that every great demon has at least seven levels of power when he is born in the delivery room! They have gone through the baptism of purgatory and the test of fighting. The heart in their body is like a flame furnace, and the energy source continuously explodes with infinite power! Squeak!"

Liao Yu was surprised and said: "You still know the delivery room? You know a lot about the demons."

"Of course! The delivery room is the core of the demon clan. It is the authority of the great apostle of education, Ulala. This is the third one among my favorite apostles! Wait! No, Lord Demon King, what is that! "

Before Skaven could continue to share his love for the demons with Liao Yu, the rat man suddenly exclaimed again.

Liao Yu followed Skaven's line of sight and saw new movements coming from the legion of flesh and blood monsters.

Huge naked eyes floating in the air joined the battlefield.

These eyeballs do not actively attack, but are more like spell casters. A strange light shoots out from the eyeballs, and the flesh and blood monsters that have been scanned begin to gather together.

In just a few breaths, more than a dozen flesh and blood monsters merged with each other, and under the control of the big eyes in the sky, they turned into an extremely thick meat mountain puppet.

This meat mountain puppet is more than ten meters tall, and even the big devil needs to look up. This is one of the reasons why the descendants of the evil god are scary. They can combine at any time and share power.

With the addition of these big eyes, the battlefield situation suddenly became dangerous. Even if the Roshan Puppet in the center was a little clumsy, but with the advantage of its huge size, ordinary big demons could not do anything to it, and it was in a deadlock for a while. .

But soon.

Another figure appeared on the battlefield. It was also a big demon. It was holding a flaming battle axe. The wings on its back turned into flaming meteors. After being chopped down by the axe, the Roshan puppet, which had been surrounded by several big demons, was unharmed. It was split in half directly from the middle, and the whole body melted behind, turning into a pool of blood.

One hit kills.

Skaven looked at the special big demon under his wings, and the rat man almost jumped up.

"Hercule! It's Hercule! The great, great devil apostle! Apostle! Apostle!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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