Chapter 184 A family in the occupied area
"Dad, mom, Anissa is back."

At four o'clock in the afternoon, a girl carrying a small schoolbag came home from school. After knocking on the door of her home, hurried footsteps soon sounded from inside the house. The person who opened the door was a concerned woman.

Seeing that her daughter was safe and sound at the door, the woman felt a little relieved. She quickly let her daughter into the house and immediately locked the door.

"Anisha, did you encounter any danger along the way? Did you listen to your mother and avoid those monsters on the road?"

It’s not unreasonable for women to be so nervous.

Now, a week has passed since the demon invasion.

Except for the Empire and the Glorious Cult, the remaining three-fifths of human territory has fallen and has become the territory of the demons.

Fortunately, the demons did not massacre them.

Except that there are many more "monsters" from the demon clan on the streets, everything seems to be no different from usual, at least for civilians.

Oh no.

I almost forgot the most important point. There is indeed a big difference. They don't have to go to work.

The demons have taken over and controlled most of humanity's factory facilities. Workers like her will stay at home until they receive new orders from the demons.

"Mom, don't worry, Anisha is very obedient! She never provokes those demons, she always takes a detour, and she listens carefully in class. Mom can see that Anisha has learned a zero-level earth spell."

The little girl said, and happily opened her palms, only to see a small lump of clay-like soil inside. As Anisha's weak magic power condensed in her palms, the shape of the clay began to change, and was controlled by the girl. , and soon they looked like little clay figurines of a family of three.

However, after the initial surprise, the woman did not praise her. Instead, she looked flustered and hurriedly slapped the plasticine out of her daughter's hand with a "pop" sound as if subconsciously.

Because in the past, learning magic was the right of nobles. If a commoner was found to use magic without authorization, it would be a serious crime and the entire family would be put in jail.

But when the woman came back to her senses and looked at the clay figurine of the family portrait broken into pieces on the ground, as well as her daughter who was full of grievances, she realized that many rules had been broken because of the invasion of the demons.

Most schools now not only make magic information available to civilians, but also offer special courses. Even children of Anissa's age can receive magic enlightenment.

"What are you doing! Anisha, don't cry! Come, come to daddy, look, what daddy has prepared for you!" The movement in the living room made a man from the back room come out.

He happened to catch the scene just now, and immediately came over and picked up the little girl. While comforting her, he took out a brand new set of plasticine from his arms like a magic trick.

"Dang Dang Dang! How about it! This is the super magic mud that dad specially bought for Anissa. In the future, Anissa will use this to practice magic. In the future, she will definitely become the greatest earth magic in the history of mankind. division!"

Anissa was also amused by her father's exaggerated tone, giggling in the man's arms. Her mother on the other side didn't complain about anything after seeing this scene, she just muttered a few words.

"What's human history? I don't know what we will become under the hands of those monsters."

Upon hearing this, the man immediately refuted: "What kind of monster is that? It's called a demon. Even our Anissa can pronounce the name correctly. Why do you keep calling it a monster? Are you Anissa?" "Uh-huh!" "

"Okay Anissa, you should go back to your room first. Dad still has some important things to discuss with mom."

"Well! Anissa went to do her homework!"

The little girl reluctantly left her father's arms, hugged her little schoolbag, and returned to the house obediently.

After entering the house, Anissa took out a notebook from the drawer.

She has the habit of writing a diary every day.

Because in the past, she was almost always alone.

[On July 7th, it was cloudy, and my father was drunk again. Anissa hid in the house and did not dare to go out, because her father would be very scary at this time, and Anissa was very afraid of pain]

[July 7th, cloudy. Anissa got full marks in today’s midterm exam. Anissa wanted to let her mother see it, but her mother came back very late every day. Her mother said that only in this way can she keep her job and support us. Why aren't those nobles willing to recruit more people?Anisha doesn’t understand, but Anisha knows that her mother is great, and Anissa must also learn from her mother]

[August 8st, overcast, is the day Anissa looks forward to most at the beginning of the month, because it is the only day her mother can rest in a month!I can stay with Anisha, but today Anisha couldn’t be happy. Mom and dad had a big fight. Mom accused dad and said that if dad hadn’t used the money to go into business, he wouldn’t have lost all the money. But dad said what did mom say? I don’t understand, and neither does Anissa. It’s obviously a hard day off, why mom and dad are still fighting. Anissa hopes that mom and dad can reconcile quickly]

[August 8th, it’s cloudy, and it’s the day to pay for meals every month again. Anissa feels guilty every time she asks her mother for money, because when she gets to school, half of it will be taken away by other children. Nisha also tried to ask the teacher for help, but the teacher said why they didn’t rob other children but only Anissa’s. It must be Anissa’s own problem. Anissa didn’t know and didn’t dare to tell her parents]

[August 8th, Yin. Today, the door of our house was smashed by someone. I heard from my mother that it was debt collectors. My father was also injured by them. My mother gave them all the money she saved before letting us go. Ani Sha was hiding in the house and was scared. The debt collectors were wearing the uniforms of the Knights, but the teachers in the academy said that the Knights were formed by noble adults to protect us and drive away bad guys, so are we bad guys?Anissa doesn’t understand.]

[August 8th, cloudy, my father is drinking again, my mother has not come back from working overtime until late at night, Anisha is so hungry]

"Cloudy" journals like this are pretty much what notebooks are all about.

[August 8th, sunny. The sky today is red and extremely hot. A large wall of fire surrounds the city. Many monsters appear from the wall of fire. The teachers at the school say that humankind is over and the end of the world is coming. No, Anissa doesn’t understand. Are we going to die?But at least mom and dad didn’t quarrel that day. Mom hugged Anissa tightly, and dad stood in front of us and the monster]

[August 8, Qing, my mother’s factory was closed. Today, my mother stayed with Anissa all day long. Anissa was so happy]

[August 8, Qing, Dad is very happy today, because the arrival of the monster has cleared all Dad’s debts, and the people from the Knights have not come to the house to collect debts. Dad has been excitedly shouting about the new era, Anissa didn’t understand what this meant, but seeing how happy her father was, Anissa was also very happy. By the way, I almost forgot, my father said those monsters also have names, called demons]

[August 8, Qing. Today, my mother went to the street and bought a lot of food. She cooked a big table full of sumptuous dinner for Anissa and her father. My mother said that she should at least eat something good before she died. My father always blamed her. It’s too pessimistic, and Anissa doesn’t understand it, but Anissa wants to thank the demons for allowing her mother to cook a big meal for us! 】

[August 8th, Qing. Dad hasn’t had a drink for four days. He studies the news in the newspaper every day. Anisha rarely sees her father so motivated, and the end of the world that her mother said seems to be the same. Even though she didn't come, Anissa returned to school as usual. I heard that a new magic teacher came to the school, and Anissa was looking forward to it! 】

[August 8, sunny, have a big meal]

[August 8, sunny, have a big meal]

(End of this chapter)

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