Chapter 18 Am I qualified to protect the king?
As the words fell, Eileen's next blow, the Whip of Thorns, also appeared in the sky above the Shadow Demon, and slammed down fiercely.

Shadow Demon might still be digesting Succubus' last sentence.

This time I was a bit caught off guard and didn't have time to dodge.

Hill forcibly took down Eileen's whip, and the shadow demon's body was instantly thrown away by the huge force of the whip, and hit the cave wall with a bang, causing a large cloud of dust to fly.

Such movement naturally disturbed the other shadow demons in the cave.

The Shadow Fiends thought it was an enemy attack, and hurried over to check in shock, but when they found out it was Elena, they were confused again, and they all stayed where they were at a loss.

Conflict between the apostles?
This is not unprecedented in the history of the demon clan.

Obviously, this is not a level they can interfere with.

So the clever and clever Shadow Demon hurriedly prepared to go to the Demon King's Palace and report to the Demon King to solve the problem.


Elena whipped the shadow demon who wanted to report.

This shadow demon almost scared the shit out of him.

After all, the whip was only a few centimeters away from him.

If this blow really hit him, the Shadow Demon would be able to understand his fate by looking at the rock fragments that were exploded next to him.

Just when the little shadow demon was struggling, hesitating whether his life was more important or reporting the news, fortunately, another voice rang out.

"You go back."

"Elena is just sparring with me."

Hill walked out from the pile of rubble just now.

She stopped her own people.

Although it looked scary to be whipped away by Elena's whip and hit the rock wall, in fact, from the current appearance of Hill, it didn't look like he was injured at all.

The bosses had already spoken, and the shadow demons who had rushed over immediately stopped meddling and hurried away, withdrawing as far as they could, as if they were making room for the two apostle bosses.

at last.

Inside the cave, a brief silence returned.

Only Hill and Elena were left.

"I can understand that, are you mad at me?"

Hill spoke first.

Seeing that Elena on the opposite side didn't speak.

Hill thought the succubus didn't understand.

Her expression just now was indeed unclear, so Shadow Demon added an expanded explanation: "Is it because the king chose to take me instead of you, so he is angry?"

Before Hill could even finish her words, an even more violent whip was whipped towards her position.

It is enough to see the anger of its owner.


This time, Hill was no longer dodging or resisting.

From under Shadow Demon's cloak, a large shadow instantly spread out, and these shadows quickly gathered behind Hill, turning into a huge shadow hand.

Hill is not a vegetarian either.

The hand of shadow met the whip of thorns drawn by Elena, and at the next moment, it caught the trajectory of the whip in the shadow of the whip quickly, and grabbed it, causing the succubus to whip suddenly And stop.

At the same time, Hill's usual indifferent voice echoed in the cave.

"I'm sorry, Elena."

"But this is the king's decision."

"If you have objections, you can raise them with the king, not me."

Hill's "I'm sorry" did little to ease the tension.

in contrast.

Seeing that his offensive was suppressed.

Elena also gained strength.

The whip of thorns grasped by the shadow's palm suddenly burst into pink flames.

The pink flames gnawed away at the shadows, and in the blink of an eye, the entire shadow palm was burned and swallowed, and he broke free from it.

The thorn whip enchanted with pink flame was waved by Elena again and attacked Shadow Demon.

Could Elena not know Hilti’s suggestion?
The previous she was actually knocking on the sidelines with Liao Yu.

It's a pity that Liao Yu's attitude is very firm.

Eileen just gave up, and she could only put all the resentment of not being able to follow the king on Shadow Demon.

This is the difference between demons and humans.

Not happy with you.

No bullshit.

Just dry.

"The king's safety is above all else. If you don't have the power to protect the king, I will call the council again and ask the king to revise the plan."

Elena found a valid reason for herself.

Can't say the same.

This is indeed one of the main reasons why she came to Shadow Demon.

To test whether Hill is qualified enough to protect the king.

And when Elena said this, Hill opposite him changed from his original indifferent attitude, as if he was accompanying Elena to trouble.

Because the nature has changed.

The former can be said to be that she, as a senior, is taking care of the emotions of the new generation, Eileen. After all, she, and all the other apostles, are in fact indebted to Eileen.

But after the succubus said these words.
The shadows in the entire cave seemed to tremble, and the environment became a little darker.

The aura on Hill's body began to rise rapidly, and the shadow under her feet became as dark as ink, spreading from the ground to the entire cave wall behind her, and finally condensed into a terrifying figure behind Hill. Shadow giant.

The shadow giant behind the spirit didn't say a word, under the control of Hill, the huge black body rushed towards the location where the succubus was.

The shadow giant seems to be incorporeal, but every step it takes is like thunder in the cave, causing the ground to tremble. Its dark palm is bigger than Elena's whole body. This palm is grabbing Elena, and it's like It's like pinching an ant.

Elena was not to be outdone, the wings of the succubus spread out in an instant, even in the narrow terrain of the cave, she was still able to do a job with ease, like a butterfly dexterously dodging the palms of the shadow giant again and again.

Dodging is not the goal, Elena found the right time, and took advantage of an attack from the shadow giant to freeze, the burning thorn whip resurfaced in her hand, the succubus behind the shadow giant pointed it at the giant's neck, and the whip roared out , and wrapped the whip tightly around the giant's neck all at once.

Roar. Roar! !

The shadow giant immediately roared, but because the neck was tightly bound by the long whip, it could only be impotent and furious, trying to tear the whip off the neck with both hands.

But it was already too late, the whip of thorns suddenly shrunk under Eileen's control, and the powder flames of thorns burning on the whip kept burning the shadow giant's whole body.

Finally, the whip tightened to the end, completely strangling the shadow giant. The pink flames completely swallowed the huge giant. The shadow giant created by Hill could no longer support it and collapsed.

That's it?

Elena was just proud, but the next moment, the smile on the succubus's face froze. She looked down at the ground of her home, and there, her shadow disappeared.

"you lose."

As Hill's usual indifferent voice rang in her ears, Elena found that her whole body was restricted and she couldn't move the semicolon at all.

Only then did the succubus realize that the shadow giant just now was just a cover-up to divert her attention.

Hill's true purpose is her shadow.

I don't know when the shadow demon appeared behind Elena, and walked around to the immobilized succubus from the side. Next to Hill, there was also Elena's "captured" shadow.

Once the shadow of the enemy's body is touched by the high-level shadow demon, there will be no suspense in the battle.

Victory and defeat.

Hill returned Elena's shadow.

Only then did the succubus regain control of her body.

However, the unconvinced Elena, like a rebellious girl playing with her temper, still wants to continue fighting.

As it turned out, Hill seemed to have expected it a long time ago. Before the succubus could react at all, several shadow hands suddenly shot out from behind Hill, directly pressing Elena firmly against the rock wall, letting the succubus No matter how hard I struggled, it was useless.

He stared calmly at the succubus who was once again suppressed by him and unable to move.

Hill still had that dull voice.


"Now I will protect the king. Am I qualified?"

(End of this chapter)

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