Chapter 188 Bright Moon and Fireflies

Chimera, who was so powerful just now, almost stumbled.

The three heads of the big blue-purple bird all gasped in an instant, and all the feathers on its body stood up suddenly as if they were frightened.

The Chimera, who was panicked and annoyed, immediately let out an extremely angry roar at the humans below who were still worshiping it and shouting something like "Lord Demon King".

They say humans are insidious and vicious.

Now this Chimera has finally seen it.

I am just an ordinary little bird who is responsible for guarding the gate of the magic tower. When I see these outsiders, I want to scare them and give them a little deterrence so that they can be more honest after entering the tower.

In the end, these humans were so lucky that they actually called it Demon King?
Even worshiped.

Chimera knows what happened to the last guy who was called "Demon King".

Alice-sama played her head like a football for a week.

And it has three heads.

You must not be treated as a football by Alice-sama, one basketball and one volleyball each for three weeks?

Just thinking about that scene for a moment, Chimera's huge body in the eyes of the nobles made me tremble all over. If there were sweat glands, I would be breaking out in cold sweat.

It flapped its wings suddenly, setting off a hurricane.

The nobles who were still worshiping were suddenly lifted several meters high and fell heavily in a parabola.

Afterwards, the Chimera roared angrily at the three heads of Shaquille and his group, who were smashed to pieces after they landed on the ground.

If it weren't for these people, the Demon King wanted to see them.

It had already summoned thunder and lightning and killed the vicious humans who wanted to kill it.

Shaquille on the other side was confused and frightened.

The current leader of the negotiating team had bloodshot lips and pain in his internal organs. In fact, this was not bad. Some noble representatives who were unlucky had their legs broken directly by this.

But compared to these, the current noble envoys are even more puzzled by what they did wrong to make the "Devil King" so angry. Don't forget that the gifts they planned to please the Demon King have not yet been sent out. They were expelled first and their lives were at risk.

Fortunately, another demon arrived in time and saved the lives of these nobles.

"Step back, Xiao Zi, the Demon King has sent me to take charge of these humans."

Leon adjusted the glasses on the snake eyes, comforted the nervous and irritable Chimera, and signaled that it was okay. As for Xiao Zi, Liao Yu had given it to this Chimera.

After the Chimera flew away, Leon turned around and looked at the group of nobles who looked a little embarrassed and miserable. He first shook his head to express his lack of hospitality.

"President Shaquille was frightened, and other messenger representatives were also injured because of the misunderstanding. This is my dereliction of duty. The Demon King's request is that you all come to the front in good condition. Well, that's good."

After thinking for a moment, Leon raised his hand. Powerful magic surged at his fingertips, quickly converging into a blessing heraldic pattern. Then, Leon waved it and shot it into the bodies of the human nobles.

The magic runes were so fast that Shaquille and other nobles could not react at all, but the reaction of their bodies after absorbing the runes soon shocked them.

Take Shaquille himself as an example. He felt a warm current that warmed his whole body. In just a few breaths, his internal organs were repaired due to Chimera's fall, and there was no more pain.

The other noble envoys who were still wailing and crying while holding their broken legs, broken waists, and broken arms, now miraculously watched as their wounds healed at an incredible speed.

It would be okay if it was just here.

But then, before the power of the blessing rune ended, Shaquille felt a spring appeared out of thin air in his body, spurting out magic power outside the crazy tide. Within a few seconds, his body was filled with full magic power, and his whole body was filled with magic power. The level of human power began to increase dramatically.

Third level, fourth level, fifth level and sixth level
Shaquille soared all the way to level six and a half before stopping. Of course, with his own knowledge, he did not understand the concept of "level six" at all, but Shaquille could feel power, unparalleled power, which was greater than what he had ever seen before. Yes, even the most powerful human beings and even the fifth-level Archmage have terrifying power.

"This..." Shaquille stood up and looked at his hands blankly as if in a dream. Then he tried a technique, which was the most basic fire technique. The result was supposed to be a small flame, but now But under the blessing of his huge sixth-level magic power, it instantly turned into a blazing fireball, which was about to expand more and more, and was full of burning sensation.

It's not just Shaquille.

All the nobles present were almost the same. They were all ecstatically trying out their improved magic power. Although they were nobles, they mostly had low qualifications in practicing magic power and spells. As a result, they suddenly got How could they not be overjoyed to have the power that they once dreamed of and even surpassed.

After the extreme surprise, Shaquille had to be the best at controlling his emotions. He suppressed his excitement, used his hands that were still trembling with excitement, and directly performed a fireball technique, aiming it in the direction of a certain noble. go.


The scorching fireball exploded, immediately burning the defenseless nobleman into ashes.

After that, Shaquille glanced around with a sense of oppression, and shouted loudly at the nobles of other delegations.

"Quiet! Look at your appearance! It's so embarrassing! The Lord of the Demon Clan is still here! How long will you continue to be rude!"

Only then did the nobles come to their senses.

No one was dissatisfied with Shaquille's ruthless killing just now. On the contrary, they were all grateful to Shaquille. They stopped focusing on their own strength and turned to the wise demon Leon who had been watching them silently. Offer your worship.

The nobles also understood why Chimera was so angry before.

The reason is their ignorance.

In their opinion, the giant crow, who could be regarded as a country-destroying beast, only had a status here as Xiao Zi.

Just the guard of the Demon King's Tower.

As a result, they actually called each other the devil.

Shaquille realized that the previous anger of the ferocious beast came from fear and incomparable awe of the title "Devil King".

The demons were attacking the city too quickly.

It was so crushed that, with less than [-]% of its strength, it occupied three-fifths of the human world except the Empire and the Glorious Cult.

So Shaquille and the others just knew that the demons were very strong.

But the specific concept of how strong it is is still a bit vague.

But after this time, even though he had just entered the Devil's Tower, and even before he was in front of the Devil, Shaquille had already sunk.

If the original he was still a little hesitant, a little lucky, thinking not to go too far, what if the empire defeated the demons later?
As for the current president of the "Human Community", especially after Leon's blessing just now, Shaquille completely surrendered to the demons from the bottom of his heart.

He believed that the other nobles in the delegation must be the same.

What is this concept after all?
Human beings may need hundreds of years of hard work to give birth to a fifth-level mage, a powerful man who is frantically scrambled by all forces.

We ended up at the Demon King's Tower.
With a random blessing spell from Leon, a group of humans with almost zero magical talent could become powerful men surpassing the Archmage?
This shows that in the eyes of the demons, the archmage is not even cannon fodder.

Is this battle still to be fought?



As powerful as the empire and the emperor, there is no hope at all in front of the demons. In this case.
Shaquille was hot inside and secretly warned himself that he must seize this opportunity.

Because he is most likely the first human to meet the Demon King.

This is his advantage.

As long as he can grasp it, make friends with the Demon King, make the Demon King trust him, or to be more straightforward, if he can successfully act as a dog to the Demon King, then his future achievements may be even greater than that of the former Dean of the House of Lords who obeyed the empire's orders. Countless times higher!
(End of this chapter)

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