Chapter 19 Before leaving
Hill easily won twice in a row.

No matter how arrogant Elena is, she can only admit that indeed, as a new generation apostle, there is still a big gap in strength between her and these older generation apostles.

The succubus snorted and turned her head away.

Seeing this, Hill thought that Elena had recognized him, so he let go of the shadow that was holding the succubus on the rock wall, and very considerately, used the shadow to help the succubus land properly, so as not to fall. .

Eileen originally vented her anger, but in the end she didn't vent her anger, and instead asked for trouble. Seeing that the succubus looked bored, Hill couldn't help comforting him:

"Eileen, as an apostle of the new generation, I have seen that you, as an apostle of the new generation, can be equal to me in just a thousand years. You are the most talented among the demons, and even higher than your mother."

"I believe that it won't take long, Elena, you will be able to surpass all our apostles."

Although Hill's "evenly divided" in the first half of the sentence is a little bit concerned about Elena's emotions.

But the rating of the succubus talent in the second half of the sentence is absolutely not false, and even the prophecy that Elena will soon become the number one among the apostles, and that even the great demon Hercule will not be able to catch up, is completely serious.

Demons are different from humans.

The lifespan of the demons is almost ten thousand years.

Eileen, who has just been born for a thousand years, has already lit up the fate of the "four plastics", looking at the history of the entire demon clan, it is also extremely rare.

You know, among the apostles of the older generation who have lived for tens of thousands of years, only a few of them have reached the perfect destiny of the "Seven Plastics" Dzogchen, and the rest of the apostles, including her, are just It's just stuck in the "six plastics".

What's more, now that the summoning ritual is successful, the new demon king has arrived.

In the future, as a succubus, Elena only needs to perform the unique rituals of the succubus clan with the new king, and her strength can be improved by leaps and bounds again. It is really just around the corner to surpass the great demon Hercule.

Now that I mentioned the succubus ritual.

Hill felt a little strange and asked the succubus: "Eileen, your strength doesn't seem to be weakening as usual. Didn't you go to perform the ceremony with the new king?"

According to the tradition, on the day when the demon king is summoned, the succubus apostle should perform a ceremony with the king immediately, after which the king's power will be increased, and the succubus apostle will fall into a short period of weakness.

But Hill looked at Elena's appearance now. She was still so angry that she came to fight with her. She didn't look weak at all.


Although Elena was reluctant, she could only admit it.

"The king doesn't like you?" Hill asked with concern. After all, holding the ceremony is not a private matter of the devil king and the succubus, but a major event of the entire demon clan.

And when she heard Shadow Demon's straightforward words, Elena suddenly felt like a cat whose tail had been stepped on and whose fur had exploded.

"You *- fart!"

"It's the king who loves me and doesn't want to ask for my power at this time, so he decided to suspend the ceremony!"


Hill nodded in understanding.

After a few seconds, she seemed unable to hold back.

"If necessary, I can help you contact Alice and Dadaya, they can make Wang more sexual to you."

Hill hadn't finished imparting experience in the tone of an elder, but was immediately shut up by the angry Elena.

Seeing Shadow Demon obviously didn't believe it.

Elena was also annoyed.

In order to maintain her dignity as a succubus, Eileen lifted up her cuffs and showed Hill a magic pattern on her arm that was faint but did exist.

Pattern of Succubus.

Hilton was puzzled for a while, and the cloak under the Shadow Demon's petite body tilted his head sideways.

"Elena, you didn't mean that the king is unwilling."

"Hmph, of course I have other ways!"

Elena held her chest and head high.

A look of "don't underestimate the succubus".

There is not only one way to obtain the essence of the king.

This method is much different from the normal ritual.

Pull back the frustration.

Elena showed the succubus pattern to Hill not only to prove herself, but also for a more important purpose, and it was also the second main reason why she came to find the shadow demon.

"Hill, hold out your hand."

Although the Shadow Demon was strange, he did as he did.

But later.
When her hands overlapped with Elena's, the ritual light of the spell flashed from the succubus' body, and Hill recognized this spell as a transfer spell!

"Elena, what is this?"

"Pass the magic pattern to you." The succubus said simply.

But what goes behind this sentence is far more than that simple.

If we say that the soul stone that the evil devil had sacrificed in order to make amends to the king had consumed a lot of the evil devil's soul power.

Now the magic pattern that Elena wants to give her is equivalent to the origin of the succubus!
even more
It symbolizes the most important proof of the "bond" between the succubus and the devil!

In the follow-up ceremony, the demon king fed back his power to the succubus, and the succubus was able to ride on the demon king's ship and its strength soared because of the connection established by the "magic pattern".

It can be said that the magic pattern is the most important thing for the succubus.

But now.
Hill's shock was already expected.

While performing the transfer ceremony, Elena pretended not to care and said:
"Don't think too much, because the king and I did not perform normal rituals, so this magic pattern is only a semi-finished product. Its main function is to help the holder sense the king's current position and status, that's all."

Hearing this, Hill understood the reason why Elena did this.

"Use it to protect the king."

"Promise me not to let our demon clan lose another king, okay, Hill."

Elena's teleportation spell ended.

Succubus is obviously much weaker than before.

The semi-finished magic pattern is also a magic pattern.

It is equivalent to Elena's willingness to give half of the original power to Hill.

And purpose.
Just for Hill to better protect the king.

Why say only.

Because it can be seen from the battle just now that Shadow Demon has strong combat power, as well as powerful reconnaissance and transfer capabilities.

If there is a great danger.

The Shadow Demon is definitely the apostle who can detect it first and can evacuate most safely.

Perhaps this is also the reason why Wang chose to take Hill with him.

Even if Hill is ninety-nine percent sure that he can protect the king, Elena is still willing to devote all her efforts, even if it is only an increase of [-]%, half, or even less.

Hill was silent.

After a long time, the Shadow Apostle spoke.

"Elena, you and Diane are really alike."

Diane, the name of the previous succubus apostle.

He was also the only apostle to die in the war between humans and demons thousands of years ago. He died together with the Demon King at the hands of the Son of Destiny.

In this regard.

Elena replied:

"But I don't want you to be the same as you were a thousand years ago."

After the succubus spoke, there was another period of silence.

But this time the silence was short.

"I promise you, Elena."

"I will protect the king."

"With my real body."

The apostles all came through projection invasion and hid their true bodies in safe locations. This is why the Demon King died in battle thousands of years ago, but the remaining eight apostles survived.

In a sense, although the Demon King is a king, it is more like a tool that the Demon Race can produce in a certain period of time.

Therefore, there is a saying that the devil kings change from generation to generation, but the apostles remain unchanged - except for the succubus apostles.

Forcing Hill to come down with his real body, to protect the king, and to advance and retreat with the king, this is Elena's ultimate goal.


Hill was actually wrong.

She, Elena, was not like her mother.

When the mother was between the king and the demons, she finally chose the demons and did not force the other apostles to fight the king.

She is different.

Suppose, Elena said, Suppose, one day, the new king, her king, also encountered life-threatening danger.

Elena is sure of that.

At that time, she would not hesitate to choose the latter between the demon clan and the king.

The countless succubus apostles in the past were too stupid, including her mother.

At the moment that Hill didn't notice, a dark haze flashed across Elena's eyes, a kind of sick hollowness.

If the king does not exist.

That demon.
There is no need for this anymore.

Elena's eyes quickly returned to normal.

Of course, she would not reveal such taboo and rebellious thoughts, but just buried them in the deepest part of her heart.

The purpose here at Hill has been achieved, and the succubus is ready to leave.

But before leaving.

Elena seemed to have thought of something again, and hesitated for a while. Although she felt that it should be impossible, just in case, Elena still had to issue a serious warning to Hill.

"Hill, if I find any changes in the magic marks on your body after you come back, then"

There is only one way for the magic pattern to change.

Its owner also performed a ceremony with the Demon Lord and had a relationship.

"Then you are dead."

The succubus stared at Hill who was hiding in the shadow of the cloak, and said word for word.

It is not difficult to see that Elena has a very good attitude towards her elders and never beats around the bush.

Hill didn't react much.

She understands very well.

After all, this is the sovereignty of the succubus.

Hill returned to her usual indifferent tone and said, "You worry too much."

"I am a shadow demon, not a succubus."

"We're professionally trained."

Seeing Hill's frigid look, and seeing the Shadow Demon hiding in his cloak all year round, even Elena forgot when was the last time she saw Hill's real body.

Definitely not very pretty.

What's more, they are all tens of thousands of years old, and Wang certainly doesn't have this appetite. If he really wants to eat, he must first eat himself, a little girl who has just passed 1000 years.

Elena felt completely at ease and left with satisfaction.

[There is still time left before the demons come.
——1 hours, 17 minutes and 01 seconds]

The empty channel of the chaotic rift is also the gate for the demons to leave here and return to the world.

The magician Dadaya is personally doing the work of consolidating the "door" to ensure its stability when traveling through it.

At this moment, footsteps came from behind.

"How's the condition of the channel?" Smart Demon Leon came to make a final check.

Dadaya didn't speak, and made a gesture of invitation to Zhimo in a gentlemanly manner.

Leon stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the void passage below, and saw that the current passage, after being stabilized by the sorcerer, the space energy in it, if it was a rapid turbulent flow before, it is now a quiet stream, completely tamed Remodeled.

"Thanks for your hard work."

"It's my duty, but I wouldn't mind if Mr. Leon can help me get some more souls from the demons as condolences."

Dadaya looked regretful. It could be seen that the evil spirit was indeed a good casting material, but it was a pity that it was consumed quickly and the output was small.

Leon ignored Dardaya's obsession with magic.

He was still looking at the void passage below.

After the reinforced passage, the image from the opposite side is also clearer. Leon can clearly see that on the other side of the door, there is a world belonging to humans, a beautiful world with blue sky and white clouds.

"Dadaya, do you still remember what the world was like at the end of the war between humans and demons thousands of years ago?"

"Of course, the gray sky, the devastated land, the flames of war that have burned the entire continent, and the ground is full of wreckage and ruins, maybe it's not much better than our current chaotic rift?"

Leon nodded. Thousands of years ago, the war was so brutal that it almost destroyed the entire world.

Zhimo sighed.

"But now, a thousand years have passed, and in the hands of human beings, the world that was devastated after the war has returned to life, and it is even more beautiful than before."

Dadaya was silent for a while and then said: "So, what does Mr. Leon want to express?"

"I think maybe we demons should also learn to do something else besides destruction and plunder, such as human creativity."

"Well, it is undeniable that it is a very constructive proposal, Mr. Leon."

"However, I personally suggest that Mr. Leon better not mention this in front of other apostles, especially Elena."

Leon knew that the sorcerer was right.

Learning from humans is unacceptable to many demons, especially those who hate humans very much.

The atmosphere seemed a little stiff.

Taking advantage of the fact that there was still some time before the official arrival, Leon changed the topic to a new topic.

"Dadaya, what do you think of the new king?"

"Mr. Leon, do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

The wise demon's snake eyes glanced at Daya's crow mask.

Seeing this, the sorcerer shrugged his shoulders.

"Just kidding, if I were to make an evaluation, although I have been in contact with the king for a short time, it is difficult for me to make a systematic evaluation, but so far, I will say that our king this time is a very... Like the king of men, in every sense of the word."

"in addition."

Dadaya paused, and then said to Zhimo: "Just now, Mr. Leon also gave me this feeling."

Like. Human?
Normally, this sentence is insulting among demons.

But Leon knew Dadaya didn't mean that.

After all, Jumo is one of the few apostles who has ever had an "appreciative" attitude towards human beings.

"Do you think this is good, or bad?"

"In my opinion, nothing is absolutely good or bad, Mr. Leon, this is like spell magic, no matter how simple and simple low-level spells can be used at the right time and in the right place On the contrary, if the luxurious and powerful high-level magic is used in the wrong direction, it will be wasted in vain, and it will be counterproductive."

"It's like the Soul Curse that you cast all your magical powers on that Man of Destiny thousands of years ago?"

"I don't deny it."

Sourcing Curse.

A seventh-level high-level spell.

It needs to sacrifice enough high-level magic spells to cast it.

And once it hits, there is no way to dispel or disperse it, and the target will continue to lose vitality within a week until it dies.

Everyone thought that the destined child who was under the soul-seeking curse would die.

But the great guardian among humans gave the demons another answer.

Transfer magic.

First-order low-level spells.

The great guardian studied it to the extreme within a week, and the purpose was to transfer the curse on the Son of Destiny to himself.

Clearly, the Great Guardian succeeded.

A week later, instead of the Son of Destiny, he was exhausted by the Soul Curse.

(End of this chapter)

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