Chapter 186
After the first week of fear, suspicion, fear, and panic among the humans in the occupied areas, when the time came to the second week, they saw that the demons did not do anything to them, and the humans gradually became active again.

Today's square is densely packed with perhaps tens of thousands of residents.

In the buildings on both sides, there were many people leaning out and looking towards the center of the square.

A grand speech is being held here.

The middle-aged man in a suit and leather collar looked firm and impassioned on the main stage, full of impressive trust.

Every word he said was echoed by the ordinary citizens who came to listen in the square.

"All of us have seen the cruelty and tyranny of the empire and the incompetence of the emperor. Until now, the empire has not sent out a single soldier because they have never regarded us as allies! If it hadn't been for the emergence of the demons , reveal the truth, all of us, until now, are still kept in the dark by the hypocritical empire!”

"The demons are indeed different from us, but they saved us from the empire and gave us medicine to purify the eggs in our bodies, so they are our friends! Not enemies! Only with the help of the demons, Only then can we defeat the empire together, drag the tyrant emperor off his throne, and usher in our victory together!"

"Of course, I also understand. Yes, many of us have lost our jobs because of the demons. We are unemployed at home, and some of us dare not even leave our homes for fear of the demon soldiers patrolling the streets. I understand. I understand very well, I also have a daughter who spent the whole night crying because of fear and had insomnia.”

"There is no doubt that this is the most difficult time for us as human beings, but that is why we need you, me, and millions of others to unite in this most important moment. As long as we are united, any All difficulties can be overcome!”

"As for the issue that everyone is most worried about."

The man in a suit paused for a moment, then straightened his back, turned up the amplification technique a little louder, and then said loudly and forcefully:

"Please rest assured that our negotiators are preparing materials day and night. Many people have been working for five or six days in a row and stayed up all night."

"All our efforts are to do our best to communicate effectively with the Rubik's Cube. We will definitely ensure everyone's safety! We will fight for the benefits that we humans deserve from the hands of the demons, so that everyone can return to their former self as soon as possible. life!"

"Here, I, Shaquille, as the President of the Sorcerous Kingdom's House of Lords, promise all of you that as long as I am in office, I will never allow the demons to harm humans!"

The crowd's cheers and cheers surrounded Shaquille.

Shaquille waved to the people in the audience, saying that at this time, as nobles, they should show up and speak for mankind. This is their duty.

Shaquille's voice changed, with a sad look and a sigh, expressing the current predicament. Even the nobles do not have many resources at their disposal and are in urgent need of everyone's assistance, including but not limited to, funds, manpower, intelligence, etc. .

Under Shaquille's previous "unity", almost all the people who came to listen were enthusiastic, and without much thought, they rushed forward to support.

Those who have money have to pay, and those who have no money have to contribute a little food at home. They would rather starve themselves, and let the nobles fighting on the front line be fed. Only in this way can the negotiators be energetic and don't have to worry about food and drink. Concentrate on preparing materials and negotiate with the demons to win a better future for them.

Of course, there are more people who are attracted by Shaquille's speech and have a common ideal.

They are willing to join the "Human Community" organization founded by Shaquille, work for the organization, and fight for mankind.

Those who are physically strong do not need to be paid and are obliged to do all kinds of dirty work. Those who are knowledgeable and educated do not need to be paid and actively participate in the "negotiation team", pooling the wisdom of the masses and trying to find the weaknesses of the demons. As a bargaining chip, etc.

It didn't take long for the Human Community to quickly become the largest organization in the occupied area.It is led by the Dean of the Sorcerous Kingdom's House of Lords, Shaquille, and many nobles from the Inquisition, plus many elites from other small countries.

This group of missions responsible for "negotiating" with the demons gathered the hopes of countless civilians and set off towards the Demon King's Tower amid the expectations of humans in the occupied areas.

Aziz is one of the more prominent civilian representatives in this "negotiation team".

She was deeply attracted by President Shaquille's speech, and she resolutely gave up the safety of the rear and chose to join the nobles as a volunteer to fight for the future of mankind.

Now Azi's beautiful face showed a little haggardness, which was caused by her intense work in the past few days.

But it didn't matter. After taking a few sips of coffee, Azusa encouraged herself, and then walked into President Shaquille's carriage with a pile of organized information.

"You're here. It's been too hard lately, Azusa."

Shaquille received Aziz warmly, without any airs of aristocracy, and personally made a cup of hot tea for the female representative.

Azusa shook her head, indicating that she was fine. The one who was really hard and stressed was President Shaquille, who shouldered the burden and hope of millions of people in the occupied areas.

Thinking of this, Azusa stopped being polite, spread out a stack of information in front of Shaquille, and began to respond to the report very focused and seriously:

"President, in the past few days, I have visited many ancient professors and collected all the myths and legends from thousands of years ago. Although a lot of the information is fragmented, incomplete, and even wrong, after I pieced it together, it can still be restored. A lot."

"This is by no means the first time that demons have invaded our human world. Thousands of years ago, they massacred many humans, started a brutal war between humans and demons, and nearly destroyed the entire world. I think this is their true face. What is being revealed to us now is all falsehood, meant to deceive and deceive us, and most likely to deal with the empire!"

"So President, although the demons are powerful, it can be seen that they still have weaknesses, and they are also afraid of something. I speculate from ancient history that what they fear is most likely the brave! And those who were thousands of years ago. Relics! If we can find these, maybe there is hope for a comeback!"

"And President, if you look at this, we can also find from ancient historical data that the demons will not develop. Although they are powerful, they only know how to destroy. Therefore, I reasonably guess that there is another reason why they do not kill us now. , wants to use us to learn our human development capabilities, and this is also our bargaining chip! We can use the development technology in our hands to trade with the demons in exchange for their magic training and various magic secrets."

"In this way, we can secretly accumulate strength and popularize these cultivation methods to all humans. In this way, one day, our human strength will catch up with the demons and we will no longer become so desperate. We can even give birth to legendary warriors to lead us. , defeat the demons like they did thousands of years ago, or even eliminate them completely! Protect our world!"

From Azusa's analysis, it is not difficult to see that this is a great plan that will last for ten years, decades, or even hundreds of years.

Today's human beings must endure and hibernate, use their wisdom as much as possible, use the chips in their hands to deal with the demons, and try to absorb the knowledge of the demons and pass it on to themselves, thereby accumulating strength and placing their hopes on future generations.

The female representative was very excited at the end, with courage and dedication shining in her eyes.

There is no doubt that she is dedicated to humanity and is truly the elite talent that humanity needs if it wants to stand up and rise.

Azusa ignored another most important point.

Not every human being hopes to "turn over and rise up." On the contrary, the last thing they want to see is to turn over.

(End of this chapter)

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