Chapter 185 The true nature of a noble
Anisha looked at the increasingly perfunctory records at the back of the diary. The little girl's face turned slightly red, knowing that she had fallen a little bit. She couldn't help it. She was so happy recently.

The girl patted her face and regained her composure. She must write down her diary properly this time.

But where to start?
Got it!

Start when you walk in the door today.

[September 9, Qing, Anissa lied to her mother today. Her mother always told Anissa to avoid the demons on the street, but in fact, every time Anissa came home from school, she would always pick out demons. Walking on the streets of the tribe, because there, Anissa no longer has to worry about being bullied by bad guys, everyone becomes very civilized, Anissa likes this! 】

[Although the demons look different from us and look very scary, they have never attacked Anissa like my mother said. Instead, they are still Anissa’s protector!If anyone dares to bully Anissa again in the future, Anissa will run to the demons to see if they still dare! 】

[Dad bought me a new toy today, and my mother didn’t accuse my father of spending money randomly. (My usually very stingy mother actually spends money to buy us delicious food every day.) (crossed out), although my mother sighs every day. , but Anissa feels that her mother's temper has improved a lot, and she no longer looks so haggard. Her mother no longer talks about work, and just stays with Anissa every day. Anissa likes this! 】

[A group of aristocratic classmates came to the college. I heard that their college was cancelled. They kept saying bad things about the demons. Anissa didn’t understand. After the demons came, her father stopped drinking and became cheerful. , Mom doesn’t have to work overtime until late at night every day, and can make delicious food for us every day. Anissa has also learned magic skills, and she no longer has to worry about being bullied by those bad guys when she goes to and from school, so Anissa likes the demons! 】

Having written so much in one go, Anissa was very satisfied.

Today, the teacher of the academy's magic class gave them an assignment to shape a model out of clay.

The family of three that Anisha pinched before were smashed by her mother.

This time, Anissa thought about the new plasticine that her father gave her. With inspiration, the magic power gathered in her hands and she began to control the shape of the plasticine.

Soon the plasticine was in his hands and transformed into a big demon image with two horns, a pair of wings, and a long tail behind it.

This is the most common demon on the street, and it is also the monster that adults are most afraid of. But Anissa is not afraid. This is her protector and her goal. In the future, she will also be like the big demon, standing upright. Become super powerful, protect everyone, and defeat bad guys!
At the same time, outside the house.

Anissa's parents were having a heated discussion about demons.

In fact, this is also the epitome of human beings in every "occupied area".

The woman was very resistant to the demons and full of fear, but the man argued hard and tried to change his wife's point of view.

"Yes, the demons are a foreign race and they look different from us, but our goals are the same. Haven't you seen the ugly, dark and dirty things in the empire that the demon king revealed to us!"

"Look at those scholars who came out of Stillwater Prison. Do you still remember how they got in? They were slandered and framed for serious crimes. The empire's purpose is to attack our talents! They don't want us to progress!"

"What's more, look at the nobles who are attached to the empire. They have monopolized everything we have. When I started doing business, I just wanted to break through this and make our lives better. But as a result, those bureaucrats colluded and barbarously The nobles who are unreasonable and only know how to take advantage of their connections can take away the fruits of my hard work with just a few words, and in turn give me debts that I will never be able to repay in my lifetime."

The more the man spoke, the more excited he became, and he said angrily: "As long as the decadent aristocracy is still there, you, me, Anissa, and the children behind Anissa, we will always be workers for life! By then, if we work hard for a lifetime, maybe I can’t even afford a house!”

"There are bugs! Yes! Those bug eggs that are parasitic in our bodies! The empire has done this, why do you still want to speak for the empire? The current demons are obviously helping us, why should we reject them?"

At the mention of insect eggs, the look on Anissa's mother's face also wavered.

As a woman, she doesn't understand the big picture and only cares about the immediate situation. The insect eggs have obviously touched her bottom line. The thought of parasites in her body makes the woman shudder all over.

"Insects, are the insects real? Could it be that those monsters and demons deceived us?"

The husband shook his head.

"Don't worry, the ones who should be anxious are not us, but the nobles. We will know the truth of the matter by looking at their reactions."

The man was right.

The nobles are the ones who are most worried about the demons now.

Earl Scott is the Foreign Minister of the Sorcerous Kingdom.

As one of the three major countries, the Sorcerous Kingdom has countless small vassal countries like Illinois, so the Foreign Minister's position can be imagined, and there are countless tributes every year.But now, everything is gone. With the fall of mankind, the demons have occupied most of the world, and almost all their power has been taken away.

But compared to industry and wealth, the Earl now cares more about another thing.

In the secret room, there were many court nobles from the Sorcerous Kingdom, including Count Scott, and they gathered here secretly to verify a certain period.

"Bring it up."

After the nobles gave the order, many masked civilians came to the center shivering.

Waiting for them are doctors with superb medical skills.

They immobilized the civilians and then began to cut their flesh and blood. Amidst the heart-rending screams, they began to search for the bugs in the body as the demons said.

After a while, I found the shadow of insect eggs from the deep flesh and blood. Most of them were only the size of soybeans and were very inconspicuous. If I didn't look for them deliberately, I wouldn't find them at all.

This was because civilians did not practice magic, so the eggs were in a shrunken state. Later, the nobles captured another one who had learned the magic. After dissection, the eggs found this time were the size of a fist.

However, the exposed eggs quickly died and turned into blood in less than a few seconds. This is why the Empire was able to hide this secret for many years.

"Damn it!"

When several ministers and nobles saw this, their expressions changed. They gritted their teeth, knowing that they had been tricked by the empire. In fact, they believed from the bottom of their hearts that this would be something the empire could do to control them.

"Do you still have any objections now?" The president of the House of Lords, who was headed by him, looked around at the noble ministers present.

Everyone shook their heads, no matter what, they could only give in.

After all, life comes first.

Only the demons can remove the insect eggs in their bodies. Based on this alone, there is no need to discuss this meeting. The attitude towards the demons can only be surrender.

But many nobles and ministers were still unwilling.

The expressions on their faces were all depressed and ugly.

They are not unwilling that humans are so weak and are at the mercy of demons.

What makes them unwilling and uncomfortable is that their once prosperous and wealthy days seem to be gone forever, especially the ministers in charge of the manufacturing sector.

So many factories under his command were all taken away by the demons, and these damn demons actually stopped the factories. Do you know that this stop will cause so many disasters for every extra day of rest for the workers? Loss!
He was also the dean of the House of Lords. The noble nobleman at the head was relatively calm. He looked at everyone who was in despair and gave them peace of mind.

"Don't worry, although the situation is bad, it's not as bad as you think."

"From now on, it seems that these demons want to use us to fight against the empire, so they won't kill us. If the demons want to manage humans, who will they rely on? Oh, they still have to rely on us."

"I have jointly requested letters from the Demon King with ministers from other countries, and the Demon King has accepted our application and will hold a meeting to discuss the future development of humans and demons, and what the demons want at that time. Hum, we’ll just give it to them.”

"The large number of obedient civilians in our hands are our biggest trump card. Only we know how to squeeze them to the maximum extent and obtain the ultimate benefits. Just like we did with the empire in the past, it is nothing more than changing a backer. I also I believe that the demons will not refuse this benefit."

"So, if you don't want to be here for a long time, you might as well hurry up and prepare some treasures, jade beads, beautiful women, antiques, or anything else that you think can interest the demon king and please the demon clan when the time comes. thing."

"As long as we can please the demons, we can keep our position. The more we please, the more soup we can drink from the demons. Do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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