Chapter 189
"President Shaquille, with the increase in blessing spell, you should be able to walk around in the magic tower. If you still feel uncomfortable, you can apply to me and I can continue to increase the intensity of your magic power for you."

So this kind of power is just the threshold for entering and exiting the Demon King's Tower?
Although Shaquille was extremely moved by what Leon said could "continue to increase", and greed flashed in his eyes, he immediately restrained himself and waved his hand quickly.

"No, no, uh, from the demon clan."

Leon saw Shaquille's embarrassment, smiled and took the initiative to introduce himself: "I am the second apostle of the king and the leader of the wise demon clan. President Shaquille just call me Leon."

Upon hearing these words, Shaquille finally felt a little relieved. It turned out to be the second apostle. If any demon could be given such powerful power, then Shaquille might really collapse.

"If there are no other questions, let's keep walking. The king is in front."

"Obey, obey Master Leon!"

In this way, with Leon leading the way, a large group of nobles in the negotiation team walked in the magic tower cautiously and full of curiosity.

They thought it was somewhere in the world.

But later I found out I was wrong.

Now a group of noble envoys are located on the ninth floor of the magic tower.

This place was designed by Elena, the succubus manager, to be the Starry Sky Dome. After all, it is the Demon King's Palace. The meaning of the Starry Sky Dome is the absolute power and the absolute king of the entire universe.

In the eyes of Shaquille and other nobles of the Human Alliance, the vast starry sky above them seems to be all-encompassing, as mysterious and unpredictable as the real universe. This is obviously something that cannot be seen in the world and can only be located in a different space.

They entered a palace, not to mention the palace door made of precious ores that were incomprehensible and rich in magic power. The magnificent sculptures that opened the door attracted the attention of many nobles.

I saw that it was a skeletal dragon sculpture that was probably as high as two or three stories high and was just lying down.

The whole body of the sculpture seems to be made of real bones.

Just a black bone.

It can be seen from the color of the bones that there is no oxidation at all, and they have been carefully cared for. Each piece is as translucent as black jade, and there seems to be a faint gray air flow.

The connection between each bone is even more flawless, extremely tight, and without any flaws.

The nobles don't know much about other esoteric spells and monsters in the Demon King's Tower, but they are still very knowledgeable about works of art, especially sculptures.

There were many nobles in the delegation who were sculpture collectors, and so was Shaquille, so after seeing this lifelike bone dragon sculpture, his eyes lit up and he finally found a topic.

This sculpture was definitely made by everyone. He just wanted to take the opportunity to praise the devil's taste, the uncanny craftsmanship of the sculpture, and the majestic style.
The bone dragon "Xiao Hei" raised his ferocious dragon head, and the originally empty dragon eyes instantly lit up with scarlet fire. Just by glancing at the group of humans who came to meet him, Shaquille and his group felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave. I didn't even dare to take a breath.

It wasn't until the bone dragon retracted its head and lay down again that the nobles came to their senses. It turned out that this was not a sculpture, but a real bone dragon! ?
Humans also have necromancy, and it is still a large branch, but the most powerful among them is the "Lord of the Undead" level. They don't understand how high-level necromancy such a bone dragon must be.

Later, when a female skeleton wearing a maid uniform, showing her coolness and nobility, came to guide them, the assistant next to Chartres who had practiced necromancy almost fainted.

The dream goddess of all necromancers, the legendary queen who stands at the absolute pinnacle of undead creatures, is now the maid of the devil?

Shaquille was actually numb.

As they get closer to the Demon King, there are too many things that can subvert their three views along the way.

Originally, they had the attitude of a defeated person going to meet the victor.

But now they are just like ants going to meet the gods. "I see that the president is a little nervous. There is nothing to worry about. After all, the king is looking forward to you."

As Leon opened the last door of the auditorium.

The huge audience hall in the shape of stairs appeared in front of the noble envoys.

The eight demon apostles were arranged at different positions on the ladder according to their respective apostle status.

The first floor was okay. The white octopus Ulala didn't look vicious, but rather cute. She was curiously looking at the humans who came this time.

On the second floor were rows of high-level wise demons with human bodies and snake faces. Leon, who had led them before, quickly arrived here, leaning forward slightly in a manner of etiquette.

In the fourth row was a little girl holding a doll. She might still be cute if she ignored the butcher knife in her hand. Some of the nobles who might be interested in the young girl looked at Alice a few more times, but when they saw Alice, she actually looked over. He also smiled at them, which suddenly made many nobles feel warm in their hearts and their hearts were pounding. It turns out that the demons are not all evil, there are also beautiful beauties!

In the next few rows, they all knew the apostles such as the Great Demon, the Sword Demon, the Magic Demon, etc. These were the demons who also appeared on the battlefield and were mainly responsible for patrolling and public security in the occupied areas.

Of course, in the end, the one on the highest throne, wearing red and black armor, would never admit his mistake this time. After all, the apostles present were all looking towards the figure on the throne, lowering their heads and revealing, Kneel down.

That was the person they were going to meet, and he was also the owner of this magic tower.


"Quick, offer it up."

After Shaquille also knelt down and saluted, he immediately winked at his men. The men understood and immediately took out the beautifully packaged boxes from the back and placed them respectfully in front of Liao Yu.

"what is this?"

"King, this is an area ruled by the demons. Those ignorant humans who try to resist the demons and try to prevent the king from unifying the world. Such clowns, I have wiped out all of them on behalf of the king and put their heads on the throne!"

After a demon servant opened the lid, sure enough, there were human heads inside. The expressions on them ranged from disbelief to anger at being betrayed, to despair, to unwillingness, and so on.

"very good."

Liao Yu nodded.

When Shaquille saw the Demon King speaking and praising them, he finally felt relieved and had a smile on his face, making him more confident in the subsequent negotiations.

It's a pity that he couldn't hear the second half of Liao Yu's words in his heart.

[Very good, very consistent with the imagination of aristocrats]

This scene actually appears in the first episode.

But the initiator is the devil.

However this time.

The evil spirit has been killed by himself.

Liao Yu nodded slightly and signaled to Shaquille and other representatives of the "Human Community" that they could continue speaking. He wanted to see which one was better, the nobles or the demons.

(End of this chapter)

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