Chapter 187 Meet the Demon King!

"Yes, Azusa, what you said is very good. If we continue to improve and improve according to your proposal, maybe one day we humans can really defeat the demons and become the masters of the world again."


"Obviously, neither you nor I will see that day, right?" President Shaquille drank tea slowly and stirred the delicate tea spoon.

He finally stood up. This human aristocratic leader still looked so determined, but he said something that shocked Azusa and made him unbelievable.

"I'm sorry Azusa, I can't wait that long. What we want is now. I want to protect my property, factory, status and power, so... I'm sorry."

The female representative suddenly felt dizzy. She stood up in fear, only to find that her limbs were sore and weak. Only then did she realize that there was something wrong with the cup of tea.

But it was too late. President Shaquille, who was watching coldly, clapped his hands, and several soldiers immediately came and tied up the limp Aziz. During the whole process, Aziz was still conscious and stared at that man with extremely angry eyes. Human traitor, that selfish and hypocritical villain president.

Shaquille didn't mind, he just shook his head and said:

"You who have nothing will definitely not be able to understand. If you are in my position, one sentence can decide the life or death of tens of thousands of people. Countless people want to please you every day. You can eat any delicious food anytime, anywhere, and play When you get whatever you want, you will understand that once you get attached to something, you simply cannot leave it."

"No one cares about the future of mankind. I only care about whether I can continue to inherit my power from the demons. And you, you will be my best gift to the great demon king."

"You guys, please be gentle, don't hurt her, and prepare something beautiful later. We don't know the aesthetics of the demons, so find some revealing clothes for her to wear, put on makeup, and try your best. Make it look better.”

"A female representative of the human side who is determined to fight against the demons. Tsk. I believe that the demon king will like her. Through you, and you, it will be the best proof for me to express my loyalty to that king."

Azusa, whose face was ashen, widened her eyes again, because Shaquille was talking about you, proving that it was not just her, could anyone else also
"Oh, don't look like that. Isn't it natural? A beautiful speech has attracted all of you resistance faction people. In the future world under the rule of demons, people like you will be the demon kings. Of course, the trouble is also the trouble for those who are loyal to the demons, so I have killed them long ago, wrapped their heads, and distributed them to the nobles who followed me as a gift for them to meet the great king. "

"And you, do you really think that you can become a representative and stand out from many civilians because of your talent and hard work? Don't be ridiculous, I just think that you have the best figure and the best appearance among those people. Okay, I just promoted you deliberately and packaged it for you. As for telling you the truth now, well, I hope you can cooperate. By then you will make the devil happy, and I can get more status and power from the devil. No, I can still save you, it’s a win-win for us, isn’t it?”

Seeing Shaquille's ugly face, the tied-up Aziz struggled wildly and kept making "oooo" sounds. His expression was extremely angry, as if he wanted to eat him, the traitor.

Shaquille nodded with satisfaction, waved his hand, and asked his men to take Aziz down.

In the end, he actually deceived the female representative. He was completely irritated on purpose. The more hatred Azusa has, the more he will feel a sense of conquest and increase the value of the gift.

After the farce ended, their "negotiation team" convoy was about to arrive at the "Demon King's Tower".

Shaquille, the aristocratic leader, looked at the mirror in the carriage, straightened his clothes, and took a deep breath. In fact, he was also a little uneasy and nervous about the upcoming meeting with the Devil.

As a magician appeared in front of him and was responsible for the reception, the convoy quickly stopped. Shaquille quickly got out of the car himself. Regardless of his noble status on the human side, he was extremely respectful to a magician who was only responsible for teleportation. , trying to make good friends.

As for the other nobles who also got off the car, their status was not as high as Shaquille's, and they were even more humble to the magician. They gathered around and bowed, trying to please him.

They had also done their homework in advance and knew that magicians were among the "apostles" of the demon clan, and that their counterpart to humans was the aristocratic bloodline. "Thank you, thank you Lord Magic!"

"With such magic power, you are worthy of being a magician. Compared with you, the human masters I have seen are like apprentices!"

"What a beautiful teleportation array. Such a complicated technique is so powerful!"

"Elegant, so elegant!"

"I heard that Master Jumo likes books and knowledge, so I specially collected some of our humble works in various fields. If Master Jumo is interested in any of them, I will give them my full dedication!"

It's a pity that the magic soldier didn't pay attention to them.

Just according to the king's wishes, after opening the teleportation array, he was responsible for monitoring all humans entering, and did not say a word to the nobles who wanted to come to talk.

Even so, many nobles did not dare to say anything. After everyone stepped into the teleportation array, they were still thanking the demon before leaving.

With the flickering of the teleportation array on the ground, all the delegations of the Human Community disappeared in place.

This kind of magic can fully transmit close to a team of thousands of people, and it is still an extremely long distance, which is unbelievable in human society.

Just one teleportation is enough to deepen the powerful impression of the demons in their hearts.


This is just the beginning.

After the halo of the teleportation spell dissipated, Shaquille and the other nobles' vision became clear again. The first thing they saw was a totem pole.

The thick perch was engraved with complex and profound lines, like some ancient ferocious beast. Then there was lightning and thunder in the sky, and layers of dark clouds shrouded it. In the violent storm, the nobles looked up in horror and found a huge raptor. Rolling in thunderclouds.

The left side breathed ice, the right head condensed fireballs, and finally the head on the tail controlled thunder and lightning. When the three-headed Chimera landed on the ground and set off waves of air, many nobles, including Shaquille, were dumbfounded. .

They had never seen such a terrifying beast before, but Shaquille, the president, reacted the fastest. He suppressed the fear of the Chimera in his heart, swallowed, and after calming down, he was the first to kneel down and face The three big purple birds in front of them shouted loudly:
"big boss!"

The noble delegation behind saw this and quickly imitated the same action.

After all, with such a powerful aura, he must be the true form of the Demon King. He can control three kinds of elemental spells and control the wind and rain. It is so terrifying. They are afraid of being neglected, so they all shout "Master Demon King" to show their loyalty.

(End of this chapter)

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