Chapter 181 King, all enemies have been wiped out

The Rat Man was going crazy.

It was as if he had met a star, no, more like a lover in a dream. He was so excited about Liao Yu that he could not speak coherently, waving his hands randomly in the air, completely unable to express his mood at the moment.

This is not over yet.

Just as Skaven finished speaking, from the shadows below those big floating eyes, a blur of demons shrouded in darkness emerged from the shadows.

They used the shadows as weapons, turning them into bayonets, aiming at the big eyes at the back and stabbing them directly.

The shadow demon was so elusive that those floating naked eyes were obviously completely unprepared. They were immediately stabbed into the core of the eyeballs by the shadow blade and fell staggeringly from the air.

Among these shadow demons, there is a petite figure wearing a cloak that is the most eye-catching, because the one she summoned in her hand is in complete contrast with the huge scythe that is incompatible with her petite figure.

Needless to say, this giant shadow sickle is the best status symbol. Skaven's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

"Wait, wait, that couldn't be Hill! Could it be Hill!! The ninth apostle of the Demon King, the Apostle of Shadow! Hill!!!"

"Legend has it that she is the incarnation of shadow, the goddess of the night, and the beloved daughter of darkness. Oh my God! The God of Demon Rats is above, two apostles! I, Skaven, actually saw two apostles with my own eyes!!"

With Hercule and Hill joining the battlefield, there was no suspense in this battle. The Great Demon Legion rushed to the front as berserkers, and the Shadow Demon was responsible for assassinating the back row.

The sword demons entered the battlefield immediately as harvesting machines. They cooperated with the big demons tacitly to harvest those fish that slipped through the net.

As for the magic army at the rear, there was no room for them to perform. Before they could cast their magic, the so-called descendants of the evil god had already been defeated by the demon army led by the two apostles.

The overall situation was decided, and several footsteps sounded towards Liao Yu.

Soon I saw a little girl jumping up and down with a doll in her hands. She ran to Liao Yu first and hugged him.

"Brother Demon King! Alice. I miss you so much."

Does Liao Yu have any accomplices?

Skaven was a little surprised to see this little girl. Are there children in a place like Stillwater Prison?
And, for some reason, Rat Man always felt that the doll in the little girl's hand seemed to be staring at him?

And finally.
The name Skaven is too familiar.

The fourth apostle, the rotten demon Alice, is in charge of death and corpses. Her image is the most terrifying among the demons. Therefore, Skaven did not think about this at all. He was currently feeling tired of being in Liao Yu's arms and enjoying the little touch of Liao Yu's head. Girl, hook up with that "Alice".

Following the footsteps, two other women appeared.

They each have their own merits. The one on the left has long silver moon-colored hair and pointed ears, while the one on the right has short pink hair and is full of charm.

The same thing is that they all made Skaven's eyes look straight.

The rat man was stunned, he had never seen such a beautiful female before.

But the subsequent conversation between the pink-haired woman and the little girl brought Skaven back from the charm.

"Alice!" The pink-haired woman seemed very angry.

Staring at the little girl acting coquettishly in Liao Yu's arms, her tone was very dissatisfied.

"You should be commanding the army with Hercule and the others on the battlefield! Who allowed you to run around blindly!"

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Brother Demon King. Anyway, there are Hercule and Hill on the battlefield, so it's no problem hehe."

"Bah! Hmph! I think you want to ask the Demon King for the distribution rights of these alien races. Are you tired of just eating human corpses? You will get greedy when you see the different flavors!"

Being exposed by Elena on the spot, Alice licked her lips in embarrassment. The little girl's seemingly innocent gaze now swept across the aliens around Liao Yu, making Skaven and even the ancestor of the blood race Louise shivered all over.But soon, the little girl tried her best to swallow back her saliva, and held on to Liao Yu's clothes pitifully.

"Elena, the devil brother, is too fierce. Alice doesn't want to treat them as snacks. Alice just wants to play with everyone, these new friends. Is that okay?"

Liao Yu smiled, of course he would not refuse such a cute Alice.

He pointed in the direction of the Skaven.

"I don't know about the others, but he definitely likes to play games with you, and he said he especially wants to make seafood soup with you."

"Really!?" Alice's eyes lit up instantly when she heard this.

After all, this was the first time she heard that someone took the initiative to drink seafood soup. Alice was so happy that she immediately decided to use the corpses of the children of the evil god this time as new condiments to add to her Nurgle seafood soup. Here, entertain new friends.

Only Shushu looked confused.

What, what's the situation?
Why did so many people suddenly appear to act with Liao Yu?
And speaking of which, why is there no movement on the battlefield?


It's okay that Skaven didn't look back, but when he looked back, it almost scared him to death.

I saw that the battle between the demons and the flesh and blood monsters was over, and all the descendants of the evil god in the forbidden area had been wiped out.

And the great demon Hercule he admired, the Shadow Demon Hill, was now leading the demon army, which was still full of murderous intent and full of fighting spirit, and was rushing towards them.

It was only then that Skaven suddenly realized that he had recovered from his passion for the demons and realized that he was just a magic stick. If the demons found out, he had been pretending to be an apostle.
Skaven suddenly broke into a cold sweat and was about to run away. He was quite loyal and winked at Liao Yu before running away, signaling his fellow stooge to stop pretending and run away.

"Eh? You can't leave. Brother Demon King said that you belong to Alice. Guests have to share the seafood soup together."

Skaven, who had not run a few meters, was horrified to find a bright red thick tongue full of mucus wrapped around his waist and pulled it back in an instant.

The owner of this tongue is the doll in the hands of the little girl just now.

The seemingly harmless doll turned into a terrifying zombie dog made of stones. Its ferocious eyes stared at Skaven, and the saliva at the corner of its mouth showed its love for this rat-man snack.

It was the little girl who patted the dog's head that made the corpse-stitching dog calm down.

At this time, the demon army had surrounded the Blood Town, and the two apostles Hercule and Hill also came to Liao Yu.

The next scene was something that Skaven, and indeed all the alien prisoners in the entire Vampire Town, would never forget.

The great devil groveled.

The shadow demon crouched in the shadows.

The magician lowered his staff.

The sword demon brought its limbs together.

The various demon clans that were galloping on the battlefield a moment ago, fighting brutally, were now like waves, half-kneeling and saluting in the direction of the vampire town.

The demon army of tens of thousands was completely silent at this moment, as if no one dared to make noise in front of "that existence".

The last one to break the silence was Hercule as the commander-in-chief.

The great demon apostle, who also knelt down in front of Liao Yu, lowered his ferocious horns, gathered the demon wings behind his back, and reported to the young man in front of him in a respectful voice:
"King, you have fulfilled your mission. All enemies have... been wiped out."

(End of this chapter)

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