Chapter 20 History Lesson

In the eyes of the demons at the time, this was undoubtedly a bigger surprise.

After all, the Son of Destiny at that time hadn't grown up yet, he was just a budding figure, and he couldn't be called a savior at all, but the Great Guardian was comparable to Da Daya, the pillar of the human race, and the number one enemy of the demon race at that time.

Every Demon Race believes that this is a blood-earning strategy.

However, the final facts show that
"I lost that magic battle."

"I respect that great guardian. He is worthy of being the top professor of the Academy of Human Magic, and he taught me a lesson that is still fresh in my memory."

Dadaya pulled back his eyes looking into the distance, and Shumo shook his head at this memory of thousands of years ago.

Speaking of these "old friends" of mankind
"Leon, aren't you the same? Back then you used treasures to lure the Son of Destiny, and when he made a breakthrough after seizing the treasure, you led the long-awaited demon army to surround the city of the Son of Destiny, but in the end..."

Following the words of the sorcerer, Leon also recalled the period thousands of years ago.

It can be said that that should be the closest time they have killed the Son of Destiny.

The Destiny's Child couldn't stand the temptation, and directly chose to use treasures to break through.

At this time, he was completely defenseless. As long as the magic army could kill him, he would definitely be able to make him fall. There is no further possibility of progress.

"If I remember correctly, the human female commander who followed the Son of Destiny at that time defended the siege of our 20 demons with only [-] soldiers, and it lasted three days and three nights. In the end, even though there was only one soldier left in the battle, the female commander still did not choose to escape, but used herself as a shield to delay for a long time for the Son of Destiny."

In the future history, Shumo did not continue to talk about it.

After successfully breaking through, the Son of Destiny pushed back with his own strength. No, it should be said that the 30 demon army who chased them down for five days and five nights almost all chased them to their base camp. After the projections were all beheaded, they turned back and retreated.

It was also after that battle that, after losing the Wisdom Demon, the human race officially blew the horn of counterattack. Under the leadership of the Son of Destiny, who had already shown his sharpness, the Demon Race was led to failure step by step.

"Mr. Leon specially chose this time to come here, not just to reminisce with me, right?"

Shumo has lived in seclusion for many years, devoting himself to studying magic arts.

Compared with most demons, Dadaya is actually more like a scholar.

So he quickly noticed the intention behind the wise demon who came to find him at this moment of departure.

Leon didn't beat around the bush when he saw this.

Wisdom Demon said bluntly: "That's right, I hope that when we come a thousand years later, you, me, and other apostles can all be real."

real body
In the projection state, the apostles can only produce [-]% of their power.

After the projection is eliminated, although the real body will also be severely injured, it can be recovered with subsequent cultivation.

And if he came in his real body, he could indeed display his full strength, but the price was that, just like the previous generation of succubus apostles, once he was eliminated, he would really fall.

With only [-]% of the strength increase, in exchange for a great risk of death
"Leon, it seems that you really like our new king." Dadaya couldn't help sighing.

And the Wisdom Demon didn't deny it.

Leon's snake eyes were still calm, and he stated the facts: "Do you still remember the king who took the initiative to convene the meeting of the devil king last time, which one was it?"

The magician knows the answer.

Part of his job is to record history.

The previous demon king conferences, although they were called demon king conferences, were actually initiated and led by wise demons, and the king just nodded in agreement after doing it symbolically.

The powerful force value of the demons does not need the meeting at all. The king came directly with the army and swept everything with a destructive force. This is almost the portrayal of all the worlds that have been conquered by the demons before.

Just take the last few examples.

In the 176th year of the Demon God Calendar, the Hellfire Legion came to the Zerg world, and it took 19 years from invasion to complete conquest.

In the year 896 of the Demonic Calendar, the Black Beast Legion came to the Elf World. It took 31 years from invasion to complete conquest.

In the 24th year of the Demon God Calendar, the evil spirit army descended on the dragon world, and it took 57 years from invasion to complete conquest.

In the 318th year of the Demon God Calendar, the Shadow Legion came to the orc world, and it took 8 years from invasion to complete conquest.

The demon calendar is reset every thousand years, and with each demon king, the names of the demon legions are also different.

It is not difficult to see that even the mighty Dragon Clan has only supported the Demon Clan for 57 years.

So we really can’t blame previous royal capitals for perfunctory meetings.

Dadaya can also understand why Zhimo likes their new king so much.

After all, this new king is the first and fastest in history to take the initiative to convene a meeting of the Demon King. Even in the meeting, it was still guided by this king, and the Intelligent Demon became the one who helped translate the king's thoughts and strategies. foil.

Although Liao Yu traveled through the Demon King, it is difficult to change the human thinking and habits in his bones. For example, in Liao Yu's view, it is very common and normal to call his subordinates to discuss meetings before undertaking major events.

But in the eyes of the demons, it's not the case at all.

This is why Dadaya gave Liao Yu the evaluation of "like a human being".

"So Mr. Leon was sent by Elena to persuade me?" Shumo didn't directly agree or veto, he was still as gentle as ever.

The sensitive sorcerer has already noticed the movement from the shadow demon grotto, and Dadaya can guess what Elena is going to do with the shadow demon, so he asked the wise demon.

But what he got was Leon shaking his head.

"No, it's my own decision."

"Let's go here. I have to make some preparations for the king's arrival to ensure the safety of the king."

"As for you Dadaya, you don't need to reply to me now, there is still some time before we shuttle, you... think about it for yourself."

Zhimo turned and left after speaking.

Looking at Leon's back, Dadaya said: "Mr. Leon, it seems that the failure a thousand years ago really changed you a lot."

Zhimo didn't look back.

He paused, measured his head slightly, and it should be said that he added: "It also changed the demons a lot."

at last.

As Leon's figure completely walked away and disappeared.

On the side of the void channel, there was only one Jumo left.

Dadaya under the crow mask is thoughtful.

First of all, he will not come down in real body to protect the king, that's for sure.

No matter how much Leon lobbied, no matter how he gave examples of how human beings protected the defeated Demon Race, the Son of Destiny, who was the key to the war, was useless.

After all, in Jumo's view, the Demon King is his superior, and that's all.

The essence of him serving the Demon King is just to bring him a steady stream of resources when the Demons conquer worlds one by one, and to support the huge consumption of his magic research.

If it is said that he can sacrifice his life, it will only be some profound and incomparable magic.

It can fill him with fanatical curiosity, make him shudder with excitement, something unknown and new with a strong desire to explore and research.

thought here.

Dadaya lowered his head and looked at his hands that were shaking uncontrollably.

If you take off the crow mask on your face.

Dadaya believed that his expression at this time must be twisted and full of joy.

after all
A demon king like a human.

Is there any subject that fills him with more desire for exploration and research than this?
So, for this
He will follow the king and descend with his real body, advancing and retreating with the king.

The basis of all spell magic is equivalent exchange.

Since he gave Wang the greatest sincerity.

Shumo took out a green crystal from his bosom, which was the spirit of the demon. At that time, he lied to the demon, but actually strengthened the void passage, and did not use the spirit given by the demon.

but now.
Dadaya gracefully held the green crystal high. Under the powerful magic power of the magic demon, the evil spirit was crushed into powder, and was sprinkled into the void channel below by the magic demon.

Experiments require variables.

Just as he is doing now.

[There is still time left before the demons come.
——0 hours, 57 minutes and 10 seconds]

The devil's tent.

"Lord Gu Luodan, the king actually chose the magician instead of you. What a stupid decision!"

At this time, a high-ranking demon spoke angrily to the leader of their clan in the dark big tent, and scolded Liao Yu angrily.

Criticism alone is not enough.

The high-ranking demon quickly regenerated and said: "Everyone knows that our demon clan understands human beings best, and Lord Glordan, you are the king's greatest help. When we learned the results of the council, many demons I am so angry that I want to find the Demon King, and ask the Demon King for reconsideration for Mr. Guluodan!"

Cater to your superiors, please your superiors.

It has always been the habit of demons.

Glordan glanced coldly at his confidant and said, "Then you go."

Seriously, this high-ranking demon, who was still filled with righteous indignation just now, softened immediately. How dare he really let him go to see the king.

Gu Luodan obviously knew the virtues of his subordinates.

After telling his confidant demons to stop talking nonsense, Glordan thought for a while and asked, "How about the matter I asked you to investigate?"

Speaking of this, the high-level demon showed a puzzled expression on his face.

"Master Gu Luodan, I summoned five high-level demons, ten middle-level demons, and even a low-level demon. Except for the low-level demons, the other demons seem to be faintly aware that they can trigger the king's attack. talent."

The demon's gift is perception of the weak.

It's no wonder that this high-level evil demon is now surprised and confused.

After all, they all witnessed with their own eyes that when the king came, he easily crushed the two strongest peak combat powers of the demons, the sword demon and the great demon, with one against two.

But why.
Grodan didn't speak.

His dark green eyes sparkled with thought.


Grodan's voice changed.

"Where's the heart-eclipsing mirror I asked you to bring?"

"Here, Master Grodan."

The high-ranking demon quickly took out a plane mirror with a miserable green mirror surface and filled with evil breath from his arms.

After getting the mirror, Guluodan showed a few strange smiles on his gloomy face.

The words of his confidant before proved that his guess was correct.

Wang, there is definitely a problem.

But where the problem lies, Gu Luodan still needs to investigate.

But because Gulodan was already scared before, he changed his strategy. On the surface, he wanted to continue to pursue and cater to the king, and kept his investigation to reveal the true face of the king in private.

Simply put it is.
Gu Luodan wants to find a tool man to do things for him and test the king for him.

A person who is reasonable, it doesn't matter even if he is exposed, his tool will not be implicated.

That's right.

is human.

During the thousand years of being sealed in the chaotic rift, especially after a new void channel was opened up behind, Glordan was not idle. Although he couldn't get out, he could influence and radiate the human world.

Relying on this heart-eclipsing mirror.

The treasure of the demon clan.

And now.
It's time to reap the fruits.

He pretended to bleed profusely in the parliament and donated the essence used to strengthen the channel, but it was far from that simple.

I saw that as Gu Luodan operated, the pale green mirror became even brighter, and what was reflected from the mirror was the clear human world.

A senior professor at the School of Anthropology.

"Students, please turn to page 104 of the textbook. Today we will review the relevant knowledge points of "Great Guardian Melvin" that will appear in the final exam."

"In the 162nd year of the Glorious Calendar, Melvin was born in the Daran Empire, which is also known as the land of spells. Melvin, who grew up in an orphanage, shocked his teacher at the time because he proposed the theory of relativity of spells. Sponsored by the dean, he went to Daran Middle School of Magic for further study."

"In the 176th year of the Glorious Calendar, Melvin graduated from the Daran Middle School of Magic with excellent results in all subjects, and was recommended to enter the Higher Academy of Arcane Arts, and was accepted as an apprentice by the famous professor at that time, Kais."

"In the 180th year of the Glorious Calendar, Melvin won the championship of the Arcane Art Competition. At the age of 18, Melvin has lit up four arcane star tracks. In the 193th year of the Glorious Calendar, Melvin has invented a total of He mastered more than 128 low-level spells, 63 intermediate spells, and 7 high-level spells, officially becoming the leader of the magic circle."

"In the 200th year of the glorious calendar, the demons invaded, and Melvin served as the great guardian. In the 203rd year of the glorious calendar, Melvin's high-level magic lightning storm wiped out 209 demonic troops in the Gray Wind Canyon, and successfully covered the retreat of the Lionheart King. In the [-]th year of the Glorious Calendar, Melvin established the Arcane Guerrilla Force and trained a large number of outstanding mages for mankind to fight against the demons."

"In the 214th year of the Glorious Calendar, in the battle of the Marui Empire, Melvin defeated Arpad, the apostle of the sword demon. In the 219th year of the Glorious Calendar, in the battle for the Nalan River, Melvin held back one hundred thousand demon troops and protected the key canal generals. Material transfer, in the 243rd year of the glorious calendar, Melvin eliminated Sen Oli, one of the commanders of the great demon, in the 257th year of the glorious calendar, Melvin."



"In the 271st year of the Glorious Calendar, the great guardian who dedicated his life to mankind died at the hands of his beloved disciple, a traitor who was familiar with demons. The great guardian was exploited and was eventually tortured to death by the soul-killing curse of the sorcerer clan. die."

On the podium, a skinny professor is giving a serious history lesson.

However, there were less than eight or nine students in the empty classroom below.

Five of the students were lying on the table sleeping, three students were making up homework in other subjects, and only one little girl with glasses and some freckles on her face was listening carefully and taking notes.

In fact, it’s not that surprising.

after all
A male student who was sleeping on his stomach breathed a sigh of relief. He glanced at the professor who was teaching seriously on the podium, and the only freckled female student next to him who was taking notes.

The boy shook his head.

There are really people who sign up for such boring ancient history classes, isn’t it just to make up for credits?
Why are you listening to these stinky and long histories?

He also admired the professor who gave a serious lecture on the stage.

What age is it, and the demons.

Other professors are all thinking about how to get promoted and get a higher salary, and they want to climb up and get a higher professional title, but this professor is actually still studying these crappy things from thousands of years ago, an inferior race that has long been extinct.

I don't understand, I don't understand.


You can't say that, fortunately, this professor is rigid and honest, unlike other professors, even if they sleep in class, they don't care about them, and the exams are very simple, just pass them casually.

That's why he signed up for this course, right?

After clicking his tongue a few times, the male student changed into a comfortable position and continued to lie on the desk and fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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