The hero who saves the world in the first eye, and the devil king in the second eye

Chapter 17 Can I show Elena the king's secret weapon?

Chapter 17 Can I show Elena the king's secret weapon?

Liao Yu: "."

No idea!

Let any adult male with a normal orientation, holding a delicate succubus in his arms all the time, have such a reaction, it is completely out of Liao Yu's control.

That's why he was so anxious, thinking that the succubus should hurry down and send her away.

"Elena, look at the time"

Liao Yu's strategy of changing the subject was blocked by the succubus with his fingers before he finished speaking.

"Wang, Elena always feels that Wang always talks nice things to Elena first, and then immediately abandons her after she is coaxed. This should be Elena's illusion. Right, king?"

Succubus looked up at Liao Yu, and blinked innocent eyes at Liao Yu.

Liao Yu
Liao Yu was sweating in his heart.

It seems that the ancients were right, no matter how easy a routine is, if it is used too much, it will be finished.

Fortunately, Elena's purpose in saying this was not to embarrass Liao Yu.

"King, this magic blade was forged from the corpses of several high-level sword demons a hundred years ago. The power of the dead souls is condensed on it, which can frighten the opponent when the king kills. At the same time, it also has a spell-breaking effect. Level [-] The following spell shields are as fragile as paper in front of this magic blade."

"Wang, this demon trident is inherited from the previous generation of great demon apostles, and it has condensed extremely terrifying blood. Hercule said that even he is difficult to control, but he has seen the king in the field before. After the sea of ​​blood flowers, Hercule thought that the king might be able to control this demonic weapon."

"King, this is the blood-stained butcher knife that Alice asked me to give you. She said that the knife has been corrupted by demons. Any creature that dies under this knife will be transformed into a corpse servant. You can give it a try if you are interested.”

"Wang, you see that there are so many weapons, which one do you prefer? Or?"

Elena's voice paused for a moment, it seemed that the dumplings made earlier were just for the next plate of vinegar.


"Wang, do you have any very powerful secret weapons in your body?"

Elena attached herself to Liao Yu's ear.

A soft voice whispered, "Can I show Elena?"

You can watch it all!

Liao Yu really couldn't help it anymore, and was even a little angry. He was a majestic devil king, and he was the son of destiny in his previous life. How could he be teased and played by a succubus like this?
He really couldn't perform the ceremony with the succubus temporarily for the sake of future plans.

But think differently.

There are many ways to punish subordinate succubi.

"Wang, um, is there anything else I need to bring? I'll have someone prepare it later, um, put it in the ring."

"there is none left!"

"Wang's interspatial ring, um, was also a trophy in human society back then. Uh huh, human beings are indeed quite talented in tinkering with these gadgets."

"I have already asked, um, the magician to seal the space ring. Only, um, the king can open it. This ring has been engraved with, um, one more spell that can disguise the appearance of a human being. The king only needs to, Well, just attach your consciousness to it."

I saw Elena next, as if she was going to demonstrate the camouflage function of the ring to Liao Yu.

With the flash of light from the ring, Eileen's succubus head horns and fluffy tail disappeared, concealed by magic, and her skin changed from grayish white to malt-colored, really human-like.

This new skin has a great impact on Liao Yu.

The humanized succubus is weird and creepy.

For Elena, Liao Yu's reaction was undoubtedly even more surprising, as if she had discovered a new continent.

Is this the original Wang's XP?


Elena didn't say anything about doubting Liao Yu.

in contrast.

It turns out that Wang's xp is human.

And man is the ruler of the world.

Sure enough, Wang's xp is to conquer the world!

Even XP is so dedicated, for the sake of the demons, Elena was deeply moved.

No matter how many thousands of words, they all turned into more loyalty to Liao Yu in the end.

[There is still time left before the demons come.
——2 hours, 41 minutes and 19 seconds]

Devil Palace.

Outer hall.

Happy times are always short-lived.

After leaving Wang's room, Elena licked the corner of her mouth.

In the corridor, in front of many demon guards, Elena regained her nobility and dignity as an apostle.

The demons passing by must stop immediately when they see Elena, and bow their heads in Elena's direction. They can only look up after Elena walks past and continue their respective business.

Demons are different from humans.

Demons have a strong hierarchy of upper and lower levels, such as succubus, a naturally high-level demon, has a detached status within the demons.

In Elena's previous dormitory, such humbleness and lowliness belonged exclusively to the devil.

It was only the side that Liao Yu could see.

In most cases, Elena is as she is now, no, not to mention ordinary demons, even to apostles of the same level, even if she is a new generation, Elena never said respect to her seniors mean.

Or even the opposite.

I saw that after leaving the Demon King's Palace where Liao Yu was, Elena's next destination was to point directly to the southwest of the chaotic fissure, in a huge grotto.

There is.
The shadow demon clan is located.

Shadow fiends are somewhat similar to bats.

They all like to live in dark and moist places.

The succubus fell from the sky and folded the wings on her back. She didn't choose to descend directly, but raised her hand and released a concealment spell to reduce the breath in her whole body to the minimum.

Afterwards, Elena walked towards the entrance of the Shadow Demon Cave.

The Shadow Fiend is the scout unit of the Demon Race.

It is the eyes of the demons.

Unfortunately, in front of Elena's apostle power, even the shadow demon hanging upside down above the cave failed to detect this outsider.

The succubus traveled unimpeded all the way, without disturbing any Shadow Demon, and easily reached the depths of the cave.

And here, there is the most unique shadow demon in a cloak.

Eileen just took another step forward, the next moment, a faint voice came from the shadow demon's cloak opposite.

"Elena, what can I do for you?"


The succubus pouted.

Somewhat unhappy.

But this is also expected.

Her disguise technique can hide it from other shadow demons, but it is impossible to hide it from Hill.

Judging from Hill's unwavering tone now.

It is possible that Hill had noticed her since she landed in the air.

Elena didn't answer Hill's words.

Can't say that either.

The succubus answered.

It's just that she didn't use words, but responded with the long whip of thorns summoned from her hands by the condensed magic power.

"Elena, I don't understand."

"what do you mean?"

Finally, Hill's tone fluctuated a bit, with a hint of strangeness, but then, only Elena waved her arm and whistled the shadow of the whip that was whipped towards her as the only answer to Hill.

The rose-colored long whip of thorns slammed hard on the ground where the Shadow Demon was just now.

The blow was so powerful that there was a muffled thunder-like sound in the cave.

On the solid rock floor, broken stones flew around, and a whip mark was left behind. It can be seen that the strength of this whip is terrifying, and there is no intention of showing mercy or releasing water at all.

"It's not interesting." Elena's slender figure stood on a rock in the Shadow Demon Cave.

With her indifferent gaze, she looked at the apostle of shadow who appeared on the other side, dodged her whip, and was now frowning at her.

The succubus said flatly:
"I just wanted to fight you."

 After correcting it eight hundred times, I finally passed the review.
(End of this chapter)

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