Chapter 182 Demons reappear in the world

There were a total of five apostles sent to Stillwater Prison this time. Liao Yu nodded, indicated that they could stand up, and asked the nearest succubus:

"How's the situation on the ground?"

The horn that Liao Yu blew was not just Jingshui Prison.

Rather, it truly swore that the demons would return.

"King, the troops on the ground are being deployed by Leon. Through the previously deployed teleportation anchors, our army has successfully occupied the key fortresses of the Tribunal and the Sorcerous Kingdom. The resistance of the two countries is very weak. Thanks to the king's early destruction Only by defeating their senior leaders did our army gain overwhelming strength and achieve victory with extremely low losses."

As Elena reported, the battlefield on the Stillwater Prison side is only a small part.

As three of the four princes of the empire have died in his own hands and their relics have been recovered, in Liao Yu's view, the previous strategy of letting the demons lurk in the dark is no longer necessary.

I lurked before because I didn't know the world. It was to slow down my pace and allow myself to improve my strength.

But now, many of the empire's back-up tools, such as the psychic wall, insect eggs, holy swords, etc., have all been touched by him and have been almost eliminated, and his own power has also come along the way. Eighth level.

Although there are indeed regrets. For example, among the three major countries under the empire, there is still one glorious Holy Kingdom that I could not disintegrate in advance.

But Liao Yu felt that as long as the emperor and the glorious saint were not fools, the successive deaths of the three princes would be enough for them to understand that the demons were back, and even if they wanted to lurk, it would be impossible.

So instead of doing this, it is better to take advantage of this last warm-up in the dark, take the initiative, launch a blitzkrieg, and successfully accept all the previous results.

The battle situation reported by Succubus was pretty much what Liao Yu expected.

From the battle just now in Stillwater Prison, it is enough to show the combat power of the demons. Even the flesh and blood monsters regarded as the descendants of nightmares and evil gods by the alien prisoners in Stillwater Prison were unable to kill them.

On the ground, the vast majority of humans who have been weakened for thousands of years, let alone these flesh and blood monsters, may not even be able to compare with the Vampires. No, even the alien prisoners such as the Skaven.

The only threat to the empire's princes and their relics were all solved by Liao Yu. It should be said that it is normal for the demons to take them easily.

What Liao Yu is most worried about now is another place.

"Where is the Glorious Theocracy?"

"Reporting to the king, Arpad and Dadaya personally led the troops on the battlefield of the Theocracy. They followed the king's order and adopted the opposite attack rhythm from the other two countries. They slowed down the offensive and made every step. The demonic army is now advancing steadily. It is gradually encroaching from the periphery of the Theocracy, and there are currently no reports of abnormal battles. Most of the humans in The Theocracy have fled the city and moved towards the empire."

"Well, the summons tells the two apostles that even if the Theocracy's resistance is weak, it must not rush for quick success, let alone take the initiative to attack the King's City, and just slowly surround it with pressure."

"Everything is waiting for us at the rear to completely control the rest of the country before launching the final attack. Also, continue to let Dadaya use magic to spread the news. If the Radiant Saint is willing, we can find a place to sit down. negotiation."

"As you order, king."

It is not unreasonable for Liao Yu to be so cautious. After all, according to the rules, the glorious saint should also have a brave relic in her hands.

Liao Yu knows the things he has in his collection the best. There are many of them that can be extremely lethal to the demons. In addition, there is also the "Questionnaire" layer of BUFF. Liao Yu does not want to evolve. Like Xiang Zhoumu, each other was bleeding like a river, and the world was also devastated.

Because of this, Liao Yu temporarily put aside the battlefield on the side of the Glory Theocracy and just handed it over to the apostles.

He has a more important thing at the moment - limiting the scope of the war.

And only he, as the Demon King, can do this.Thinking of this, Liao Yu turned around and looked at the prisoners gathered in the vampire town.

Not surprisingly.

Today's vampires look at themselves with eyes full of despair.

Even if he had saved their lives before.

The identity of the devil overshadows everything else.

As the ancestor, Louise's face was even more ashen. The girl gritted her teeth. Although her body could not help but tremble and her fear could be seen, Louise was still alone and protected all the vampires. behind.

Now that she saw Liao Yu looking over, Louise pursed her lips. The noble posture from before was long gone. The girl looked like she was determined to protect her clan to the death. Those who didn't know thought that Liao Yu was coming to exterminate the clan.

"Miss Louise, I have fulfilled my agreement and granted you shelter. Now, isn't it your turn?"

"Dream! Stop thinking about it! I will never let my people accept the brainwashing of your demon clan! We would rather die here than become that kind of demon servant!"

Liao Yu's answer was Louise's angry rejection, with a trembling voice. It could be seen that it took great courage to defy the devil.

The moment the girl said these words, a wave of extreme pressure immediately enveloped the entire Vampire clan.

Hercule's great demon eyes glanced over. The vampires whose abilities were based on blood actually felt as if the blood in their bodies was burning and being burned by purgatory.

Hill's expression could not be seen under the cloak, but the shadows under the vampires' feet were shaking one after another. Many vampires felt a chill on their necks, as if there was an invisible sickle of shadows floating in front of them, which could easily deprive them of their lives at any time. .

Not to mention Elena.

In her opinion, the king has been so kind and given such generous treatment, but this ancestor of the blood clan still doesn't know what to do.

The succubus didn't even look at her, just glanced at Louise coldly.

As the ancestor of the blood race, Louise of the eighth level suddenly felt a strong impact on her soul world. Elena's eyes were like a deep whirlpool, which directly made her consciousness sink into it and she could not extricate herself. She almost lost herself in the pink In the mist of color.

It was Liao Yu who raised his hand that made the apostles withdraw their pressure.

Louise, who had just come to her senses, found herself half-kneeling on the ground when she regained consciousness, panting heavily, and her fair cheeks were now soaked with sweat.

The gap is too big.

Even the ancestors were like this, let alone the tribesmen behind Louise. Each of them seemed to have walked back from the gate of hell. There was no longer fear in their eyes, and they were completely obedient.

Louise's reaction was normal. According to the original demon clan, Liao Yu would definitely rather die than surrender.

"You will not be brainwashed, and there will be no evil demons in the demon race."

"From now on, the Blood Tribe and the other alien races here will only serve as peripheral vassals of the Demon Clan. The Demon Clan will not interfere within your tribe. On the contrary, they will provide you with shelter as before when necessary, but Correspondingly, when the demons need anything from you, you must obey them unconditionally."

(End of this chapter)

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