Chapter 183 Grace and Power

Upon hearing Liao Yu's words, Louise was stunned, and she doubted her ears.

"Demons. Doesn't evil exist?"

You must know that "evil" is one of the apostles of the demon clan.

Like her, many alien races hated the demons and were completely destroyed, half of which was attributed to the demons.

result now
Louise felt that the devil would not lie to her, and there was no need to do so.

So now there are only eight apostles left in the demon clan?

"This is not the place to talk. When we get up there, you and other alien races, including humans, will see a new era belonging to the demon race."

After Liao Yu finished speaking, he nodded to the other silver-haired apostle.

Following Liao Yu's gaze, Louise noticed Wilsey.

Notice the pointed ears and the elf's signature beautiful and elegant appearance.

and many more.

Fine. Elf! ?
apostle? ?
Two words that were supposed to have no connection were intertwined and had a great impact on Louise. However, the power shown by Velsey later made Louise no longer doubt her identity.

Stillwater Prison lies deep underground.

Liao Yu not only wants to take the people here out, but also take the entire prison with him as "evidence" to let the truth surface now that the monsters have been eliminated.

After Wei Erxi received Liao Yu's instructions, the elf's ten fingers came together, and the emerald green magic began to surround the surroundings. Flowers bloomed from the elf's feet. The authority from the flower apostle made the still water prison, which was originally barren, It was also quickly covered with plants.

With the elf at the center, a seed was planted, which first sprouted out of the ground, then quickly turned into a green seedling, and then grew into an ancient tree in the blink of an eye, and it continued to grow crazily.

The roots of the ancient tree quickly took root and spread in the Still Water Prison. Using the crown of the ancient tree as a tray, the entire Still Water Prison was lifted up and kept rising.

No matter how solid the rock is, plants can grow from it. Just like the Stillwater Prison, a ruin that has sunk underground for thousands of years, with the support of plants, it can still break out of the ground along with the big tree in the sky, reaching the ground.


A loud noise echoed in the trial court. The tower of justice that originally stood collapsed, and was replaced by an ancient tree that grew out of the ground. At the crown of this huge sky tree, a still-standing tower was The prison that still exudes a green light appears to the world again as the Stillwater Prison.

The dazzling sunshine from the outside world made many foreign prisoners uncomfortable, but more importantly, they felt the unparalleled joy and liberation after breathing the fresh air from the ground.

Only low-level vampires are afraid of the sun. Vampires have long been able to walk normally under the sun. Louise raised a hand and looked at the bright sunshine shining on it, still feeling that everything was a bit dreamy.

Of course, the most incredible thing was the white-haired elf who had unleashed such a powerful natural spell and could summon the giant tree that lifted the entire Stillwater Prison to the ground. Wilsey walked up to Louise and stretched out her hand to her. Take action.

At this moment, Louise finally stopped doubting anything and completely gave up her prejudices. She used herself as a representative to deal with Wilsey, the apostles, and especially Liao Yu as the demon king. She followed the example of the previous demon soldiers. They looked like they were kneeling down on one knee to show their submission.

Seeing how many foreigners have surrendered so smoothly, even if Elena doesn't like Velxi anymore, she has to admit that this elf apostle has indeed played a key role.

Just like what the wise demon said at the beginning.

The purpose of the king's choice of Velxi as an apostle was to let the elves serve as representatives, so that other alien races could believe that the demons were no longer the same demons as before.

The way the tribes are surrendering like this is probably what the king had planned a long time ago, right?

And she
At that time, she was still jealous of the king's choice of an elf, and even got a little emotional. Thinking of this, Elena couldn't help but feel guilty.

Similarly, the succubus looked at the anthropologists who also wanted to be loyal to Liao Yu, and now below, the Tribunal King City surrounded by the "Sea of ​​Purgatory Fire". From below, all of them were surrounded by demons. Soldiers gathered on the streets, and humans became densely packed black dots.
In Elena's heart, she secretly made some determination.The Purgatory Sea of ​​Fire is the ninth-level magic scroll that Leon asked Dadaya.

Now the blazing wall of fire, the blazing flames, and the evil magic power looming out of the wall of fire, like hell, all surround the royal city of the Tribunal.

The demons' blitzkrieg left many humans unable to even understand what was happening.

In addition, Leon knew very well that the king did not want too many casualties, not only from the demons, but also from humans.

So the wise demons adopted another method to make humans understand their situation.

Purgatory Sea of ​​Fire is one of them.

The fire did not harm humans.

What Leon wants is just the overwhelming power of the ninth-level magic.

This has undoubtedly been a success, as can be seen from the horrified expressions on people's streets now.

The city, which was illuminated by fire and glowed red like the end of the world, was enough to give humans a visual impact.

And no matter how far apart they are, you can still feel the heat waves on your skin, the faint burning stinging sensation, which can deepen humans' impression of the demons, just like the fear of flames.

Liao Yu was also looking at the humans below.

In fact, he had been thinking about how to make these humans take over the human cities after the full-scale attack of the demons, not only to coexist with the demons, but at least to minimize resistance as much as possible.

He wants to use these humans as a strength for himself and the demons, so that they can be an aid rather than a burden in the final decisive battle with the empire.

Fortunately, he found the answer in Stillwater Prison.

This is one of the reasons why Liao Yu finally made up his mind not to lurk anymore.

These imprisoned and slandered elites and scholars among all humans will become his most powerful evidence to reveal the truth about the empire, allowing humans to understand who is the real enemy.

And the eggs that the Emperor once parasitized in the bodies of most humans will in turn become the most powerful help for humans to unite under his command.

Next, he will make Stillwater Prison public.

Tell all humans the secret of the "worm eggs".

And provide humans with a way to remove the insect eggs from the body. Of course, the price is to obey the devil himself.

This is the kindness Liao Yu intends to show to mankind.

Of course, kindness alone is definitely not enough.

As long as there is a war, there will be rivers of blood, and there must be such a killing to truly complete the conquest.

Liao Yu will not be lenient in this regard.

But what he can choose is who to put the bloody "power" on, so that the killings of the demons and the millennium of hatred will be concentrated on "some" groups of humans.

For example, powerful people.

(End of this chapter)

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